In recent years the DEP has rolled out an application for collecting CBI data, called the CBI Mobile App, which can be used on any smart device or computer. While many organizations have embraced the new technology some are sticking with the paper inspection forms. There are advantages to using the app, such as avoiding the hassle of having to enter the data in excel, and being able to instantly view data online as it is submitted. This year there is a new and important reason to use the app: avoiding the potential spread of the coronavirus through the paper inspection forms. The goal for this summer especially is to avoid physical contact as much as possible. Requiring that inspectors enter their data on either their phone or computer eliminates a potential vector.
To use the CBI Mobile App you must first download the Survey123 for ArcGIS program app onto a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Inspectors can enter the data directly at the launch, no WiFi required, or use the paper forms and enter the data later at home. Please
click here to download instructions on how to install and use the app. If you used the app last year you MUST update it.
Whether you are using the app or sticking with the paper option the DEP will need a list of your inspectors so please send names to Karen as soon as you have them: