CATE Spring Newsletter 2018
CATE Preconference Events
2018 CATE/ACFE & TATE/TFEE Pre-Conference
at CSSE 2018, University of Regina
Let’s Get Critical:
Examining and Moving Forward with (e)Portfolios
Saturday May 26th 2018, 1-4 pm
Education Building ED 315
How is it that we have been exploring (e)portfolios for more than 30 years in teacher education and yet our experiences and practices regarding (e)portfolios elicit moans, groans and tears? CATE and TATE are joining forces to find the synergies in our work. Come join us at the CATE/TATE pre-conference where we will explore diverse perspectives on how to deepen and enrich our work with (e)portfolios across our programs. We will begin with Canadian teacher educators offering examples, possibilities, challenges and critiques on (e)portfolio enactment.
Alec Courcos – (URegina)
Trista Hollweck (UOttawa)
Kathy Sanford & Tim Hopper (UVictoria)
Lisa Starr (McGill)
Norm Vaughan (Mount Royal)
We will then move into breakout groups to explore topics such as:
- Digital documentation of learning
- (e)portfolios as formative assessment tools
- Reflexivity and identity development through (e)portfolios
- Aligning portfolio development and use with K-12 practice and contexts
- (e)portfolios in the job search and beyond to support teacher growth and development
Refreshments will be served
Looking forward to learning together,
Nathalie Pender
Caroline Riches
Leyton Schnellert
CATE Members-at-Large
CATE Panel: Reconciliation and Teacher Education: Sharing and Extending our Practice
Chair/Prés.: Leyton Schnellert (UBC Okanagan), Jan Hare (UBC), Dwayne Donald (Alberta), Mike Cappello (Regina), Celia Haig-Brown (York)Y
Mon, May 28, from 3:00 – 4:15 P.M., in Education Auditorium - EA 106.1
CATE/ACFE’s featured panel provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about the work Teacher Education Programs in Canada as they take up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action (
This panel is a continuation of the CATE/ACFE 2017 preconference conversation about truth and reconciliation education which is of the utmost importance in Canadian schools and teacher education programs. Attendees will first have opportunities to hear four Canadian colleagues share their experiences about how they are taking up TRC recommendations in their work, their programs, and/or in K-12 education more generally. Secondly, there will be time to ask questions of panelists about TRC recommendations, and research, teaching, and/or program change, to address reconciliation in teacher education.
The Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) AGM, Election and Awards Ceremony is on Monday, May 28 in Education Auditorium - EA 106.1 from 4:30 – 5:45pm.
Light refreshments will be served.
CATE Executive and Committee Positions:
At the CATE Annual General Meeting on May 28, 2018, we will be electing new members to the CATE Executive including
a. Vice President
b. Secretary-Treasurer
c. Communications Director
d. Member-at-Large
e. Graduate Student Representative
We are also seeking a representative for each of these committees:
f. CATE representative on the CSSE New Scholar
g. CATE Award for Contributions to Teacher Education
Research Committee
If you are interested in allowing your name to stand for one of these positions or would like to learn more, please contact me: Jodi Nickel,
CATE is a vibrant association and we would love to work with you!
CATE Keynote:
The Nature of Continuous Professional Learning: Authenticity, Connectedness, and Context
Dr. Karen Goodnough, Professor, Memorial University
Tue, May 29, from 3:00 – 4:15 P.M., in Education Building - ED 191
The Nature of Continuous Professional Learning: Authenticity, Connectedness, and Context
In this 2018 CATE Keynote, Dr. Karen Goodnough will examine the nature of continuous professional learning (CPL) by sharing the outcomes of her collaborative inquiry and research with teachers over the last two decades. She will argue that professional learning in both K-12 and higher education should be premised on a view of learning that considers authenticity, connectedness, and context. She will examine how these concepts can inform the design of effective CPL and how teacher educators can play a role in fostering professional learning that aligns with these concepts.
Stay tuned for
the list of award winners that will be posted on the CATE website shortly.
Celebrating books by CATE authors!
Each year at the International CSSE conference the
Canadian Association for Teacher Education/L'Association canadienne pour la formation des enseignants (CATE/ACFE)
holds our Annual General Meeting where we discuss the business of CATE, and also celebrate the accomplishments of CATE members as researchers and authors in teacher education. This celebration includes a book display that may be of interest to Canadian teacher educators prior to and during the AGM. At the close of the meeting, the books are given as prizes to graduate students who are the recipients of awards for their work in teacher education.
If you have recently published a book or series related to teacher education and would like to donate a copy or two of that work to CATE for the purpose above, please contact Jodi Nickel at
Thank you for your time and consideration in furthering the work of Canadian teacher educators.
Calling all graduate students!
Are you curious about pathways available post graduate studies? Pondering the post-doc route? Looking for career tips in Teacher Education?
Check out the
CATE Graduate Student Panel at CSSE 2018 titled:
Pathways & Possibilities: Navigating Potential Career Paths in Teacher Education
Our panelists, Drs. Mark Aquash, Leyton Schnellert, and Timothy Sibbald will be sharing their experiences and advice in the coveted timeslot of
Wednesday, May 30 from 11:15-12:15
at the University of Regina. The panel will be organized around key questions, and there will be time at the end for an open discussion.
Ethics in Action Research: Process, Responsibilities, and Strategies Symposium Panel
May 27, 2018 at 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM (Session 4.1)
Room ED 623, University of Regina
C. Darius Stonebanks (Bishop's) with Kurt Clausen (Nipissing) and Sunny Man Chu Lau (Bishop’s)
Panel Participants:
- The gift of pain with transformative possibilities Richard Hovey (Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University)
- When local teacher leadership begins to fail in emancipation based endeavors Melanie Bennett-Stonebanks (Practice Teaching, Bishop's University)
- Teaching for social justice and PAR - Same struggle, different fronts Paul Orlowski (College of Education, University of Saskatchewan)
- The ethics of interpretation and representation when working with Indigenous students: Reflections from Peru Joseph Levitan (Integrated Studies of Education, McGill University)
- Professional and academic values in conflict: Walking a fragile tightrope! Fintan Sheerin (Intellectual Disability Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin)
Action Research (AR) in Education (and related fields) are often characterized by including grassroots, emancipatory, care based and shared ownership approaches to identifying problems and advancing potential solutions. The results of such practices are anticipated hopes of constructive transformative change for participants, organizations and communities. Such laudable goals, such as AR endeavours with liberatory designs, require commitments on the part of all researchers towards human beings that sometimes expand past the formal or informal borders of the researcher's institutional norms. Whether it is the schoolroom teacher engaged in strategies to empower students who rank as lower priorities on administrators' agendas to demonstrate schoolboard success, or the professor who experiences a profound moment of engagement with community co-researchers in remote locations that fall outside original research ethics board's protocols, action researchers are often faced with ethical choices that confront written and unwritten expectations. Further complicating this methodological approach is the feature that makes it so appealing to activist oriented researchers; that being its fluidity and creativity of application to local needs. All the while, countless Action Researchers strive for the highest ethical standards, using the central strategies of the self-reflective spiral of action, observation and reflection to guide their decisions. This panel will share experiences of AR engagement and approaches to process, responsibilities and strategies in multiple contexts that help to inform discussions on ethical standards.
Choosing What Matters Over What Counts —Community-Engaged, Action, Participatory, and Other Alternative Research Designs— Despite the Audited, Managerial Academy
Canadian Association for Action Research in Education Keynote presents
Dr. Marc Spooner
May 27, 2018 at 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM (Session 5.2)
Room ED 623, University of Regina, Saskatchewan
Audit culture and New Public Management imperil the critical and imaginative possibilities inherent in teaching and research. Audit culture renders us as auditable subjects, compelling us to conform to its own (ideological) notions of what counts as scholarship, and especially to, what can be easily quantified, tabulated, and standardized for the purposes of comparable benchmarking.
When the tail then wags the dog by leveraging such narrowly applied metrics, whole realms of endeavour are devalued or left out of the equation altogether, including practices such as “slow” research, action research, community-based and participatory research designs, alternative forms of scholarship and dissemination, and public policy work. Doing what matters over what counts is always under constant threat of discountenance by a suffocating array of metrics in our increasingly audited and surveilled university. Following an examination of these fundamental changes to traditional collegial management practices, this presentation concludes with a series of calls to collective action and resistance.
Action Research in an Age of Neoliberalism
Symposium Panel with Dr. Marc Spooner (Regina), Keynote Speaker Facilitated by Dr. Manu Sharma (Wisconsin-River Falls)
May 27, 2018 at 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM (Session 6.2)
Room ED 315, University of Regina, Saskatchewan
If you are interested in discussing the themes that emerged out of CAARE’s 2018 Keynote on Neoliberalism and Action Research, please attend for a stimulating discussion. We hope to use this discussion as a springboard for a publication opportunity with the Canadian Journal of Action Research (CJAR).
We welcome scholarly contributions to create a special issue by Fall 2019 on Neoliberalism and Action Research in CJAR. All submissions will go through a blind peer review process in accordance with CJAR.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you kindly and we look forward to connecting with you soon!
Canadian Society for Education through Art/Art Gallery of Ontario 2018
Summer Institute for Educators
Building Relationships in Art Education and Beyond
Dates: Tues. July 10 – Fri. July 13, 2018
Location: Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), Toronto, ON (plus other gallery/museum sites in TO)
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm each day
Join us this summer as the CSEA partners with the AGO for our third annual intensive, four-day National Summer Institute for Educators at the Art Gallery of Ontario focusing on the theme “Building Relationships in Art Education and Beyond”. The institute will focus on contemporary issues that are relevant to art educators across Canada in the fields of elementary, secondary, post-secondary, museum/gallery and community art education. The program will include inspiring guest speakers from the art community (i.e. curators, artists, educators) reflecting on the current opportunities and challenges for building relationships in Art Education in 2018. Site visits to other galleries (including the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, and various Yorkville Galleries) will further enrich and broaden the scope of this art experience for all participants!
Summer Institute Cost: $399.00 (plus tax) for CSEA and AGO Members, $449.00 (plus tax) for non-members (Institute will be capped at 30 participants). Please register by
June 1
for planning purposes.
Institute cost includes:
Daily program of engaging speakers, visits to the AGO permanent collections and special exhibitions, all gallery excursions across the city, hands-on workshops, and daily light refreshments.
To register today, click on the link below to be connected to the AGO’s Online Registration and Ticketing System:
If you have any questions, please e-mail Audrey Hudson, Assistant Manager, School & Teacher Programs, AGO at
or Peter Vietgen, President of the CSEA/SCÉA at
Subject: Invitation to submit a proposed chapter in the edited book
Diverse Leadership Landscapes: Exploring the Terrain.
Drs Catherine McGregor and Shailoo Bedi, University of Victoria, Canada, will be editing a book entitled
Diverse Leadership Landscapes: Exploring the Terrain.
Our goal is to create a collection of research chapters written by scholars and practitioners who are interested in exploring the diverse terrain of diversity leadership: both those who are themselves members of the dominant culture and are advocates of leadership
diversity, as well as racialized minority leaders who find themselves navigating the complex terrain of leadership
diversity. This latter perspective is particularly important; as McNamara (2008) noted, the near invisibility of racialized academic and practitioner perspectives in the study of educational leadership, needs to be more systematically addressed. We invite those who work in the field of leadership education, as well as educational leaders within the k-12 and postsecondary system to reflect on what they have learned either as researchers or practitioners about diversity leadership. A focus on both of these perspectives will provide a publication that will have value for theory and practice. The book overview provides more detail about possible chapter themes and questions to explore.
Proposals for chapter contributions, in the form of a 800-1000 word abstract, are being requested by
August 30, 2018
. Abstracts will be reviewed by the editors and potential authors notified of review results no later than
September 30, 2018
. Successful authors will be invited to submit full chapters (8,000-10,000 words) by
January 15, 2019
which will be followed by a peer-review process. Publication of the book is planned for Fall, 2019 or Spring 2020.
Book Overview:
In contemporary educational settings, diversity in and for leadership are becoming more central concerns of practitioners and researchers alike. There is an increasing demand for what are described as skills in creating inclusive and safe environments for diverse populations, including an awareness of, knowledge and skills of cultural competence and/or cultural sensitivity. Cross cultural communication, respect for differences, accommodation and valuing of diverse belief systems and ways of being, the operation of power and privilege, and the role of allyship are all discussed as necessary for leaders in diverse settings. Tracing the impact of these practices in school settings can provide leaders and policy makers with important evidence of what models should be promoted and/or implemented across educational systems. We also know that diversity leadership remains under studied (McNamara et al, 2009; Myboyo, 2017) and that diverse leaders remain on the periphery of professional practice. We hope this book will provide means of beginning to fill that gap.
If you are interested in this call, please feel free to contact either of the editors, Catherine McGregor (
) or Shailoo Bedi (
) for more information and for an outline of the proposed themes within the book and possible questions authors could explore.
Dr. Catherine McGregor, Associate Professor, Leadership Studies
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
T 250-721-6570
Johnson, C. (2017). Teaching music online: Changing pedagogical approach when moving to the online environment.
London Review of Education, 15(
3), 439–456.
Johnson, C. & Christie Lamothe, V., Eds. (2018).
Pedagogy Development for Teaching Music Online
. Hershey, PA: IGI Publications.
Exploring the Toxicity of Lateral Violence and Microaggressions: Poison in the Watercooler, Palgrave-McMillan (978-3-319-74759-0)
Christine L. Cho, Julie K. Corkett and Astrid Steele (Eds.).
Drawing from the contributions of experts, this book examines the subtle forms of aggression, violence and harassment that occur in our society and manifest in our institutions and places of work. Lateral (horizontal) violence, microaggressions, and incivility are terms describing social marginalization and expose the ways in which individuals are rendered vulnerable and work to navigate exclusionary climates. The chapters, organized into three sections, are a collection of perspectives in which contributors explore how bodies disrupt the status quo in multiple contexts and locations (Section I: explorations of disruption); insights into how institutions are structured and how practices that may cause harm are maintained (Section II: hierarchical layers and practices); and, finally, our contributors consider progressive and proactive alternatives (Section III: towards systemic change). This book would appeal to academic and professionals in education, sociology, nursing, law, business and political science.
To make any comments or suggestions, please contact our communications director:
Alexandre Mesquita