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August 20, 2019 Week In Connections

CAWA Coordinates Meeting the with the Chief of the California Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) to Discuss Safety Inspection Programs
CAWA, the Auto Care Association and members of both associations met with the Chief of the California Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) and his team last week to discuss the realities and possibilities of establishing a vehicle safety inspection program in California. Recognizing this could be a "heavy lift", those in attendance did agree, however, that safety inspections could impact auto safety and fatalities on the roads of California. After a robust and candid conversation with the BAR representatives, the assembled group, coordinated by CAWA, also agreed to develop a "game plan" on pursuing safety inspections in California.

Some preliminary features of the plan would be to:  
  • develop a coalition of supporters for safety inspections; 
  • assess the legislature's and governor's office's appetites for supporting a program; 
  • look for support of state administrative agencies, such as the California Highway Patrol, Office of Traffic Safety, etc.; 
  • determine the interests of consumer groups; 
  • and to continue communicating with the leadership team of BAR.
CAWA will be reporting out on progress of the coalition's efforts to establish a safety inspection program in the weeks and months ahead. For more immediate information contact the Association's President & CEO, Rodney Pierini at or 800.332.2292, ext. 1201

You Can Donate Directly to CAWA's Scholarship Program and/or Political Action Fund
See these links for details and click on the donate button to show your support: Scholarship fund and/or Political Action Committee.

     Scholarship Fund

Political Action Committee

Getting Under the Hood of Amazon's Auto Ambitions
Amazon Inc. is expanding its transportation prowess to do virtually everything short of building a car. While Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has said little publicly about the company's ambitions in the sector, the strategy is aimed at leveraging Amazon's strengths in logistics, cloud computing and digital services together with new interests in related fields from robotics to manufacturing, according to more than two dozen people, including Amazon executives and industry executives familiar with the strategy, and a Reuters analysis of Amazon's patent activity. Read more here: Getting under the Hood of Amazon's Auto Ambitions | Source: NEWSMAXFINANCE

Free Vehicle Check Event - Hosted by the National Car Care Council and CAWA
A free consumer vehicle check-up event will be held in Sacramento on Saturday, August 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the AutoZone parking lot at 6071 Florin Road at the corner of Stockton Boulevard and Florin Road. 

Hosted by the non-profit Car Care Council in conjunction with CAWA - Representing the Automotive Parts Industry, the event will feature free vehicle inspections conducted by volunteer technicians who will check such items as hoses, belts, battery, wiper blades, lights, tire pressure, engine oil and fluids. All attendees will receive a gift bag and a copy of the 80-page Car Care Guide. Other events will be held in the central valley and southern California later this year. 

See Jennifer Zins, CAWA's Director of Government Affairs, at or 916.871.0603. For details on the upcoming event click here.

Options to Consider When 'Temp' Employee Becomes Longer-Term
I hired a number of employees to work on a short-term project for me. I classified them as "temporary" and therefore not eligible for benefits (other than paid sick leave). The project keeps getting extended though, and many of those employees have now been working for me for several months. At what point do I have to fire them or make them regular full-time employees?

There is no specific time limit on how long a worker may be classified as "temporary." However, if temporary employees have been performing the same job duties as regular full-time employees for an extended period, but are ineligible for the benefits those other employees receive, their employer could face liability. Read more here. Source: Our Friends at the California Chamber of Commerce
Employment Law

The Bureau of Automotive Repair's (BAR) Cars for Schools Program
Through this program, BAR will provide retired vehicles to publicly funded automotive technical training programs operated by:
  • High Schools 
  • Community Colleges 
  • Regional Occupational Programs 

For further information on this program, see the presentation developed by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair (here).

What is the myASE Renewal App? Consider Passing this Information on to Your Customers
The myASE Renewal App is an innovative tool that ASE has developed to help ASE Certified professionals extend the expiration date of their certifications. This is done without having to take time off or go to a secure test center, all while increasing knowledge and awareness about the technology found in today's complex vehicles. 

ASE Certified You can conveniently extend your ASE certifications using the mobile app on your phone, tablet or PC. The app will present questions on key current technical topics to help you identify potential gaps in your knowledge. If you have previously passed ASE Certification tests, you can purchase an annual subscription from ASE for this new service. Questions are then delivered throughout the year to your mobile device or PC. The app will deliver 1 question per month per certification area. If you have multiple certifications, you will receive questions for each certification area staggered throughout the month. 

Go to for further information.

Are You Paying Attention to this New Training Compliance? You Have 6 Months to Comply!
Effective January 1, 2019, California employers with 5 or more employees (including those located out of state) are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees before January 1, 2020. The minimum count of "5" employees includes seasonal and temporary hires as well as independent contractors.

Stop Harassment That's 2 hours of sexual harassment prevention training to California supervisors (and to out-of-state supervisors of California employees), and 1 hour of such training to nonsupervisory employees in California. Training must take place within 6 months of hire or promotion and every 2 years thereafter. To comply with the January 1, 2020 deadline, all employees must be trained during the 2019 calendar year.

Recall, training is FREE to CAWA members through our partners at CoreMark Insurance. Some organizations are charging $25 or more to conduct this training for your employees. For further information, contact Mat Nabity at or 866.340.2247.

Forgot Why You and Your Colleagues in the Auto Care Industry are Members of CAWA?
See here for a brief reminder

CAWA - Representing the Automotive Parts Industry
CAWA - Representing the Automotive Parts Industry

Tell us how we are doing by writing to Thanks for your membership.

ICE Heats Up Form I-9 Audits: What California Employers Need to Do If They Get a Notice
Act quickly if you receive a notice - don't wait! U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued thousands of Form I-9 audit notices this summer. As ICE worksite enforcement continues to increase, California employers need to keep in mind state requirements when served with a Form I-9 audit notice. California's Immigrant Worker Protection Act has been in effect since January 2018 and, even though the Department of Justice challenged the law, California employers have several notice obligations when facing an ICE audit/inspection. 

For more information on your obligations click on this link    Source: Our friends at the California Chamber of Commerce

Facts Regarding the Auto Care Industry - 2019
Car Facts
It's a $405 billion dollar industry and is expected to reach $448 billion by 2022! 

In 2018, 21.9% of consumers delayed routine vehicle maintenance costing the industry $24.9 billion dollars in potential revenue! 

See more facts about the industry ( here). Source: Auto Care Association Factbook

Workers Comp Insurance is Competitive and CAWA's Partner is Ready to Assist You in Saving Premium Dollars
See the enclosed flyer ( here) for information and who to contact to begin lowering your workers compensation costs in California. Another member benefit.

"CAWA - Representing the Automotive Parts Industry"
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