January 2024 Newsletter
In the early 1990’s, Christ’s Body Ministries founder Bruce McBogg began our work as a ministry to disciple homeless men. His vision was to bring hope and spiritual traction to a destitute and lost community. He was passionate about restoring the dignity and self-value of men who had lost their way to drugs, crime, and deviance. 

As we enter 2024, I have been pondering and praying about our historic mission: to feed, clothe and share the Gospel 365 days per year. We see ourselves living out our faith in Christ every day bringing Jesus into every aspect of our work with the homeless. Fortunately, over the years and many challenges, we have never lost that passion or priority. In 2024, more than ever, we are committed to this end game. 

Isaiah 61 states that the “Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted; to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” To me, that is what Christ’s Body is all about. The poor and homeless will always be present in this life. We have the privilege to serve them and lead them in the Kingdom of God.

I want to thank you for your ongoing prayers, volunteering, and financial support. We are blessed because you entrust us to go forward and care for those who are bound, captive, oppressed, nameless, worthless, and poor. Come and be a part of our work in 2024. We do not seek to be big or famous. We seek to be mighty for God!

Happy New Year!

Pastor Jim

If you have any questions or prayer requests, call us at 303-860-1272 or email us at [email protected].

Our year end matching campaign
closed at a total of $167,729 dollars. This is the biggest matching response that we have ever had!

YOUR generosity enables us to deliver our mission with far greater impact this year.

We are so grateful for your support in 2023.

JOIN US in 2024 as we "Feed, clothe and share the Gospel 365 days a year."
Oftentimes, we use the first month of the new year to look back and reflect on what God had done the previous year. For us in 2023 we had just established the return of our Friday Morning Church Service, and with this, the Lord brought us a host of new friends.

One person that I am especially grateful for is a man by the name of Jerry Hall (Pictured right). 

Jerry was invited to church by a friend who only ever attended one service. Who would have thought, even without his friend, Jerry would continue to attend-always in the front row. Looking back, he would probably receive the “best attended” award if we gave one out for coming to church. His church attendance turned into attending our Men’s Roundtable, which turned into daily volunteering at CBM. 

Jerry served 38 years in prison, where he found God. During that time, he was healed from his prostate cancer- he gives God the glory for it! Nowadays, you can’t get too far at CBM without coming into contact with Jerry.  We have been so blessed by him serving along with us. Daily he brings his great smile, a warm presence, and his encouraging spirit. He uplifts our guests with a helping hand to find clothes and other resources they need, and his gentle offer to pray with them is a blessing.

As I reflect on the past year, I am grateful for the friendship and support of Jerry Hall. I just wonder, if the Lord brought us this incredible of a guy in 2023, who the next “Jerry’ to join us in 2024 will be?

- Pastor Sterling Copeland
Jay Jung did a great job with our beloved donors during his tenure as the Development Director at Christ's Body. Jay has accepted a new job as of January 1st with a larger agency here in Denver.

We are excited for him and this new opportunity for him to continue to do Kingdom work for God. If you have had any contacts over the last year and a half with Jay, I will be in contact with you soon.

Please pray for his successor that we will have wisdom in finding that right person. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected]
¿Hablas español?

Every week, the number of migrant families and individuals we serve increases.

If you speak Spanish and have a heart to reach out with the love of Christ along with us, WE NEED YOU! We're also in need of Spanish translations of the bible - this is always one of the first things that come up in our conversations on the street.