October 2021

Dear Friends,

We hope that you are safely navigating the ever-shifting challenges we face today. Below are some important October program notes for you.

The CBE Fall SOFA series is in full swing and features explorations of some of the more challenging topics in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, includes two Japanese seminars, an Every Day Buddhism session, and Sushi Rolling - Just for Fun!

Thank you for your continued participation and support!

CBE Staff
This Saturday: October 16th
Introducing Transformations in the 20th & 21st Centuries
Guest Speaker: Dr. Galen Amstutz
"Shin Buddhism today," writes Dr. Amstutz," is a very large and diffuse phenomenon which is not easy to get a handle on..."

This seminar will "introduce several main themes of the modern story:
  • how the encounter with the West created intellectual challenges for the tradition (at least for the leadership);
  • how Shin through much of the 20th century was greatly influenced by Japanese imperialism, war and ethnonationalism; and
  • how Shin is responding to a significantly declining institutional situation today.”

Japanese Seminars:
October 23 & November 13, 2021
We are happy to offer a couple of CBE SOFA sessions in Japanese: On October 23rd, Rev. Dr. Mutsumi Wondra, will address the topic of "Hongan no Kokoro." Next month, on November 13th, Rev. Kiyo Kuwahara will speak on "Jodo Shinshu wo Tatoeru to?" Note that this seminar will be conducted in Japanese with no translations. Please share this link with your Japanese-speaking friends and family.
(Conducted in Japanese, no translation)

2021 1023

土曜日 午前11時〜午後1
(Pacific Time)

 ワンドラ 睦  

 オレンジ郡仏教会 開教使
米国仏教大学院 (IBS) 非常勤講師
Register online
(Conducted in Japanese, no translation)


土曜日 午前11時〜午後1
(Pacific Time)

桑原 浄信
バークレー仏教会 開教使
マリン仏教会 開教使
Register online

October 30, 2021

11 am - 1 pm (Pacific Time)

CBE Every Day Buddhism (EDB) Committee presents

"The Three Poisons"

Guest Speaker:
Rev. Marvin Harada, BCA Bishop

On October 30th, the CBE Every Day Buddhism (EDB) Committee presents a special workshop with guest speaker, Rev. Marvin Harada, BCA Bishop, on "The Three Poisons." The EDB Committee plans gatherings that are suitable for all generations and experiences -- for newcomers to Jodo Shinshu as well as longtime seekers.

November SOFA Outlook

In addition to the Japanese seminar on 11/13 (see above), CBE SOFA invites you to "Koichi's Kitchen," a virtual sushi rolling workshop by Koichi Mizushima, CBE youth program coordinator and former Japanese restaurateur. This is a fun way to honor and reflect on sangha and temple life and hone your sushi rolling skills.

Register here for your free Zoom link

Now on CBE YouTube Channel:

Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto's 2-part presentation (9/18 & 9/25) on
"Shinjin" is now online at the CBE YouTube Channel and enjoying a brisk viewership.
Summer SOFA seminars and other features are also available for viewing.

BYR Virtual Reunion: November 6th
Participants from all BYR sessions (Buddhist Youth Retreat) are invited for a virtual reunion to reconnect with friends old and new from throughout BCA and beyond.

Contact Koichi Mizushima,
CBE Youth Program Coordinator
BCA Art Exhibit 2021
Now online for your enjoyment!
"You are invited to stroll through our galleries more than once and with different friends to enjoy the efforts of our talented Sangha members. ... Art is not entertainment. Art is expression and communication. We are opened to a world beyond words. Art gives voice to body and heart... "

-Excerpt from welcome message by Rev. Dennis Fujimoto, BCA Art Exhibit 2021 Coordinating Committee

Seminars Online For All
Complete schedule

Thank you for your generous donations to support CBE.

Donations are received by the BCA Endowment Foundation
to benefit CBE programs.

Online donations may be made at this link.

Checks are also welcome,
made payable to "BCA Endowment Foundation"
with a check memo: "CBE."
Mail to BCA Endowment Foundation:
1710 Octavia St., San Francisco, CA 94109