Maine Public Boat Ramps
Boat ramp on Megunticook Lake.
Photo from Karen Hahnel
Access to Maine waters depends on public boat ramps, the access points for all of Maine's grant supported CBI programs. Maine has 576 public ramps. Roughly half are owned by three state departments - Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW), Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (DACF), and Transportation (DOT). The other half are primarily owned by municipalities, energy companies, land trusts, and lumber companies. These locally-owned ramps likely used state or federal grant funds to assist with the design and/or installation of the ramp and therefore are required to be open for public use.
Over the years we've had very few issues with inspections at the boat ramps, but on occasion ramp owners have expressed concern to DEP. For example, we've had reports of inspectors setting up chairs or parking their cars in the Handicap parking area. The handicap area should always be open for its intended use and not as a CBI station.
Another issue that occasionally comes to our attention are changes made by lake associations on the ramp property. DEP has always informed association representatives to contact the ramp owner before posting an invasive species prevention sign, but you should also always request the ramp owner's permission before your CBI program install other small structures such as a picnic table, porta potty, or kiosk. Ramp owners want - and need - to know what is taking place on their property.
This site provides a lot of information about Maine's 576 public ramps including location, ownership, parking space and type of ramp. This web site is a great public resource, I hope you explore it.
Please contact the following regarding DIFW and DACF boat ramps: