Greetings to All,
I hope you are all staying safe. In addition to being midyear, July is also National “Make a Difference to Children” Month. 

Children are at the epicenter of our lives – not only personally but professionally as well for some of us. In my case that is true as I am a mother, a step-grandmother, a volunteer at my children’s school, as well as a Hearing Master in Juvenile Dependency Court.

Each interaction we have with children and every experience they have with us adults has the possibility of being a defining moment for them. That is why it is especially important to not only interact with children appropriately but also to be aware of the impact we make on their lives. Certain events in my life jump out as defining moments and they generally involved adults. At the top of that list are the unforgettable weeks in 1986 I spent with my uncle and his family travelling in a red Volkswagen Vanagon from San Jose, California to Vancouver, Canada for the World’s Fair. Another defining moment is the time my 7 th grade Language Arts teacher corrected my pronunciation of the word “says.” To this day I remain grateful for these two defining events.  Read more.

Today, fifteen new CASA volunteers were sworn in (virtually) by Judge Sullivan. Family Court Presiding Judge Bryce Duckworth and Juvenile Hearing Master Adriana Rincon-White were also in attendance along with the Nevada State Director, Jane Saint.

These new CASA volunteers were the very first group to complete 30 hours of the virtual training. This virtual flex training curriculum which was newly created by National CASA/ GAL Association, includes 15 hours of independent online activities and 15 hours of virtually facilitated classroom material.

These CASA volunteers are now assigned to advocate for the best interest of 40 children in foster care. Congratulations and welcome to the CASA Program!
Introducing the New Executive Director: Kim Coats

The CASA Foundation Las Vegas is excited to announce the appointment of Kimberly Coats as executive director. Ms. Coats will be the CASA Foundation's first director since the organization launched in 1983. Thanks to many generous local donors, the CASA Foundation is able to support the Clark County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Program and identify and fund the individual needs of abused and neglected children in foster care in Las Vegas.
Kimberly Coats has a long history working with children in care within the CASA program. She became a volunteer in 1993 with the Jackson County (Kansas City area) CASA program and served as a volunteer advocating for sixteen children from 1993 until 1997. She was elected President of the Missouri CASA State Board of Directors in 1999 and also served on the National CASA Board of Directors from 2001 – 2003. Upon moving to Las Vegas in 2003, Kimberly became a CASA volunteer in Clark County. During her tenure in Las Vegas, she was privileged to advocate for children in two high profile, complex cases. Read more .
Are you interested in becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer assigned to advocate for the best interest of a child in foster care? We need your help!

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers provide advocacy for children who have been abused and neglected so that the children can thrive in safe and permanent homes.
