Earlier this month, CAWP released the second report in our Women, Money, and Politics series, Money Matters in the Fifty States. In the report, CAWP researchers Kira Sanbonmatsu and Claire Gothreau examine campaign fundraising from 2001 to 2020 in statewide executive office races (other than races for governor and lieutenant governor) from both a donor and a recipient perspective, finding significant discrepancies between men and women, as well as specific disadvantages for women of color. Some highlights include:

  • Men’s giving in statewide executive elections exceeds women’s giving. Men outpaced women both in terms of the number of donors and the total amount contributed
  • Men’s giving to primary election contests without an incumbent also exceeded women’s giving in the number of contributors and the total amount of contributions.
  • Thus, despite the fact that women turn out to vote at higher rates than men, in terms of another critical form of political speech and participation, campaign finance, women continue to lag their male counterparts.
  • While men and women tend to raise similar amounts in races for these statewide elected executive offices, this may mask significant structural disadvantages. Women are less likely to self-fund their campaigns and more likely to fundraise in small-dollar amounts, meaning they may face additional burdens in the fundraising process.
  • Women of color are much less likely to enter contests for statewide executive offices than white women. They also raise less on average than white women candidates.

Read the full report here. See also the first report in the Women, Money, and Politics series, an ongoing collaboration with OpenSecrets, The Money Hurdle in the Race for Governor.