CBI Newsletter
May 2020

We know that there are many uncertainties about what is going to happen in the coming months. And while we don't know everything we can at least give guidance on the upcoming Courtesy Boat Inspection season. We hope that this newsletter will answer most of your questions about the CBI program. 

Mary Jewett - Milfoil Coordinator
DEP Guidelines for Boat Inspections
On April 17 the Department of Economic and Community Development determined that boat inspections are an essential operation. Since then the DEP has been working on a set of guidelines and best practices for courtesy boat inspectors moving forward. In a nutshell those guidelines during inspections are:
  • Always maintain social distancing
  • Wear a face mask
  • Clean your hands often
  • When coughing or sneezing do so into your elbow or a tissue
  • Avoid touching any part of the boat or trailer
  • Do not assist boater with launching or retrieving boat
The DEP has created a document expanding on these points which includes CDC guidelines and in-depth information for program coordinators. Coordinators should download that document (below) and read it carefully. If you have any questions about these recommendations please contact Karen Hahnel: Karen.A.Hahnel@maine.gov. Click on the links below for more information. 

Getting your CBI Supplies - Complete survey by Tuesday, May 5
CBI shirts, hats, handbooks, stickers, and brochures have been sitting alone, in the dark, at the Lakes Environmental Association since March. The supplies have been separated into bags for the different organizations and are ready to be distributed to groups. In an effort to do this efficiently LEA and the DEP are setting up 3 different distribution sites that we think are close enough to most of the groups to make pick-ups manageable. These locations include Bridgton, Augusta, and Belfast and we have determined several dates and times for each place in the hopes that everyone can pick up their supplies without undue burden. Check out the survey below and let us know where and when you would like to pick up your haul. 
Using the CBI Data Collection App
In recent years the DEP has rolled out an application for collecting CBI data, called the CBI Mobile App, which can be used on any smart device or computer. While many organizations have embraced the new technology some are sticking with the paper inspection forms. There are advantages to using the app, such as avoiding the hassle of having to enter the data in excel, and being able to instantly view data online as it is submitted. This year there is a new and important reason to use the app: avoiding the potential spread of the coronavirus through the paper inspection forms. The goal for this summer especially is to avoid physical contact as much as possible. Requiring that inspectors enter their data on either their phone or computer eliminates a potential vector. 

To use the CBI Mobile App you must first download the Survey123 for ArcGIS program app onto a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Inspectors can enter the data directly at the launch, no WiFi required, or use the paper forms and enter the data later at home. Please click here to download instructions on how to install and use the app. If you used the app last year you MUST update it. 

Whether you are using the app or sticking with the paper option the DEP will need a list of your inspectors so please send names to Karen as soon as you have them: Karen.A.Hahnel@maine.gov
CBI Training - May 15
In the next couple of weeks coordinators will be receiving additional information and training materials. On May 15 at 10am, Mary Jewett, Karen Hahnel, and Becky Schaffner will be holding a training session for the upcoming season. Becky is the architect of the data collection app and will be answering any questions people may have about installing and using the CBI Mobile App. This year the training will be optional, although we do encourage you to tune in if you have any questions or concerns about how to move forward with your program. We are all making our way together and we want  you to know that we are here to support you however we can. This training is open to anyone who would like to attend and is not limited to just the coordinator. 

If you know for sure or think you may want to attend the coordinator training please email mary@mainelakes.org and we will send you the details for the Zoom meeting. 
Zoom meeting on May 13th from 9-11am- Addressing the Threat of Aquatic Invaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This forum, hosted by Maine DEP, Lake Stewards of Maine, and Lakes Environmental Association, invites representatives of CBI, IPP, and plant removal programs to discuss how efforts pertaining to invasive aquatic plants in Maine will move forward this season under Maine's COVID-19 response plan.

To join the Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 270 837 2570
Password: 270186

To join meeting by phone:
1 646 876 9923