Dear Colleagues,
With the 2022 Election quickly approaching, the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is committed to equipping our members and the public with the tools and knowledge needed to make informed decisions about our future. We also recognize that it's essential to do everything within our power to promote race and social equity.
For this reason, we are excited to share with you CBHA’s 2022 Proposition Preview! In this preview, CBHA highlighted California propositions on the 2022 Ballot, their relation to behavioral healthcare, and their impact on race and social equity. Also included in the Proposition Preview is a section that provides guidance for non-profits in engaging in advocacy and lobbying.
For your convenience, we have also linked California's Official Voters Guide below. As we gear up for another critical election, please take time to download, read and share CBHA’s 2022 Proposition Preview to equip yourself and your community with critical knowledge about how these propositions impact behavioral health and race and social equity in California.
Last and certainly not least, don't forget to vote!!
In Service,