Turn Inconceivable Into Inevitable
In a holiday season where we sing and pray for peace and goodwill, it takes research, discussion and activism on our parts to make these concepts
real for our communities. 
Community access media is the grassroots distribution network that gets research & opinion to us, and challenges us to turn the
inconceivable into the inevitable.
CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
CATV’s sister station talks to UVM prof. emeritus regarding foreign policy challenges that await the new administration.

A NH advocate enlightens us to better understand the weaknesses in VT laws re: sexual exploitation.
A pre-election convo with Middlebury Prof. Johnson that is interesting to watch post-election.
The UV Choral Arts Foundation figures out how to continue to sing as a Driveway Choir. More voices are welcome!
Annually WRJ’s retailer Revolution hosts a wonderfully creative fashion show. This year is a trimmed down remote volunteer version...the show must go on.
"One kind word can warm three winter months."
A Japanese Proverb
Want to borrow audio, video or lighting equipment from CATV, but don’t want to come into the office?

No worries. If you live in one of the four CATV supported communities or if you are a CATV member, contact us to explain what you are trying to accomplish. This will help us figure out what equipment is best to lend you. Once sorted, we can provide you with curbside pick-up. Beep. Beep.
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