Moving Forward Happily
One of the videos highlighted in this newsletter is about the Science of Happiness. It's fun to watch because the speaker is engaging. With this topic in mind, perhaps you can do a couple of nice things for others today. Then watch how you’ve made them feel, and be mindful of how it makes you feel. Happy, no? If we "pay it forward" today maybe the whole valley will be happy.

CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
VT Senator Bernie Sanders takes off his gloves to fight for the American Rescue Plan...or should we say “takes off his mittens?"
The path ahead past the pandemic is discussed with VT Congressman Peter Welch
Good for any citizen to know--understand your rights when stopped by the police.
This video is one of a series of Here in the Valley jam sessions that these talented musicians have shared with CATV.
Are you looking for happiness in the wrong places?
"Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes."
--Charles Dickens, English novelist and social critic

The pandemic has even bumped Free Comic Book Day later into the year!?!?! This fun day which is normally May 1st, will be celebrated August 14th this year. Speaking of comics, one of the most inspiring comics, a guide to democratic governance, was created by our area’s very own Center For Cartoon Studies in White River Junction. You can support Democracy by sharing this comic with others, and support this amazingly creative non-profit school by ordering a copy. A win, win that can strengthen our Upper Valley community. Check it out.

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