CBI Newsletter                  June 2020
If you do not want to receive information for CBI coordinators and project managers please contact Mary Jewett ( mary@mainelakes.org) to unsubscribe from this list. If you click unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any information about milfoil and other invasive aquatic species in Maine, this includes grant announcements.
In This Issue
Training Documents and Links
July 2015 
May 2015 
The 2020 inspection season has begun and I hope that things are going well so far, and that the new guidelines aren't creating too much trouble for inspectors. This newsletter contains updates and reminders to help you have a successful season. 
Mary Jewett - Milfoil Coordinator
Inspection data - Using the App and Viewing Data online
A reminder that your second grant payment is dependent upon the DEP receiving up-to-date inspection data. To make sure this happens please utilize the Survey123 mobile app, or contact Karen Hahnel for a copy of the Excel form used last year. 

If you have a stack of forms and are waiting to enter them into the app now is the time to do it! If you have tried to download the app on a phone or computer and haven't been successful please contact Becky Schaffner, who create it, for assistance. Any questions on how to use the app or troubleshooting issues should also be directed to Becky. 

Once data have been submitted via the app it can be viewed instantly online. This is a great tool to use, especially if you have multiple inspectors working in the field and can't check in on them every day. To explore the dashboard click here. Information from all the organizations doing inspections can be seen, or you can narrow it down to just view your group. 
COVID-19 Protection Reminder
This summer has been difficult for a lot of people, but Courtesy Boat Inspectors have risen to the challenge presented by the new inspection guidelines. CBIs across the state can be seen wearing masks and keeping at least 6 feet between themselves and the boater. Please click here to download a new, simple, list outlining the guidelines for this season. 

As a reminder to everyone to keep wearing those masks and maintaining physical distance here are some photos of inspectors around the state. If you have photos or stories you would like to share in the next newsletter please send them to mary@mainelakes.org
Emma at Thompson Lake
Eliot at Sebago Lake
Christa at Sebago Lake
Andrew at Pleasant Lake
Wayne from PWD at Sebago Lake
CBI at Thompson Lake
Michelle at Lake Arrowhead
Lisa, Peggy, and CBI at Sebago Lake
Kora at Sebago Lake
Kim at Hancock Pond
Kayla at Parker Pond
Jenni at Thompson Lake

Take another look at the 2020 Training Video:

CBI Video 5 12 20

Submitting a Plant for Identification
Photo of a milfoil specimen
If an inspector finds a suspicious plant they should take detailed photos before placing it in a labeled sample bag with water. Photos should be sent to the CBI coordinator who will decide what the best route is to get an identification. Sometimes the coordinator, or another person in the organization, has enough plant knowledge to determine if it is invasive. If they do not, the photos should be submitted to the Lake Stewards of Maine through their dedicated suspicious plant submittal form on their website. Click here to access that form.

All samples should be kept in a refrigerator until an identification has been made. Make sure the sample bag is labeled so it can be matched with the appropriate inspection entry. 
Message About Public Boat Ramps
Maine Public Boat Ramps
Boat ramp on Megunticook Lake.
 Photo from Karen Hahnel
Access to Maine waters depends on public boat ramps, the access points for all of Maine's grant supported CBI programs. Maine has 576 public ramps. Roughly half are owned by three state departments - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW), Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (DACF), and Transportation (DOT). The other half are primarily owned by municipalities, energy companies, land trusts, and lumber companies. These locally-owned ramps likely used state or federal grant funds to assist with the design and/or installation of the ramp and therefore are required to be open for public use.

Over the years we've had very few issues with inspections at the boat ramps, but on occasion ramp owners have expressed concern to DEP. For example, we've had reports of inspectors setting up chairs or parking their cars in the Handicap parking area. The handicap area should always be open for its intended use and not as a CBI station.

Another issue that occasionally comes to our attention are changes made by lake associations on the ramp property. DEP has always informed association representatives to contact the ramp owner before posting an invasive species prevention sign, but you should also always request the ramp owner's permission before your CBI program install other small structures such as a picnic table, porta potty, or kiosk. Ramp owners want - and need - to know what is taking place on their property.

To help you identify the owner of a specific ramp, visit the DACF's web site at https://www.maine.gov/dacf/parks/water_activities/boating/public_boat_launches/index.shtml
This site provides a lot of information about Maine's 576 public ramps including location, ownership, parking space and type of ramp. This web site is a great public resource, I hope you explore it.  

Please contact the following regarding DIFW and DACF boat ramps:
DIFW's Diano Circo diano.circo@maine.gov ; DACF's Tom Linscott thomas.linscott@maine.gov
Lakes Environmental Association | 207-647-8580 | mary@mainelakes.org | http://mainelakes.org
230 Main Street
Bridgton, ME 04009