We ask you to consider incorporating a written assignment into the curriculum of your nursing program (RPN, RN or RPN-RN) for the 2018-2019 academic year (Sept 2018-March 2019), with the objective of having students interview an older adults they care for and/or interact with to better understand the perspective and experience of older adults living in Canada.
We ask that the students speak to the question: "What knowledge or skills do you think nurses need to have to care for seniors living in Canada?" and that entries be between 500 - 1000 words. Where appropriate, photographs can be inserted with consent and permissions. The specifics of the assignment are left to you, but we would like to encourage participation in this contest by offering students and schools to submit assignments for consideration to be published in our CGNA newsletter, CGNA Perspectives journal, and announced and promoted at our biennial conference in May 2019 in Calgary, AB.
Please plan to incorporate an assignment such as this into your curriculum, and let us know you will be participating by following us/contacting us on our social media channels:
If you have any questions about the contest or its parameters, please contact: Heidi Holmes, Director of Communications for CGNA at