August 8, 2024

 California Associations of IB World Schools


2024 Fall Forum

IB for All: Inclusion and Access

Monday, November 4, 2024

San Jose City Hall & Rotunda

200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113

Meet Your Keynote Speaker

Dr. Laura E. Enriquez

Associate Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies

Director of Center for Liberation, Anti-Racism & Belonging

Director and PI, UC Collaborative to Promote Immigrant and Student Equity

Faculty-in-Residence, UCI DREAM Center

University of California, Irvine

Dear Colleagues,

CAWS is pleased to announce the details for our 2024 Fall Forum, taking place in San Jose on November 4th. We extend a warm welcome to Dr. Laura Enriquez, who will be delivering an insightful keynote address, IB Curious: Reflecting on My IB Journey, 20 Years Later. Dr. Enriquez's wealth of experience promises to inspire and engage us, as she reflects on her own transformative journey through the IB programme and the value and impact those years have had on shaping her approaches to learning, teaching and advocacy.

Following the keynote there will be a series of dynamic Featured Sessions designed to actively involve participants in stimulating discussions, interactive activities, and the sharing of resources. These sessions are tailored specifically for administrators, IBCs, teachers, and counselors, equipping you with tools necessary to cultivate enriching learning environments and develop lessons that truly resonate with your students while expanding your personal IB network. Come prepared to collaborate, share ideas, and encourage one another!

Warm regards,




7:00 - 8:30

8:30 - 9:00

9:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 1:00

1:00 - 2:30

2:30 - 3:0)2:30

Registration and Breakfast - The Rotunda

Welcome, Introduction, Minutes and Budget approved, CAWS Board

Keynote - IB Curious: Reflecting on My Journey 20 Years Later, Dr. Laura Enriquez, University of California, Irvine


Legislative Report, Gavin Payne via Zoom and University Report

Programme Featured sessions #1 - Meetings Rooms 118, 119 and 120

1.) Language and Learning in the IB PYP: Strategies for Supporting Multilingual and Culturally Responsive Classrooms, Laurel Ferreira, CAWS Board

2.) Supporting Inclusivity in Assessment: MYP's Criterion-Related Grading Approach, Rick Barlow, CAWS MYP Representative

3) The Most Important Relationship: A Conversation About The Roles and Connections Between Coordinators and Heads of School, Justin Conn, CAWS Board/Principal La Costa Canyon High School & Cindi Schildhouse, IBC, LCCHS

Lunch - The Rotunda

Programme Featured sessions #2 - Meeting Rooms 118, 119 and 120

1.) Integrating Educational Neuroscience within the IB PYP: Enhancing learning through Universal Design Learning (UDL) and Neuroeducation, Laurel Ferreira, CAWS Board

2.) Supporting Inclusivity in Assessment: MYP's Criterion-Related Grading Approach, Rick Barlow, CAWS MYP Representative

3) How DP Teachers can Use the Structure of Concepts Found in the MYP, Jared Phelps, CAWS Board

Closing, Mike Winsatt, CAWS President

Synopsis of Keynote and Presentations

Keynote -

IB Curious: Reflecting on My Journey as an IB Learner 20 Years Later

This keynote session will discuss my journey in the 20 years since I received my IB diploma from Sonora High School in 2004. I will discuss how the IB program cultivated characteristics in line with the “IB learner profile” and how I’ve applied these skills over the past 20 years. I also reflect on the “eliteness” of the IB program and how it is critical to expand this type of learning to make it accessible to more K-12 students, especially those from marginalized and historically underrepresented groups. I will end with an activity designed for the audience to reflect on their understanding of and relationship to one of the adjectives in the IB Learner Profile.

Laura E. Enriquez is Associate Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies and Director of the Center for Liberation, Anti-racism, and Belonging (C-LAB) at the University of California, Irvine. Her research focuses on the educational, political, and social experiences of undocumented young adults and members of mixed-status families. She is author of the award-winning book, Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Featured Sessions #1

Language and Learning in the IB PYP: Strategies for Supporting Multilingual and Culturally Responsive Classrooms, Laurel Ferreira, CAWS PYP Representative

By the end of this session, you will be equipped with a deep understanding of the integral role language plays in the IB Primary Years Programme, along with practical strategies to support multilingual learners, create culturally responsive classrooms, and promote language development across all disciplines to ensure every student thrives in your classroom.

Supporting Inclusivity in Assessment: MYP's Criterion-Related Grading Approach, Rick Barlow, CAWS MYP Representative - Part 1 Explores how the criterion-related assessment used in the MYP fosters inclusive grading practices and aligns with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles by accommodating diverse learning styles. Join us to explore how this approach reframes assessment, making it a powerful tool for learning that embraces the uniqueness of every student. 

The Most Important Relationship: A Conversation About The Roles and Connections Between Coordinators and Heads of School, Justin Conn, CAWS Board/Principal La Costa Canyon High School & Cindi Schildhouse, IBC, LCCHS. We welcome you to join in our conversation on how we collaborate at a DP High School with the hope of sharing and exchanging innovative ideas and best practices. How do you manage?

Featured Sessions #2

Integrating Educational Neuroscience within the IB Primary Years Programme: Enhancing learning through Universal Design Learning (UDL) and Neuroeducation, Laurel Ferreira, CAWS PYP Representative

By the end of this session, you will be equipped with a deep understanding of the integral role language plays in the IB Primary Years Programme, along with practical strategies to support multilingual learners, create culturally responsive classrooms, and promote language.


We will explore the powerful synergy between Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Educational Neuroscience within the IB PYP. This session will delve into the science of how the brain learns, providing a foundational understanding that will inform our approach to creating inclusive, engaging, and effective learning experiences within the unit planner. 

Supporting Inclusivity in Assessment: MYP's Criterion-Related Grading

Approach, Rick Barlow, CAWS PYP Representative Part 2 is a continuation of our first session with time for application for your classes.

How DP Teachers can Use the Structure of Concepts Found in the MYP, Jared Phelps, CAWS Secretary

In this session, designed for DP teachers with little to no experience with the MYP, we’ll explore the ways that the MYP framework gives teachers tools for building Concept-based units and how DP teachers can repurpose and use these structures to help us build better units.

CAWS 2024 Fall Forum                       INVOICE # 102424

Conference Registration                     CAWS Tax ID #94-3381716 

CAWS is a non-profit organization                                 

Robin Oliver, Executive Director, CAWS | |

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