February 2022 | Février 2022
Residency Program

From advanced beginner to competent registered nurse (RN) – CASN’s national residency program for RNs integrates nursing graduates into health care delivery, creating a more sustainable workforce

  • Reduce nursing shortages
  • Grow a retainable nursing workforce
  • Build nursing capacity and competence

Register now for the free Information Session (English) on February 9th from 2-3 pm EST
Programme de résidence

De débutante avancée à infirmière autorisée compétente : le programme national de résidence de l’ICIEI pour les infirmières autorisées assure l’intégration des infirmières diplômées dans la prestation des soins de santé et par le fait même, la création d’une main-d’œuvre plus durable.

  • S’attaquer à la pénurie d’infirmières
  • Développer une main-d’œuvre infirmière durable 
  • Renforcer la capacité et les compétences infirmières

Inscrivez-vous maintenant à la séance d'information gratuite (en français) le 9 février de 9 h 30 à 10 h 30 HNE
Pat Griffin Research Grants

CASN is offering two Pat Griffin Research Grants to support research that addresses the research priority of “Nursing Education Outcomes” from the National Research Priorities for Nursing. There will be two grants available per calendar year each worth $15,000. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2022. The investigators must be faculty members at a CASN member school, and be ready to implement the project on July 1, 2022.
Subventions de recherche Pat Griffin 

L’ACESI offre deux subventions de recherche Pat Griffin pour soutenir la recherche qui aborde la priorité « Résultats de la formation infirmière » des Priorités nationales en matière de recherche infirmière. Deux subventions (chacune d’un montant de 15 000 $) seront offertes par année civile. La date limite pour les soumissions est le 1er mars 2022. Les chercheures doivent appartenir au corps professoral d’une école membre de l’ACESI et être en mesure de mettre en œuvre le projet le 1er juillet 2022.
The Dr. Pat L. Griffin Fund of CASN acknowledges the leadership contribution Pat Griffin made to nursing education, and nursing scholarship. This fund will support research in nursing education, including the Pat Griffin Research Grants and the QANE-AFI journal.

CASN welcomes donations to this fund. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations.
Le Fonds Dre Pat L. Griffin de l’ACESI souligne la contribution importante de Pat Griffin en matière de formation infirmière et d’avancement des connaissances infirmières. Ce fonds viendra appuyer la recherche en formation infirmière, incluant les subventions de recherche Pat Griffn et la revue bilingue QANE-AFI.

L’ACESI vous invite à faire un don. Un reçu officiel de dons pour fin d’impôt vous sera envoyé.
Join us for CASN's Nursing Leadership,
Management, and Policy Virtual Forum
Ce forum est offert en anglais seulement.

Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Theme: Developing Leadership and Management in Nursing: Innovations, Experiences, Empirics, and Experts
Topic #1: Transition to practice in leadership and management
Topic #2: Teaching innovations in leadership and management
Topic #3: Current research trends in leadership and management

Registration fee: $40.00
Registration deadline: Sunday, March 27, 2022

Click here for more details.
Join us for CASN's Simulation
Professional Development Virtual Forum
Ce forum est offert en anglais seulement.

Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 

Theme: Best Practices in Simulation
Topic #1: New updated international core four Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice
Topic #2: Virtual simulation nuances
Topic #3: Endorsement of standards

Registration fee: $40.00
Registration deadline: Sunday, April 24, 2022

Click here for more details.
CASN Nurse Educator Interest Groups : Registration is 50% off

Register today for the 2021-2022 CASN Nurse Educator Interest Groups, membership ending June 30, 2022.

Registration is now 50% off using promo code 2022SAVE50.

Upcoming CNEI Professional Development Opportunities

Occasions de perfectionnement professionnel
de l'ICIE à venir
Start your course as early as March 15, 2022 ONLINE
Commencez votre cours dès le 15 mars
Starts March 16, 2022 ONLINE
*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.
Starts March 30, 2022 ONLINE
*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.

Do you have a colleague who exemplifies excellence in nursing education? Nominate them for a CASN award! Their hard work and dedication can be recognized on a national level. Nominations are now open!

  • Academic Administrative Excellence Award
  • Ethel Johns Award
  • Nursing Education Excellence Award (Tenured/Tenure-Track and Non-Tenured)
  • Nursing Research Excellence Award
  • Wendy McBride Award for Accreditation Reviewer Excellence

Deadline: June 6, 2022

Avez-vous un(e) collègue qui se démarque par son excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmières? Si oui, proposez sa candidature pour l'un des prix de l'ACESI afin que son dévouement et son travail acharné puissent être reconnus sur la scène nationale. Les mises en candidature sont acceptées dès maintenant !

  • Prix d'excellence en gestion universitaire
  • Prix Ethel Johns
  • Prix d'excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmières (personnel enseignant permanent/en poste menant à la permanence et non permanent)
  • Prix d'excellence en recherche infirmière
  • Prix Wendy McBride - prix d'excellence des évaluatrices et évaluateurs aux fins de l'agrément

Date limite : le 6 juin 2022
CNEI Fellows 2022 Application

The Canadian Nurse Educator Institute (CNEI) Fellowship program’s objective is to acknowledge the exceptional high caliber of nurse educators who exemplify excellence in nursing education and nursing education scholarship

The CNEI Advisory Board is now accepting applications for those individuals who wish to be considered for entry to the Fellows of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute.

Deadline: June 6, 2022
Candidature pour les Associées de l'ICIE 2022

L’objectif du programme d’Associées de l’Institut canadien des infirmières enseignantes (ICIE) est de reconnaître le haut calibre des infirmières enseignantes qui incarnent l’excellence en formation infirmière et en avancement des connaissances.

Le conseil consultatif de l’ICIE accepte maintenant les candidatures de toutes personnes souhaitant devenir Associées de l’ICIE.

Date limite : 6 juin 2022
Call for Submissions -
QANE-AFI Special Edition:
Indigenous Wellness and Equity with Communities, Students, and Faculty: A Critical Conversation in Nursing Education

This special issue seeks contributions specific to nursing education and Indigenous wellness in Canada and internationally.

Submission Deadline: March 28, 2022
Appel de textes -
Édition spéciale (QANE/AFI) :
L’équité et le mieux-être autochtones du point de vue des communautés, des étudiantes et du corps professoral : un enjeu important dans la formation en sciences infirmières

Pour ce numéro spécial, nous cherchons des soumissions qui concernent spécifiquement la formation en sciences infirmières et le bien-être autochtone au Canada et à l’échelle de la planète.

Date limite pour soumettre : 28 mars 2022  
QANE-AFI is seeking articles for publication. Visit https://qane-afi.casn.ca/ to submit. For more information, please contact Jessica Pearce Lamothe at [email protected].
QANE-AFI est à la recherche d’articles à des fins de publication. Pour soumettre un article, consultez le site Web https://qane-afi.casn.ca/. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Jessica Pearce Lamothe ([email protected]).
The Role of the Nurse Educator in Canada
Now available in print and pdf

This text is available for purchase in English (en anglais seulement) in PDF and paperback format. For more information, visit CASN's website.
Clinical Teaching in Canadian Nursing
Coming in February 2022

Coming in February 2022, the Clinical Teaching in Canadian Nursing textbook (en anglais seulement) will provide essential theoretical and practice-focused information for clinical instructors teaching in nursing programs in Canada as they learn to navigate this multifaceted role. 
Nursing Notices | Avis en sciences infirmières 
Learning Community for Canadian Educators:
Canadian Educators Think Tank

We are interested in developing a learning community called the Canadian Educators Think Tank to connect nursing educators in anticipation of upcoming changes to the NCLEX exam in April 2023. The purpose of this community is to:
  • Create an environment of collaboration, shared experiences and resources, and common purpose of NCLEX for individual and national collegial development
  • Develop item-writing skills and quality assessment strategies
  • Support and mentor faculty at various stages of item-writing experience for all styles of NCLEX questions
  • To collaboratively create resources and address clinical judgment in theory, lab, and clinical courses
  • Develop and share strategies to support clinical instructors when teaching clinical judgement  

Please send your interest to [email protected] by February 11, 2022.

Expression of Interest Email Deadline: February 11, 2022.
First Meeting: February 17, 2022 at 1400h MST (zoom information to follow)
Second Meeting: March 24, 2022 at 1400 MST
Third Meeting: Fall, 2022 TBD

Joanne Bouma, Associate Professor, Mount Royal University
Dr. Kara Sealock, Senior Instructor, University of Calgary
Why Climate : Health Professionals for Action on Climate Change

Health professionals can be crucial allies in communicating climate change to the public. Through their various touchpoints in all areas of the community, health professionals represent a trusted voice and interact with people who may not otherwise be engaged in climate change. Health professionals can be the first contact to members of the public, asking questions about their health and climate change. We want to support health professionals as they educate and treat patients.

Why Climate is an information-sharing platform for health practitioners, intending to help support and educate health professionals on how climate and health are interlinked. The website's primary purpose is to act as a hub of information (in partnership with Nutsihpiluwewicik (Indigenous Nursing Program) and UNB Nursing school) to leverage nurses' various touchpoints to help begin the conversations around individual's health and the health of the natural environment. 

The first step is to understand the role nature can play in positively impacting your overall health. To help jump-start these conversations, we have created the Why Climate to start the behavioral changes that can help protect our climate and positively impact individual health.

Why Climate is a project of the New Brunswick Lung Association and the Foundation for Resilient Health.
32 New CNF BIPOC Nursing Scholarships NOW AVAILABLE

The Canadian Nurses Foundation has established 32 new scholarships dedicated to supporting nurses and nursing students in the Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour community. Focussing on equity, diversity and research, these awards will support BIPOC nursing students at the Baccalaureate, Masters, and PhD levels.
Scholarship applications are now open until March 15th. Please visit https://cnf-fiic.ca/scholarships/ for more information and apply today!
 32 nouvelles bourses d’études en sciences infirmières MAINTENANT OFFERTES aux PANDC par la FIIC

Les Fondation des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada a institué 32 nouvelles bourses d’études destinées aux infirmières/infirmiers et étudiant.e.s en sciences infirmières appartenant à la communauté des personnes autochtones, noires et de couleur. Axées sur l’équité, la diversité et la recherche, ces bourses soutiendront les PANDC dans leurs études de baccalauréat, de maîtrise et de doctorat en sciences infirmières.
Les demandes de bourses sont ouvertes jusqu’au 15 mars. Allez à https://cnf-fiic.ca/fr/bourses-detudes-et-de-certification/ pour de plus amples renseignements et pour faire votre demande!
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CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI
Visit our partners | Visitez nos partenaires
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières