SAFE Homes
Support Alcohol Free Environments
The purpose of the SAFE (Support Alcohol Free Environments) Homes network is to create a directory of parents who share core beliefs concerning the prevention of teenage drug and alcohol use. The network encourages communication between parents to increase the safety of our teens.
Participation is voluntary. By signing the pledge, parents agree to do their best to uphold the points of the pledge to help keep our youth safe, supervised, and drug/alcohol free.
Parents who sign the pledge will be entered in CASA's Safe Homes directory which will be accessible on CASA's website.
When a child asks to go to a friend's home, parents will be able to look for the friend's name and see if the parents have signed the pledge to do their best to keep youth safe while he or she is visiting their home.
Please know the pledge is NOT a legally binding document; it is a set of guidelines to help prevent and reduce underage drinking and drug use in our community:
- The use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs by underage youth will not be permitted or condoned while in our home or on our property.
- I agree to provide active supervision at all gatherings of underage youth in my home or on my property. In the event I am unable to supervise a gathering, I will not permit my children to host a gathering at my home.
- I encourage communication from other parents who observe my child using alcohol or drugs.
To join our SAFE Homes network, click here to fill out our signup form.
College 101 & Binge Drinking
Talk2Prevent . . . A Tragedy
 Earlier this month, Manhasset High School (MHS) hosted College 101 for graduating seniors in coordination with district administration, faculty, CASA, and the SCA. One program, the Red Watch Band, provided students with
accurate information about the dangers of binge drinking and discussed when, where, and how to get help when every second counts to prevent a tragedy.
With thousands of students transported to the emergency room each year for alcohol overdoses, we also encourage parents to Talk2Prevent the tragedy of binge drinking which occurs when high levels of alcohol suppress the nervous and respiratory systems. Explain to your teen New York State's 911 Good Samaritan Law as teens are afraid to call police and can delay lifesaving help to revive an overdosed peer.
Since the effects of alcohol can be deceptive to a teen or young adult under the age of 21,
explain to them
the reasons why underage drinking is dangerous
and how it affects the human body
and the teen brain
: when teens drink alcohol, they may temporarily feel elated and happy, but their blood alcohol content rises and the effects on the body and potential risks multiply. Inhibitions and memory become affected, so people may say and do things they regret later and possibly not remember doing.
Decision-making skills are also affected, increasing the risk of having an alcohol-related traffic crash, getting into a fight, or making unwise decisions about sex. Coordination, speech, and vision are also impacted.
Alcohol poisoning can even lead to death if someone drinks too much and passes out. Reflexes like gagging and breathing can be suppressed resulting in choking or stopping of breathing.
Signs of this can include: slow or irregular breathing, vomiting, confusion, loss of consciousness, or coma, and hypothermia or low body temperature, bluish or pale skin.
Binge drinking is not a right of passage. An alcohol overdose can lead to permanent brain damage or death. Encourage your t(w)een and young adult to always call 911 if they suspect their friends are experiencing an alcohol overdose. It just might save a life.
Congratulations CASA, GSA Youth &
Class of 2017!
Seniors Ivy Jin, Sara Wong and Jenna Weitman Honored
Congratulations to Manhasset High School Seniors Ivy Jin and Sara Wong as they were awarded Manhasset CASA's Youth Club Award of Excellence at Manhasset High School's recent Senior Awards Ceremony.
Ivy and Sara participated as officers of CASA's Youth Club and its Drug Free Communities Support Program Coalition. Their level of commitment, hours of service and dedication as positive youth role models has made a significant difference in the lives of Manhasset youth!
In addition, congratulations to Jenna Weitman for receiving CASA's Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Senior Award. Jenna was recognized for her sustained and selfless contribution to the school community. In addition, she worked to advocate for policies that protect all youth from harassment and bullying not only across sexual orientation but across race, ethnicity and class lines.
We wish Ivy, Sara, Jenna and the entire Class of 2017 success in college or the workplace!
CASA Youth Produce Generation Rx Game Show
Collaboration with PATV to prevent prescription drug misuse
Special thanks to the Manhasset CASA Youth Club and its Advisor, Traci LeDour, for their hard work producing a fun and educational game show and public service announcement about the dangers and prevention of prescription drug misuse.
Over the past year, CASA Youth Club members have contributed to our Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practice for Life Initiative. For their most recent effort, students developed a trivia game show addressing Prescription Drug Misuse F
acts and Myths,
Stats and Trends,
Drug Classifications and
Safe Rx Practices.
Working with the Teen TV Project at Public Access Television, the students recorded the show and a PSA in PATV's Lake Success studio. The program will air on CASA's Prevention through Connection Series which seeks to connect parents and caregivers with important resources and tools to help their t(w)eens navigate healthy choices during adolescence. CASA's series is broadcast on PATV's Channel 20 (Cablevision) and 37 (Verizon FIOS) on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. and is also available on CASA's website.
Click here to see the Manhasset CASA Youth Club's Trivia Game Show and PSA!
Summer Opioid Education & Naloxone Training
Help Save the Life of a Love One
Every day, at least one Long Islander dies from an opiate overdose. Nassau County residents can learn more about Long Island's Opioid Epidemic on Thursday, July 13th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the East Meadow Fire Department at 197
East Meadow Avenue, East Meadow. Parking is available across the street in the shopping center or library.
The presentation will discuss
the signs of an opiate overdose, h
ow to reverse an opiate overdose as well as
new treatment approaches in opioid treatment and recovery.
Participants must be 18 and over to receive Naloxone,
the overdose reversal kit.
SAVE the DATE & Join Us!
CASA Meetings, Programs and More!
CASA has existed since 2001 as a resource to reduce the illegal, underage use of alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drugs among its youth. We strive to reach youth before they are in trouble by connecting parents, school, community and youth as partners in this common goal. We encourage you to join our fall coalition meetings, events and prevention education programs:
Saturday, September 9th 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Shed the Meds at Shelter Rock School
Thursday, October 5th 9:00am CASA Sector Meeting
MPS Central Administration Building Community Room
Wednesday, October 18th
9:30 a.m. at Munsey Park School or
7:30 p.m. at Shelter Rock School
Internet Safety Presentation for Parents
SCA MP/SR Joint Parent Council Meeting will feature r
etired Nassau County Police Officer Sharon Galvin who
will address internet safety, inappropriate texting, as well as the importance of parent communication regarding limits to social media use by adolescents.
Wednesday, October 25th 7:30pm Manhasset High School Auditorium
Forgiving Kevin will be presented by Larry Glenz, a former Lynbrook teacher and coach who lost his son to a heroin overdose. It is the true story of the father/son relationship during the son's seven years of addiction, recovery and eventual fatal overdose. Following the program, the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence will provide Naloxone training. All can participate in the training but you must be 18 to receive a naloxone kit. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AND WILL BE AVAILABLE IN EARLY FALL.
Tuesday, November 14th MHS School Gymnasium
3:30pm (Grades 9-12) and 5:30pm (Grades 7/8 & Parents)
Stephen Hill, age 27, will speak candidly about
his experience playing up on his Varsity Lacrosse Team including underage drinking and substance misuse and the addiction that eventually took over his life. He has presented his program, Speak Sobriety, to thousands of teens and adults.
Thursdays: November 2, 9 & 16 at Manhasset Public Library
Active Parenting for Teens is a three part evidence based parent education program for parents with children in grades 7-12. The series features Tim Jahn, M.Ed, from the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County's Family Health and Wellness Program. The three part series addresses
parents' communication strategies and understanding teen goals to avoid power struggles and provide them with tools to behave in a responsible and healthy way.
Free Family Education Series at Seafield
Open to all Residents
Seafield Center's Family Education Series continues for residents who are impacted by addiction. The free family program provides information regarding various aspects of addiction, treatment, therapy and codependency and enabling behaviors. Join Seafield for its evening
Family Support Group Sessions or Alcohol/Drug Addiction/Recovery Process & its impact on the family.
All residents are invited to attend the series held at 585 Plandome Road, Manhasset. For more information call Merrit Hartblay, MSW, CASAC at (516) 812-9944 extension 1705.