september | septembre 2018
CASN Websites | Sites web de l'ACESI
News | Nouvelles
November 19-21, 2018 | 19-21 novembre 2018
2018 CASN Elections
Élections de l'ACESI 2018
Nominations for CASN Board of Directors, Awards & Nominations Committee, and Accreditation Bureau (CAB)
Deadline: November 9, 2018 More...

Mises en candidature au conseil d'administration, au comité des mises en candidature et prix d'excellence et au Bureau de l’agrément (BAA) de l’ACESI
Date limite pour mises en candidature : le 9 novembre 2018 Suite...
Notes on Nursing Scholarship
Réflexions sur l'avancement des connaissances en sciences infirmières
Now accepting submissions ! Knowledge Synthesis and Innovation Transfer
CASN's Notes on Nursing Scholarship newsletter is a chance for you to share what you're working on with others, and to learn about work happening across the country. More...

Nous acceptons les soumissions! Synthèse et transfert novateur des connaissances
Le bulletin d'information de l'ACESI - Réflexions sur l'avancement des connaissances en sciences infirmières est l'occasion de partager les détails de vos projets en cours, et d'en apprendre davantage sur les travaux de vos collègues à travers le pays. Suite...
Read the latest from the Palliative and End-of-Life Care Interest Group!
New Resources | Nouvelles ressources
Learning Outcomes for Patient Safety in Undergraduate Nursing Curricula

Résultats d’apprentissage sur la sécurité des patients dans les programmes de sciences infirmières de premier cycle
CASN, in partnership with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, is pleased to announce the development of Learning Outcomes for Patient Safety in Undergraduate Nursing Curricula. These learning outcomes, intended for graduates of baccalaureate programs of nursing, simultaneously reflect the CPSI Interprofessional Safety Competencies and the guiding principles of the CASN National Education Framework. More...

L’ACESI et l’Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients (ICSP) ont le plaisir d’annoncer l’élaboration des Résultats d’apprentissage sur la sécurité des patients dans les programmes de sciences infirmières de premier cycle. Ces résultats d’apprentissage à l’intention des diplômées de programmes de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières reflètent également les compétences de sécurité interprofessionnelles de l’ICSP et les principes directeurs du Cadre national de l’ACESI sur la formation infirmière. Suite...
Research Methodology
Presenter/Présentatrice: Martine Puts
Linda Johnston
Sep 20 2018

Renforcement des capacités pour améliorer la recherche et la collaboration
Pauline Paul
Oct 18 2018
Intervention Research
Anita Molzahn
Nov 8 2018

Knowledge Translation in the Global Context
Presenter/Présentatrice: Rosemary Wilson
Moderator/Animatrice: Marilyn Macdonald

Jan 17 2019 
Addressing challenges in measurement / instrument development
Presenter/Présentatrice: Evelyn Kennedy
Moderator/Animatrice: TBD

Feb 14 2019
How To Build a Program of Research
Presenter/Présentatrice: Linda McGillis Hall
Netha Dyck

Mar 14 2019 
Upcoming CNEI Courses
Cours à venir à l'ICIE
November 1 & 2, 2018
Registration deadline: October 17, 2018

1 et 2 novembre 2018
Clôture des inscriptions : le 17 octobre 2018

Nursing Notices | Avis infirmière
The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) is pleased to announce the: "Speaking with Seniors" nursing student writing contest!
We ask you to consider incorporating a written assignment into the curriculum of your nursing program (RPN, RN or RPN-RN) for the 2018-2019 academic year (Sept 2018-March 2019), with the objective of having students interview an older adults they care for and/or interact with to better understand the perspective and experience of older adults living in Canada.
We ask that the students speak to the question: "What knowledge or skills do you think nurses need to have to care for seniors living in Canada?" and that entries be between 500 - 1000 words. Where appropriate, photographs can be inserted with consent and permissions. The specifics of the assignment are left to you, but we would like to encourage participation in this contest by offering students and schools to submit assignments for consideration to be published in our CGNA newsletter, CGNA Perspectives journal, and announced and promoted at our biennial conference in May 2019 in Calgary, AB.
Please plan to incorporate an assignment such as this into your curriculum, and let us know you will be participating by following us/contacting us on our social media channels: Facebook and Twitter .
If you have any questions about the contest or its parameters, please contact: Heidi Holmes, Director of Communications for CGNA at .
Events | Événements

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Visitez nos partenaires
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières