April 2022 |Avril 2022
Building Nursing Capacity in
United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Canada
Free Nursing Education Forum
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Join us on International Nurses Day for a collaborative forum focused on building nursing capacity in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Canada. Forum partners United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health & Prevention, Emirates Health Services, Abu Dhabi Health Services Co., Emirates Nursing Association, and CASN have planned an informative exchange of presentations from nurse educators and government representatives from Canada and the UAE. Topics include nursing competencies and Canadian graduate programs available to international students. Forum registration will be free with event sponsorship by the Canada-UAE Business Council. Ce forum est offert en anglais seulement. For details, click here.
Creating a Nursing Peer Mentorship Program:
Benefits to Students’ Health and Wellbeing
A collaborative initiative between faculty and students

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST

As part of National Nursing Week, the CASN Mental Health Nurse Educator Interest Group would like to invite you to join their upcoming webinar. During this one-hour webinar, participants will hear from students and faculty who created nursing peer mentorship programs (NPMP). Students in Douglas College’s BSN Program in Coquitlam, BC will explain how their NPMP was started in 2010, and how it has supported students’ wellbeing over the last decade. Students from the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University in Montreal will describe how their program generates a sense of belonging and connection amongst the undergraduate and graduate student body. The focus will be on sharing experiences of creating these NPMPs so that interested participants can use the information to implement a similar program at their institutions. A Q&A session will close the webinar. Ce webinaire est offert en anglais seulement. **The views and opinions expressed by the members of the Nurse Educators Interest Groups (CASN) do not necessarily reflect the views of CASN. To register and learn more about the event, click here.
Join us for CASN's Simulation
Professional Development Virtual Forum
Ce forum est offert en anglais seulement.

Theme: Best Practices in Simulation
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 

Registration fee: $40.00
Registration deadline: Sunday, April 24, 2022

Click here for more details.
Free Webinar!
2022 Lunch & Learn Series
Join us for hour-long discussions with established researchers on their current work.
 The theme this year is Indigenous research and the objective is to develop a better understanding
of methodological issues when conducting research with Indigenous Peoples. 

Webinar 3: Research, Methodological Approaches,
and Indigenous People
Ce webinaire est offert en anglais seulement.

Presenter: Erica Hurley, Memorial University
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Free registration for attendees!
Join us for CASN’s Virtual Vendor Showcase
Les présentations des fournisseurs seront offertes en anglais seulement.

Dates: June 1-2, 2022
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST

Registration fee for attendees: Free

We are inviting nursing administrators, faculty members, instructors, and key decision makers to attend this vendor showcase. This will be a one-stop opportunity for educators across Canada to become familiar with different vendors, their services and products, view demos, and ask questions. Vendors in the following categories have been invited to participate: simulation, textbooks, clinical practice, health education materials/programs, and
laboratory/nursing/healthcare equipment. Click here for more details.
Clinical Teaching in Canadian Nursing
Now available in print and PDF!

The second textbook published by CASN.
Co-edited by Dr. Sherri Melrose & Dr. Beth Perry

The Clinical Teaching in Canadian Nursing textbook (disponible en anglais seulement) will provide essential theoretical and practice-focused information for clinical instructors teaching in nursing programs in Canada as they learn to navigate this multifaceted role. Written by experts in clinical teaching from across Canada, this textbook will be of value to both those new to clinical instruction and those who have years of experience but are interested in continually improving their pedagogical knowledge and skills.
Upcoming CNEI Professional Development Opportunities

Occasions de perfectionnement professionnel
de l'ICIE à venir
June 16 and 17, 2022 ONLINE
*L’examen est offert en anglais seulement.
June 22 and 23, 2022 ONLINE
*L’examen est offert en anglais seulement.
E-Resource for Nursing Education on Climate-Driven Vector-Borne Disease

Information from the e-resource is featured on Canada.ca/Lymedisease.
Ressource électronique de formation infirmière sur les maladies à transmission vectorielle liées à la variabilité climatique

L’information provenant de la ressource électronique figure sur le site Canada.ca/maladie-lyme.
Deadline extended to May 1st: Pat Griffin Research Grants

CASN is offering two Pat Griffin Research Grants to support research that addresses the research priority of “Nursing Education Outcomes” from the National Research Priorities for Nursing. There will be two grants available per calendar year each worth $15,000. The investigators must be faculty members at a CASN member school, and be ready to implement the project on July 1, 2022.

The deadline for submission is May 1, 2022.
Le délai a été prolongé jusqu'au 1er mai 2022 ! :
Subventions de recherche Pat Griffin 

L’ACESI offre deux subventions de recherche Pat Griffin pour soutenir la recherche qui aborde la priorité « Résultats de la formation infirmière » des Priorités nationales en matière de recherche infirmièreDeux subventions (chacune d’un montant de 15 000 $) seront offertes par année civile. Les chercheures doivent appartenir au corps professoral d’une école membre de l’ACESI et être en mesure de mettre en œuvre le projet le 1er juillet 2022.

Le délai pour les soumissions est le 1er mai 2022.
QANE-AFI is seeking articles for publication

Visit https://qane-afi.casn.ca/to submit. For more information, please contact Jessica Pearce Lamothe at jpearce@casn.ca.
QANE-AFI est à la recherche d’articles à des fins de publication

Pour soumettre un article, consultez le site Web https://qane-afi.casn.ca/. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Jessica Pearce Lamothe (jpearce@casn.ca).
Nursing Notices | Avis en sciences infirmières 
Virtual Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) Blueprint Review Course- George Brown College

George Brown College is hosting a virtual Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) Blueprint Review Course on Tuesday April 26th.
The CHSE course will be led by Canadian Simulationists:
  • Lorraine Betts (George Brown College) RN MN CHSE
  • Elizabeth Horsley (The Brooklyn Hospital Center) RN MSMS CHSE
Cost includes:
  • Study Guide – released in 2022
  • Access to content expert for duration of course
  • Access to the practice exam (a $75 value)
This is a great day of learning, sharing and networking for Canadian Simulationists!

Link to the certification portal on the Society for Simulation in Healthcare website:
For further information on this course or the Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist (CHSOS) course: Michael.Eliadis@georgebrown.ca
Report on Physical Activity as a Preventative
Measure against Cancer

The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) has partnered with the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) to develop a report on physical activity as a preventive measure against cancer. Read the NCCMT’s report on the findings (https://www.nccmt.ca/pdfs/res/physical-activity-cancer) and register for the upcoming webinar (https://www.partnershipagainstcancer.ca/news-events/event/cancer-prevention-webinar-series/) to learn about the effectiveness of policy-focused initiatives including active transportation, effective urban design, sport and recreation, school environments and public education.
Dear Nurse Educators,
We are currently collecting for a donation to the Canadian Ukrainian Foundation for the crisis situation that Ukraine is tragically being forced to endure. This donation will be going to the CUF website at http://www.cufoundation.ca
We would like to challenge each of your working units to consider a contribution either through this organization or other to support the people of Ukraine. Please consider this challenge and let us know if you are able to join us in this endeavor.
Dr. June Anonson, R.N., PhD
College of Nursing
University of Saskatchewan, Canada 
Events | Événements
June 1-2, 2022
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Remplir notre sondage sur le contenu des bulletins d’information afin que nous puissions continuer à vous fournir du contenu pertinent.
CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI
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Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières
613.235.3150 | inquire@casn.ca | www.casn.ca