june|juin 2018
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Starts September 4, 2018
Module 3 focuses on the indicators of competency 4, which examines the knowledge and skills related to the use of simulation in interprofessional education and on collaboration with other health professionals in providing simulation-based experiences to interprofessional groups of learners.

Débute le le 4 septembre 2018
Le module 3 porte sur les indicateurs de la compétence 4, qui examine les connaissances et les compétences liées à l'utilisation de la simulation dans la formation interprofessionnelle, qui s'effectue en collaboration avec d'autres professionnels de la santé et vise à offrir des exercices de simulation à des groupes interprofessionnels d'étudiantes.

Please note that the modules are independent and may be taken out of order. This program is currently only offered in English.

Ce programme est actuellement offert en anglais seulement.
September 26-28, 2018
This two-day intensive retreat is intended for faculty looking to develop/improve their scholarship outputs, and administrators looking to offer support and guidance to faculty regarding research and scholarship. Spaces limited!

26-28 september 2018
La retraite sur la recherche destinée aux infirmières enseignantes est un atelier intensif de deux jours à l'intention des membres du corps professoral qui cherchent à développer leurs compétences ou à améliorer leurs résultats en matière d'avancement des connaissances, et des administrateurs qui désirent offrir du soutien et conseils à leur personnel enseignant en matière d'avancement des connaissances. Inscriptions limitées! 
Starts October 10, 2018
This six week foundational course encompasses clinical education at the baccalaureate level in acute care settings, and public health and community health care placements.
Débute le 10 octobre 2018
Ce cours de base de six semaines porte sur la formation clinique au niveau baccalauréat,  en milieu de soins actifs ainsi que des stages en santé publique et en soins de santé communautaire.
New issue! Knowledge Synthesis and Innovation Transfer
CASN's Notes on Nursing Scholarship newsletter is a chance for you to share what you're working on with others, and to learn about work happening across the country.

Nouveau numéro! Synthèse et transfert novateur des connaissances
Le bulletin d'information de l'ACESI - Réflexions sur l'avancement des connaissances en sciences infirmières est l'occasion de partager les détails de vos projets en cours, et d'en apprendre davantage sur les travaux de vos collègues à travers le pays.
Débute le 20 septembre 2018
Le Programme de certification canadienne pour infirmières enseignantes favorise l'excellence chez les infirmières enseignantes et assure la reconnaissance et le mérite pour les connaissances spécialisées, l'expertise et les compétences de ce rôle au Canada. 



Sustainable health care and management

September 7-8, 2018
Bern, Switzerland
Celebrating diference: Indigenous and intercultural diversity in nursing education

October 11-13, 2018
Cape Breton, NS

Abstract deadline: July 20 extended!
November 2, 2018
Edmonton, AB

Abstract deadline: September 2
May 2-4, 2019
Calgary, AB

Abstract deadline: October 1
The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) is excited to announce that it plans to pilot its new Nurse Practitioner (NP) accreditation program in 2018! This program follows on the heels of CASN's new accreditation program for Internationally educated nurses (IEN) bridging programs, which launched in the winter of 2018.

For nearly 30 years CASN has maintained a national, voluntary accreditation program for schools offering baccalaureate degrees in nursing. CASN is eager to use these principles to develop an accessible accreditation process for NP programs and this accreditation would promote consistent, high quality programming for NP education across Canada.

Please contact Joni Boyd, Programs Manager, for more information.

L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières (ACESI) est fière d'annoncer que nous allons mettre à l'essai un nouveau programme d'agrément à l'intention des infirmières praticiennes (IP) en 2018! 
Cette annonce s'inscrit dans la foulée du dévoilement du nouveau programme d'agrément à l'intention des programmes de transition pour les infirmières formées à l'étranger (IFE), lancé à l'hiver 2018.
Depuis près de 30 ans, l'ACESI maintient un programme national d'agrément volontaire pour les écoles offrant des baccalauréats en sciences infirmières.  L'ACESI utilisera ces principes afin d'élaborer un processus d'agrément accessible pour les programmes IP, qui favoriserait un niveau de qualité soutenu et élevé au sein des programmes pour les IP à travers le Canada.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez contacter Joni Boyd, gestionnaire des programmes.
CASN interest groups provide nurse educators an opportunity to discuss ideas, exchange information, build research and scholarship capacity, as well as promote quality of a specific area of nursing education, at a national level. More...

Les groupes d'intérêts de l'ACESI constituent une tribune pour l'échange d'idées et d'information, contribuent au renforcement des capacités en matière de recherche et d'avancement des connaissances, et soutiennent la promotion de la qualité dans un domaine particulier de la formation infirmière, à l'échelle nationale. Suite...
The Canadian Association Schools of Nursing is inviting nurse educators to participate in a research project about digital health/informatics integration. Your participation at this time includes completing a short online survey. Questions are focused on both identifying work being done by educators and understanding educators' needs in addressing undergraduate nursing competencies in informatics. More...

L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières invite les enseignantes en sciences infirmières à participer à un projet de recherche au sujet de l'intégration à la profession des outils informatiques et de santé numérique. Pour le moment, votre participation consistera à remplir un court sondage en ligne. Les auteures du sondage souhaitent déterminer le travail qui a été fait par les enseignantes, et à comprendre ce dont elles ont besoin pour transmettre les compétences en informatique aux étudiantes de premier cycle en sciences infirmières.L'un des principaux objectifs de cette recherche consiste à appuyer les enseignantes en sciences infirmières à l'ère du numérique. Suite...


The American Association of Colleges of Nursing interviewed CASN's Executive Director, Dr. Cynthia Baker, for their publication Syllabus. Read it here (page 4)!
Neuro XXceptional is a series featuring women who tell us what drove them to become scientists and clinicians, and what they love about their work. At The Neuro, these exceptional professionals are improving the lives of patients, helping us understand how the brain works and how to treat neurological disease.

The newest video features Jessica Dumoulin, an ICU Assistant Nurse Manager.
The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) is pleased to announce the: "Speaking with Seniors" nursing student writing contest!

We ask you to consider incorporating a written assignment into the curriculum of your nursing program (RPN, RN or RPN-RN) for the 2018-2019 academic year (Sept 2018-March 2019), with the objective of having students interview an older adults they care for and/or interact with to better understand the perspective and experience of older adults living in Canada.

We ask that the students speak to the question: "What knowledge or skills do you think nurses need to have to care for seniors living in Canada?" and that entries be between 500 - 1000 words. Where appropriate, photographs can be inserted with consent and permissions. The specifics of the assignment are left to you, but we would like to encourage participation in this contest by offering students and schools to submit assignments for consideration to be published in our CGNA newsletter, CGNA Perspectives journal, and announced and promoted at our biennial conference in May 2019 in Calgary, AB.

Please plan to incorporate an assignment such as this into your curriculum, and let us know you will be participating by following us/contacting us on our social media channels: Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions about the contest or its parameters, please contact: Heidi Holmes, Director of Communications for CGNA at [email protected].
The first and only 1-day Autism Healthcare Provider Training Certification Course!
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) now affects 1 in 58, with diagnosed rates continuing to dramatically increase.   Autism Spectrum Disorder is the fastest growing and most commonly diagnosed neurological disorder in Canada (Autism Speaks Canada, 2017)  Due to the many challenges of living with Autism, including :  communication;  sensory;  behaviour;  gross motor; fine motor;  daily living skills and more - this segment of the population is often unable to communicate pain, unable to maintain their own health & daily hygiene, show super heightened responses to sensory inputs and often cannot tolerate  "regular"   environments   Medical, health, safety and daily living manifestations  go undetected ... and untreated ... far more than the general population.     This  program will help understand the reasons for,  preventative measures for and caregiving requirements for the many common manifestations as a result of living with ASD.    We will delve  into dealing with challenging behaviours and communication barriers as a result of living with Autism, as well as the impact for your role of being an "Autism Care Specialist."

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