February 14, 2017
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University.
Women of Color: Are You Ready to Run®?
Three specially designed programs for women of color kick off CAWP's Ready to Run® campaign training on Friday, March 10 just prior to the opening Ready to Run® session. If you're a woman of color who's thinking about how to get political, consider the one that's tailored to your needs (and then stay for the whole Ready to Run® program!):

Truth AND Consequences


MSNBC's Joy Reid, host of AM Joy, delivers this year's Senator Wynona Lipman Lecture, Truth and Consequences: What We Know and Why it Matters. The program is Tuesday, April 4 at 7:00 pm in Trayes Hall, Douglass Campus Center, New Brunswick. It's free and open to the public, but RSVP is required; you can register here. 

At the Movies
Have you seen Equity ? The film was picked as one of the top ten feminist films of 2016 by Ms. Magazine . The Rutgers connections to the film are deep: Not only is CAWP's longtime friend and supporter and former member of the RU Board of Governors Candy Straight the executive producer of the film,  but Rutgers alums Suzanne Ordas Curry and Beverly Aisenbrey are investors in the project. Congratulations to all who made this film possible. Here's hoping we see more interesting and complex stories about women in 2017!
Endowed Legacy Funds at CAWP honor the achievements of pioneering women and men.  Donors establish named funds to invest in the future of women's public leadership. This month, we highlight one of our generous donors.  
Joanne Hamilton Rajoppi became the first woman county clerk in the 154-year-old history of Union County, NJ, after serving as the county's  first woman register of deeds and mortgages. Her Legacy Fund supports all of CAWP's work to foster the next generation of women public leaders.   A history aficionado, Rajoppi chronicles the military service of her great-grandfather during the Civil War in her book New Brunswick and the Civil War: The Brunswick Boys in the Great Rebellion.
Her just-published sequel, Northern Women in the Aftermath of the Civil War: The Wives and Daughters of the Brunswick Boys is available here . In the words of Louis P. Masur, Distinguished Professor of American Studies and History at Rutgers, "In this well-written and insightful work, Joanne Rajoppi restores these women to their place in history and reveals their hopes, desires, and dreams. This book is essential for understanding the lives of Northern women after the Civil War, a subject that has not received nearly enough attention."
For information about establishing a Legacy Fund at CAWP, contact Sue Nemeth at 848-932-8593 or gsnemeth@eagleton.rutgers.edu .
A Tweetstorm for a Stormy Day
CAWP scholar Kelly Dittmar took advantage of a snowy day to produce a Twitter primer about women in US politics. Whatever the weather where you are, check it out!
What's Gender Got to Do With It?
If you've wondered, consider attending a Women's History Month panel with that intriguing title, presented by the League of Women Voters Morristown Area. It will feature CAWP scholar Kelly Dittmar, assistant professor of political science at Rutgers-Camden, as well as Ashley Koning, director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling and political scientist Dan Cassino of Fairleigh Dickinson University. The event is Thursday, March 16 from 7:30-9:00 pm at the Visiting Nurse Association, 175 South Street, Morristown. RSVP to Cecile Kent, cece@cecekent.com
Happy Valentine's Day!
We love our supporters.  
Please help us continue our important work!
New Faces in Politics
Elle , as part of a new series profiling women in elected office at various levels, tells the story of Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, the first woman and first person of color to represent Delaware in Congress.  Ozy has the story of Yvanna Cancela, a rising star in Nevada politics.  The Times-Tribune  highlights sisters following a family tradition, taking on leadership roles in the GOP in Pennsylvania and nationally. And The Cut  reports on thousands of women around the country who marched on Inauguration Weekend and now plan to step up and prepare to run for office.
Kellyanne Conway's Strategy
Politico  reports on presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway's "dangerous game" - taking risks to make clear her unconditional support of the President, which she hopes may boost her own power.
An Old Hand Weighs in
Former Senator Barbara Mikulski, while reflecting on her long Senate career in an interview with CNN Politics , took note of the recent rebuke to Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Who Speaks for Women?
The New York Times'  Susan Chira asks, "Who gets to define what it means to be pro-women?" as she discusses how conservative women have responded to national political events and statements ostensibly made on behalf of women, but resisted by many conservative women.

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