november | novembre 2018
CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI
News | Nouvelles
Welcome New & Returning Board of Directors Members!
New Members
President-Elect: Linda Patrick, University of Windsor
Director, Western-Northwestern Region: Ann Syme, Langara College
Director, Ontario Region: Linda Jane Johnston,University of Toronto
Returning Members (re-elected for another term)
Director, Québec Region: Amélie Blanchet Garneau, Université de Montréal
Director, Québec Region: Clémence Dallaire, Université Laval
Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres et aux membres réélus du conseil d’administration de l’ACESI!
Nouveaux membres
Présidente désignée: Linda Patrick, University of Windsor
Administratrice, région de l’ouest et du nord-ouest: Ann Syme, Langara College
Administratrice, région de l’Ontario : Linda Jane Johnston,University of Toronto
Membres réélus pour un autre mandat
Administratrice, région du Québec: Amélie Blanchet Garneau, Université de Montréal
Administratrice, région du Québec: Clémence Dallaire, Université Laval
New Resources | Nouvelles ressources
Learning Outcomes for Patient Safety in Undergraduate Nursing Curricula

Résultats d’apprentissage sur la sécurité des patients dans les programmes de sciences infirmières de premier cycle
CASN, in partnership with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, is pleased to announce the development of Learning Outcomes for Patient Safety in Undergraduate Nursing Curricula. These learning outcomes, intended for graduates of baccalaureate programs of nursing, simultaneously reflect the CPSI Interprofessional Safety Competencies and the guiding principles of the CASN National Education Framework. More...

L’ACESI et l’Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients (ICSP) ont le plaisir d’annoncer l’élaboration des Résultats d’apprentissage sur la sécurité des patients dans les programmes de sciences infirmières de premier cycle. Ces résultats d’apprentissage à l’intention des diplômées de programmes de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières reflètent également les compétences de sécurité interprofessionnelles de l’ICSP et les principes directeurs du Cadre national de l’ACESI sur la formation infirmière. Suite...
Knowledge Translation in the Global Context
Presenter/Présentatrice: Rosemary Wilson
Moderator/Animatrice: Marilyn Macdonald

Jan 17 2019 
Addressing challenges in measurement / instrument development
Presenter/Présentatrice: Evelyn Kennedy
Moderator/Animatrice: TBD

Feb 14 2019
How To Build a Program of Research
Presenter/Présentatrice: Linda McGillis Hall
Netha Dyck

Mar 14 2019 
Upcoming CNEI Courses
Cours à venir à l'ICIE
Nursing Notices | Avis infirmière
Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control of the Public Health Agency of Canada
The Primary Care Management of Hepatitis B – Quick Reference is a concise clinical resource to guide primary care and public health practitioners making day-to-day decisions related to the prevention, screening and management of HBV in patients at risk for or infected with hepatitis B. The document is intended to provide information to public health and clinical professionals and does not supersede any provincial/territorial legislative, regulatory, policy and practice requirements or professional guidelines that govern the practice of health professionals in their respective jurisdictions, whose recommendations may differ due to local epidemiology or context.

To obtain a hardcopy, please send an e-mail request to the Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control of the Public Health Agency of Canada at the following address: c [email protected] .


Le Soins primaires de l’hépatite B – Aide-Mémoire est une ressource clinique concise destinée à orienter les praticiens de la santé publique et de première ligne dans leurs décisions quotidiennes concernant la prévention, le dépistage et la prise en charge de l’infection par le VHB chez les patients à risque ou atteints d’hépatite B. Le document a pour objet d’offrir de l’information aux professionnels en santé publique et aux cliniciens et ne vise pas à remplacer les lois, les règlements, les politiques ni les exigences en matière de pratique établis par les provinces et territoires, non plus qu’il ne remplace les guides professionnels qui régissent la pratique des professionnels de la santé dans leur administration respective, qui peuvent varier en fonction du contexte et de l’épidémiologie locale.
Pour obtenir une copie papier, veuillez envoyer une demande par courriel électronique au Centre de la lutte contre les maladies transmissibles et les infections de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada à l’adresse suivant : [email protected]  
Occupational Health and Safety – “the effects of work on health and health on work” is the oldest health care specialty, originating with Hippocrates who instructed his students “to ask their patients what they do for a living”. Since the early twentieth century it has been defined as “The specialty devoted to the prevention and management of occupational injury, illness, disability, and the promotion of health and productivity”. More...

OOHNA Offers
  • In-class presentations or webinars on OH Nursing.
  • Free student memberships.
  • 4th-Year Student Placements and more.

Please contact OOHNA at 416-239-6462 or [email protected]
The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) is pleased to announce the "Speaking with Seniors" nursing student writing contest!
We ask you to consider incorporating a written assignment into the curriculum of your nursing program (RPN, RN or RPN-RN) for the 2018-2019 academic year (Sept 2018-March 2019), with the objective of having students interview an older adults they care for and/or interact with to better understand the perspective and experience of older adults living in Canada.
We ask that the students speak to the question: "What knowledge or skills do you think nurses need to have to care for seniors living in Canada?" and that entries be between 500 - 1000 words. Where appropriate, photographs can be inserted with consent and permissions. The specifics of the assignment are left to you, but we would like to encourage participation in this contest by offering students and schools to submit assignments for consideration to be published in our CGNA newsletter, CGNA Perspectives journal, and announced and promoted at our biennial conference in May 2019 in Calgary, AB.
Please plan to incorporate an assignment such as this into your curriculum, and let us know you will be participating by following us/contacting us on our social media channels: Facebook and Twitter .
If you have any questions about the contest or its parameters, please contact: Heidi Holmes, Director of Communications for CGNA at [email protected] .
Events | Événements

Visit our partners
Visitez nos partenaires
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières