december | décembre 2020
News | Nouvelles
The CASN Nursing Education Virtual Conference is rescheduled for the week of May 3, 2021. Our plan is to honour the accepted abstracts from the 2020 cancelled conference. We will also be putting out a call for new abstracts submissions for the 2021 conference. Stay tuned for details! 

La Conférence virtuelle sur l’enseignement des sciences infirmières de l’ACESI est reportée à la semaine du 3 mai 2021. Notre objectif est de maintenir tous les résumés qui ont déjà été retenus dans le cadre de la conférence annulée de 2020. De plus, nous lancerons un nouvel appel de soumissions de résumés pour la conférence 2021. Restez à l’affut pour de plus amples renseignements!
CASN is pleased to announce the recent launch of a new discussion paper entitled Framework of Strategies for Nursing Education to Respond to the Calls to Action of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, developed by the CASN Truth and Reconciliation Task Force in partnership with the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA).

The purpose of this paper is to provide national support for reconciliation by fostering reflection related to decolonization and indigenization and by offering direction to schools of nursing in responding to the TRC Calls to Action. The discussion paper is freely available in French and English on the CASN website.
L’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières (ACESI) est fière d’annoncer le lancement d’un nouveau document de discussion intitulé Cadre stratégique en matière de formation infirmière, en réponse aux appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, élaboré par le groupe de travail de l’ACESI sur la vérité et réconciliation en collaboration avec la Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA). 

Ce document vise à fournir un soutien national à la réconciliation et offre des conseils aux écoles de sciences infirmières dans leurs réponses aux appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation (CVR). Ce document est disponible gratuitement en anglais et en français sur le site Web de l’ACESI.
Global Standards for Professional Nursing Education: The Time is Now

CASN’s Executive Director, Dr. Cynthia Baker, has authored the “Global Standards for Professional Nursing Education: The Time is Now” article with fellow Global Alliance for Leadership in Nursing Education and Science (GANES) members Dr. Ann H. Cary of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and Dr. Maria da Conceicao Bento of the Assocoación Latino Americana Escuelas y Faculadade de Enfermeria (ALADEFE). The article was recently published in ScienceDirect’s Journal of Professional Nursing. 

This paper discusses the multinational methodology that the Global Alliance for Nursing Education and Sciences (GANES) undertook to develop a global framework for professional nursing education and the policy implications that emerged from this Global Pillars Framework.

Read or download the article for free
until December 20, 2020 here:
Global Standards for Professional Nursing Education: The Time is Now

La directrice générale de l’ACESI, Cynthia Baker, inf., Ph. D., signe un article intitulé “Global Standards for Professional Nursing Education: The Time is Now” avec ses collègues membres de la Global Alliance for Leadership in Nursing Education and Science (GANES) - Ann H. Cary, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) et Maria da Conceicao Bento, Assocoación Latino Americana Escuelas y Faculadade de Enfermeria (ALADEFE). L’article a été récemment publié dans la revue Journal of Professional Nursing sur ScienceDirect.

Cet article discute de la méthodologie multinationale que la GANES a entreprise afin d’élaborer le cadre mondial pour la formation infirmière et les incidences politiques des piliers à l’échelle mondiale de formation en sciences infirmières.

Lire ou télécharger gratuitement l’article jusqu’au 20 décembre ici :
Webinar: Recommendations for educating future nurse scientists to lead effective digital health interventions

This webinar is a special presentation organized by the Canadian Association of School of Nursing (CASN) Digital Health Interest Group. It will take place on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 from 1500- 1600hrs EST. Registration closes Tuesday, December 8 at 2359hrs. 

The implementation of digital health interventions in populations with chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, asthma, depression) has been shown to simplify condition management, improve quality of care and patient outcomes, and enhance information sharing between patients, caregivers and providers. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the need for effective digital health interventions for use in patient care. Nurse scientists are well-positioned to lead this digital health intervention research, however, in order to move the science of digital health research forward, a standardized set of competencies for educating future nurse scientists to conduct this work must be developed.

To register and learn more about the event, click here.
E-Resource for Nursing Education on Climate-Driven Vector-Borne Disease

Coming in 2021, CASN will create a free, open-access e-resource that will address the learning outcomes contained in the Guidelines for Undergraduate Nursing Education on Climate-Driven Vector-Borne Diseases. Ultimately, CASN aims to support nurse educators in preparing future nurses to care for individuals, families, communities and populations affected by, or at risk of being affected by, climate-driven VBDsMore...

Ressource électronique de formation infirmière sur les maladies à transmission vectorielle liées à la variabilité climatique

En 2021, l’ACESI créera une ressource électronique gratuite à accès libre pour aborder les résultats d’apprentissage figurant dans les Lignes directrices de formation infirmière de premier cycle sur les maladies à transmission vectorielle liées à la variabilité climatique. L’objectif de l’ACESI est de soutenir les infirmières enseignantes afin qu’elles puissent préparer les infirmières futures à soigner les individus, les familles, les communautés et les populations touchés ou risquant d’être touché par les MTV liées à la variabilité climatique. Suite...
Sonya Grypma takes on ‘awesome responsibility’ of university’s COVID-19 response

CASN’s Past President, Sonya Grypma, PhD, RN, was interviewed for Canadian Nurse. The article was released as part of National Nursing Students' Week, which took place from November 15 to 21, 2020.

“Collectively, Canadian nursing educators have a mandate to oversee the safety of thousands of students and hundreds of faculty and staff during the time of COVID-19. It is an awesome responsibility,” says Sonya Grypma.

In the early days of COVID-19, nurses in higher education across Canada quickly realized that they could not afford to wait for others to figure out a pandemic response for them.

Instead, they joined forces, drawing on principles and emerging evidence, sharing ideas and resources to help guide their respective nursing programs toward decisions that were both safe and sound.

Réponse de l’université à la COVID-19 : Sonya Grypma accepte cette « formidable responsabilité »

La présidente sortante de l’ACESI, Sonya Grypma, PhD, RN a accordé un entretien à la revue Canadian Nurse. L’article a été diffusé dans la cadre de la semaine nationale des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s qui a eu lieu du 15 au 21 novembre 2020.

« Collectivement, les enseignants en sciences infirmières au Canada ont pour mission de veiller à la sécurité de milliers d’étudiants et de centaines d’enseignants et d’employés pendant la pandémie. C’est une formidable responsabilité », souligne Sonya Grypma.

Au tout début de la COVID-19, les infirmières et infirmiers des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaires du Canada ont vite compris qu’attendre que d’autres trouvent pour eux comment lutter contre la pandémie ne serait pas une option.

Ils ont plutôt conjugué leurs efforts et se sont appuyés sur les principes et les données émergentes et ont mis en commun leurs idées et leurs ressources pour guider leurs programmes d’études respectifs vers des décisions à la fois sûres et solides.

The Role of the Nurse Educator in Canada

A new textbook published by CASN!
Co-edited by Dr. Karin Page Cutrara and Dr. Patricia Bradley

This comprehensive text offers essential information for excelling in the Canadian academic nurse educator role. Experienced academic educators, as well as novice instructors in nursing education, will find foundational and current practice concepts that include philosophy, learning theories, course and curriculum development, program evaluation, teaching-learning strategies, simulation, interprofessional and intraprofessional approaches, diversity and the indigenous learner, assessment and evaluation techniques, leadership, mentorship, and scholarship. The content reflects the Canadian Association Schools of Nuring (CASN) standards for excellence for undergraduate and undergraduate academic nurse educators and assists the reader with preparing for the Canadian Certified Nurse Educator (CCNE) Certification examination.

The respected contributors from across Canada share research and evidence and provide essential teaching approaches in this landmark text. Each chapter includes learning outcomes and helpful graphics and tables. The theoretical and practice-focused content recognizes the specialized practice of nursing education knowledge and expertise. The text supports the achievement of nurse educator competencies and fosters excellence in this role in Canada.

This text is available in PDF for purchase on CASN's website.
Upcoming CNEI Courses
Cours à venir à l'ICIE
Keeping up with Care: Evidence Based Practice in a Virtual World
Starts February 17, 2021 ONLINE

S’adapter aux soins : la pratique fondée sur des données probantes dans un monde virtuel
Commence le 17 février 2021 EN LIGNE
Implementing Interprofessional Education: Best Evidence, Strategies and Experiences
Starts April 19, 2021 ONLINE

Mise en œuvre de la formation interprofessionnelle: meilleure preuve, stratégies et expériences
Commence le 19 avril 2021 EN LIGNE
Webinar concept with interface and world map on blue background
2020-2021 Lunch and Learn Series

Les dîners-conférences 2020-2021

Theme: nursing education during COVID 19
Thème : la formation infirmière pendant la COVID-19

  • January 18, 2021: Virtual Simulation and Clinical Education with Jane Tyerman & Marian Luctkar-Flude
  • February 16, 2021: Mental Health and Resiliency with Linda Silas
  • March 17, 2021: Supporting At-Risk Populations with David Wright
CASN Nurse Educator Interest Groups
Registration now open!

CASN is launching a new Interest Group by popular demand on Leadership, Management and Policy in Nursing Education. Join today!

Groupes d’intérêts de l’ACESI pour infirmières enseignantes
Inscriptions sont maintenant ouverts!

À la demande générale, l'ACESI lance un nouveau groupe d'intérêt : Leadership, gestion et politiques en formation infirmière.  Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant!  
Nursing Notices | Avis infirmière
The Nurse Practitioner Medical Abortion Study Survey

Are you a nurse practitioner (NP) in Canada? We want to hear from you! 

Help us improve the implementation of medical abortion in Canada by sharing your experiences!

You are invited to complete a 20-minute survey for the “CART NP Mifepristone Implementation Study”. This study explores the challenges and opportunities for increasing access to nurse practitioner (NP) provided medical abortion (mifepristone / misoprostol) services in Canada. 

Eligible participants include NPs who are:
  • Currently providing medical abortion; or
  • Not currently providing medical abortion

Respondents will be entered to win an iPad for their participation in the survey.

to learn more about this study and to participate. 
Questionnaire de l'étude sur l'avortement médical fourni par les infirmier(-ière)s practicien(ne)s

Êtes-vous un(e) infirmier(ère) praticien(ne) (IP) au Canada? Nous aimerions avoir votre avis!

Aidez-nous à améliorer la mise en oeuvre de l'avortement médical au Canada en partageant vos expériences!

Nous vous invitons à répondre à un questionnaire de 20 minutes dans le cadre de l’Étude canadienne sur les avortements médicaux avec la mifépristone fournis par les IP (The CART Canadian Nurse Practitioner Mifepristone Implementation Study). Cette étude explore les défis et les possibilités d’améliorer l'accès aux services d'avortement médical (mifépristone / misoprostol) fournis par les infirmier(ère)s praticien(ne)s (IP) au Canada.

Les participant(e)s admissibles sont les IP qui :
  •  Fournissent actuellement l’avortement médical ; ou
  • Ne fournissent pas actuellement d’avortement médical.

Les répondant(e)s auront la possibilité de gagner un iPad pour leur participation au questionnaire. 

Consultez pour en savoir plus sur cette étude et pour participer.
Faculty Knowledge of Global Health and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Do you teach (didactic, clinical or simulation) in a Canadian baccalaureate nursing program? If so, you are being invited to take part in a research study.

You are being asked to complete an anonymous electronic survey. The survey has demographic and background questions and a global health competencies instrument. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The purpose of this research is to identify the knowledge of global health and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among nursing faculty members.

You may open the survey in your web browser by clicking the link below:
Recruiting for the inaugural Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Leadership in Health Equity

The Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University, seeks an accomplished academic to join a leading edge School of Nursing with a 100-year history of academic and research excellence as the inaugural Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Leadership in Health Equity. To support this exciting research initiative, Nursing is seeking an academic colleague at the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor in a Tenured position, who will also be the Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Leadership in Health Equity, for a term of five-years, renewable.

For more information, click here.
International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship (IJNSS) 

Attention Nursing Faculty and their undergraduate and graduate students:

Please consider submitting an article to the peer reviewed journal called: 
International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship:  

The International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship (IJNSS) was created to provide the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate nursing students to publish their scholarly papers that have been completed as course assignments. Please invite your course professor(s) to be included as one of the authors, and who thus would provide editorial assistance for modifications of the final version of the manuscript.

Submissions will also be accepted from students in related health disciplines if they have completed course work that is applicable to the discipline and profession of nursing in particular or to health and human services in general. The aim is to facilitate interprofessional / collaborative learning, foster an interest in research and its dissemination, and promote innovations in health care practice.

Please invite your course professor, faculty advisor, or thesis supervisor to be a joint author with you. See info re: submission on the University of Calgary website:
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Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières