CASA Minnesota

GAL news & updates

July 2022| Issue 4 Newsletter for Volunteer Guardians ad Litem and Supporters

No Community involvement or transparency needed, really?

Mike Tikkanen - CASA Board member, former GAL volunteer and leader of Kids at Risk Action

This is just wrong on all levels. The state of Minnesota guardian ad litem program management has been requesting payroll appropriations over the last few years to add more paid guardians, which by itself is terrific and volunteer GALs actually lobbied on behalf of this effort. What was not disclosed was that the volunteer guardian program would be phased out. We strongly believe that this was misleading to the public and the state legislators. During a recent legislative hearing on the volunteer program, Rep. Kristin Robbins (R) called out this non disclosure and Rep. Edelson (D) referred to program management's answers as "non answers".

As we create more community awareness around these planned changes, and the media begins to investigate what is truly going on here, the entire legislature will take notice and we are hopeful the situation will be corrected. It is our opinion that the program is putting the kids and future appropriations at risk if it does not course correct. There is bipartisan concern and support building around the treatment of volunteers and how appropriations are being utilized.

We can fix this, there is now adequate funding not only for a strong paid staff but also to supervise a meaningful volunteer program. We all know volunteers pull in the community, increase all resources, create transparency, and increase confidence in the judicial and child protection system. 

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Did you know that anyone can request a grant?

CASA Cares provides grants to benefit the personal growth and development of foster children in the child protection system. We consider grant requests for children who are living in foster care with active cases, for items or activities not otherwise provided for by public funds. Requests often include bikes, school supplies, dance regalia, senior pictures, prom attire, camp fees, and much more. A huge thank you to Liz Ekholm and the CASA Cares committee who review, approve and deliver the grants! 

Grant Application

Appreciation event was a hit!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend last month's volunteer appreciation event! We enjoyed great in-person conversation, food and music. The caterer, Pimento Kitchen, was so impressed with our cause that they want to donate free catering for our next event. Some of us were discussing bringing back Trivia Night as a fund raiser. Please send in your ideas too.

Event Input

Constituent Meetings Everyone can help!

We are asking for everyone's help - volunteers and supporters - to inform our state reps and state senators about the role and value of volunteer GALs. 

We use volunteers to organize our efforts and help plan and execute constituent meetings. Meetings are on zoom or in person. We will be resubmitting a bill supporting volunteers in the next legislative session and asking for a share of appropriations.

Please let us know that you want to help!

I want to help!

Tools and Technology

We are requesting more information and help from the state program regarding the tools and technology we all use as volunteers, including unique emails for volunteers which are still planned to come soon. Please submit your questions and needs and we will include them in our work. 

Tech Questions

Celebrating Fosters and Education

Ariana Guerra - Foster, Volunteer GAL and CASA Board member

This past month, CASA MN sought to give back to Fosters who unfortunately are often overlooked when it comes to support - those aging out of the system. 

While many of their peers are celebrating graduation, preparing for college, or whatever is next in their lives, many Fosters are gearing up to transition out of foster care with little to no support. 

We were fortunate to partner with Foster Advocates this past month and help celebrate the Fosters who either graduated high school, or are working hard towards it. With this financial gift, they are empowered to use it how they wish as they prepare for a bright future ahead! Learn more about the work of Foster Advocates below. 

Foster Advocates is not just our name; it’s what we do. Founded in 2018 to address the lack of a central agency focused on improving child welfare in Minnesota, we foster advocacy, policy change, and organizing for systems change by partnering with Fosters and impacted communities. Our work serves the 17,000 current, and uncounted former, Fosters across Minnesota, where low-income, Black and Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ residents are deeply overrepresented. We create an outsized impact through a focus on relationships, research, and reform.

The Fostering Education Initiative is a leadership program envisioned by Fosters. FEI provides 1:1 coaching and peer support, focusing on getting Fosters to and through postsecondary programs. Foster Advocates' staff support Fosters by:

1. Supporting leadership and self-advocacy

2. Connecting Fosters to peers and professionals

3. Discussing college options and the college process

4. Providing referrals and resources to ensure needs are met

We want to continue highlighting the three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  to which we are all accountableChild Contacts, Court Report Compliance and Court Hearing attendance

The KPIs monitor the following program expectations: 

90% of children assigned a Guardian ad Litem will be seen in person by their Guardian ad Litem each month. 

100% of court hearings that require a Guardian ad Litem report will have a timely filed court report.

100% of court hearings will be attended by the assigned Guardian ad Litem.

The slightly lower expectation for child contacts reflects the understanding that not every child can be seen every month due to circumstances beyond the Guardian ad Litem’s control.

Please check in with your coordinator to ensure your metrics are good!

Financial Literacy Program Learn more and how to nominate a qualified foster youth

CASA Minnesota is proud to be partner with KARA + On Fire Ministry to sponsor qualified foster youth to participate in a new financial literacy program. If you know of an 18+ year old foster youth who would benefit from a financial literacy program please nominate them now!

Nominate or ask for more details

Continuing Education Hours

It is a new fiscal year and it remains critical that we all complete 15 hours of continuing education with 3 of the hours being Equity and Inclusion related, by June 30, 2023.

Looking for an easy way to make a financial donation to CASA MN, please try the donate button below. It's always a great time to give!


Not too late for Summer Camps and more!

We are working with a generous donor to promote grant opportunities focused on camps. From camps in the city to north woods experiences, we want to provide more kids with more opportunities.

Please apply for all types of camps year around through the CASA Cares program.

Grant Application

Saving our Volunteer Program - Now, Next, Future


A Message from CASA Minnesota Board President Gerard Bodell

Right NOW volunteers are busy working to organize our efforts to hold constituent meetings with our legislators. We will be supporting easy ways for you to meet via zoom or in person with your state representative and senator. We will prepare you for these opportunities and be there to support and advocate too. The purpose of these constituent meetings is to educate about the role of the guardian ad litem, discuss the current state of the volunteer program and to ask for their support as we continue our work on legislation strengthening the volunteer role in Minnesota.

NEXT we will continue to work with Rep. Edelson to submit an even better bill in the 2023 session. We are only getting started on this journey and learning how to navigate and be successful in the political and legislative arenas. Bipartisan support is strong as awareness grows around the need to strengthen the volunteer program. 

The FUTURE holds an important place for CASA Minnesota, National CASA and you the Volunteer! Remember, there are over 93,000 volunteers doing this work in 950 state and local organizations across 49 states plus DC. We are not going away, not now, not ever!

Please let us know that you will help with constituent meetings by emailing or email/call me directly. 

As many of you do, please reach and share your advice, comments and ideas - all are welcome!



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