Ignoring the elements, more than 250 women gathered for Ready to Run® NJ on March 10-11
--- a record turnout of energized participants eager to absorb insider advice on politics from some of New Jersey's smartest and most respected strategists and elected officials. But New Jersey is far from alone in seeing this surge in interest. CAWP's partners in the Ready to Run® National Network report similar enthusiasm in their states. We were thrilled to have representatives from our four newest partners who are launching their programs later this year: Connecticut (Fairfield University); Delaware (the newly-formed Fund for Women's Equality and Empowerment); Indiana (
Women4Change) ; and Mississippi (
The Stennis Center for Public Service Leadership). Also attending were representatives of two of our long standing programs: Iowa (the
Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, Iowa State University) and Utah (
Real Women Run, sponsored by YWCA Utah). All of our partners build programs based on CAWP's model. Meanwhile,
USA Today reported on the dearth of women in office in Mississippi and and featured Ready to Run® and the Stennis Center's Jennifer Gregory in an article pointing out that Mississippi has yet to send even one woman to Congress. CAWP director Debbie Walsh, in an op-ed for
nj.com, underscored the need for more women to run in New Jersey and beyond.