Wishing all a joyful New Year! Classes resume Tuesday, January 2nd

Welcome back to the studio!

We look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces back to the studio beginning Tuesday, January 2nd. We are happy to welcome new students, ages 7-18 years, to our year-long classes through January 31st. Classes for our youngest students are offered in 7-week sessions or trimesters. Adult classes are offered on a drop-in basis year-round, in addition to fall and spring repertory classes. Click the links below to view our schedules and registration information.

Young Dancer Program & Schedule for ages 2-7

Children & Teen Schedule

Adult Drop-in Class Schedule

Summer Camp registration will open on Monday, January 15th!

Please find some helpful hints and reminders to help you prepare for your next class.

New to dance classes?

Dance is a language all its own, and it takes some time to learn and master. Allow yourself to make mistakes, get silly, and enjoy the thrill of moving with a supportive community. We were all beginners once, and it will likely take a few classes to find your "groove." If you are unsure which class to start with, reach out to Martha or Kate at the front desk at 207.871.1013 or info@cascobaymovers.com.

Dressing for class:

All outside shoes must be removed at the studio entrance to protect the special dance floors and our barefoot dancers. Winter is here, and dressing in layers is always a great idea! Click here for more specific information about dress codes.

In the lobby:

Caregivers and siblings are welcome to wait for their student in the lobby. Please remove shoes at the door and be mindful of dancers who are using the space to warm up before their classes. Thank you for keeping noise to a minimum to support those working hard in the classrooms and at the front desk. Climbing on furniture and ballet barres is prohibited for your safety.

In the classroom:

Dancers are welcome to bring valuables and a water bottle into the studios. Please silence and stow cell phones and smartwatches. Exceptions will be made for students who are on call. Coats, shoes, etc., can be stowed in cubbies in the lobby or dressing rooms.

Spring Concert:

In preparation for our Spring Concerts on Saturday, June 15th, we will measure dancers for costumes in all year-long classes for children and teens beginning the second week of January. Costume payments will be due in full on February 1st. If your dancer is not participating in the performance, kindly notify the front desk in writing by Monday, January 29. Trimester class dancers can also perform in our Young Dancers Matinee on June 15th if they choose!

Click here for parking information.

Faculty Updates

Please join us in congratulating CBM teaching artist Allie James, whom the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) selected to join the second annual National Leaders of Color Fellowship Cohort! In addition to teaching at CBM, Allie is the Director of Training Programs for the Bates Dance Festival and a professor of dance at Bates College. She is also an alum of Casco Bay Movers and Portland Youth Dance. We are so proud of you, Allie!

Portland Youth Dance News

Exchange X9 Battel Prep Event & Popping Masterclass with Megatron on Sunday, January 7

Join PYD on Sunday, January 7, at Casco Bay Movers, for an afternoon of cyphers, battle prep, exhibition battles, and a popping foundations class with Megatron to help you prepare for The Exchange, which will be held on Saturday, March 3.

The January 7th event is for participants only. Click here to reserve your spot!

Portland Youth Dance Turns 25! Celebrate with us on Saturday, February 3, at the Woodfords Club!

Celebrate the silver 25th anniversary of Portland Youth Dance with a 21+ gala featuring a silent auction, food, and dancing! Featured performances by Pine State Breakerz, and former PYD dancers Veeva Banga of Veeva Banga Dance and Zack Betty of NSquared Dance Company. Read more here.

Click here to reserve your tickets or scan the QR code above!

Portland Youth Dance Community Program Offerings

Winter 2024

PYD will offer the community classes listed below at Casco Bay Movers Dance Studio. These classes are geared toward students who may not otherwise have access to dance classes. Questions can be directed to Community Programs Director, Elizabeth Lau.

Pre-registration is required and can be completed here.

Intro to Dance for Ages 3.5 – 5 Years

January 6th – February 10th | 11:45am-12:30pm | Ages 3.5-5 years

Breakdancing for Ages 6-10 Years

Saturdays 11:15am – 12:15pm | January 6th – February 10th | Ages 6-10 years

Danceability Workshops for Ages 6-10 Years

January 6th & February 10th | 12:30pm-1:30pm | January 6th & February 10th | Ages 6-10 years

Winter Storm Cancellation

We will announce weather cancellations on our website, Facebook and Instagram, television channels 6, 8, and 13, and on our voicemail. We do not always close if Portland Public Schools are closed. Please don't hesitate to use your discretion if we are open for class and your family is uncomfortable with the commute. Make-up classes for studio closures can be arranged via our front desk. Adults may use their class punch cards for all regular classes on the adult drop-in class schedule at any time.

Important Dates:

  • Jan 2 - Classes Resume
  • Jan 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr Day - All classes are held.
  • Jan 15 - Summer Camp Registration Opens
  • Feb 1 - Costume payments for year-long classes are due in full.
  • Feb 1 - Open enrollment for Session IV of our 7-week classes begins.
  • Feb 19 - 24 - February Vacation Week - Only adult drop-in classes are held.
  • Mar 1 - Open Enrollment for Spring Trimester Classes Begins
Check out our website for the latest news!
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