A new name, a new logo,
a new Hebrew High
While retaining the name of our beloved Rabbi Emeritus, Jack M. Rosoff, we have created a new identity for our Hebrew High School.


Like the name of our lower school, SHMA, ALEINU is a well known prayer and also a call to action. At the end of every Service, we rise to proclaim:

Aleinu l'shabeyach ...

It is up to us to praise ...

Our new school model will invite students to rise and take an active role in their learning. We are taking Hebrew High out of the classroom and giving students the opportunity to learn through experience.
Four experiential classes rotating each month
First Sunday: Community Service
Students will determine how they would like to serve the community. In the first few meetings, they will explore volunteer opportunities in the area. Then on subsequent Sundays, they will take an active role in providing service.
Facilitator: Thayne Tessenholtz
Second Sunday: Israeli Film/TV
Israel film and TV can provide insight into the popular culture of the Jewish State. But it can also trigger discussions about issues that affect the relationship between Israelis and Diaspora Jews.
Facilitator: Dana Zachar (Israeli Shinshin), Leigh Dym
Third Sunday: Biblical Buffet
The Bible is filled with mentions of food. Sometimes the dish is named specifically (Jacob's red lentil stew), sometimes only implied (Joseph's dinner for his brothers). This class will study the texts that refer to food and then go into the kitchen to prepare the dishes. Facilitator: Margo Tikijian
Fourth Sunday: Out and About
We'll get out of the building and into the community to explore places of Jewish interest in the area. The goal of this class is to expand the students' awareness and understanding of the Jewish Community beyond CBI. Facilitators: Rabbi Goldberg, Dr. Harvey Cohen
How it works:
All Hebrew High students meet together for all classes. There are no divisions by grade.

The rotation of classes is firm. If school is closed on a given Sunday, that class will resume the following month.

Because this program will require additional supplies and admission fees, an additional activity charge will be required. The "Book Fee" will be eliminated and replaced by this activity fee. Cost per student will be determined shortly before the start of classes, based on enrollment and costs.

It is understood that high school students simply can't attend every session. Each ALEINU class stands on its own as a learning experience.

We are looking into a variety of alternatives for transportation in the Field Trip class and the Community Service class. We may need to form carpools and hope, if we do, that you can participate in a rotation of parents.

It is not only up to the students, but also up to you, the parents, to encourage your son/daughter to try this innovative new program. This is especially true of students who were not interested in the old model of Hebrew High.

Each student eligible for Hebrew High will receive a personal invitation (by snail mail) in the next week to join us for this new Jewish journey. We look forward to a whole new kind of teen engagement in learning.