CBP Releases Latest Version of ACAS – Implementation Guide and FAQs
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today released the latest version of the Air Cargo Advance Screening – Implementation Guide (ACAS-IG) Version 2.3.2, as well as related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
ACAS was developed by CBP to evaluate air shipments for threats to aviation. Messages describing upcoming shipments are sent to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in advance of the cargo departure for the U.S. This data is then reviewed jointly by CBP and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to identify threats.
ACAS will return message acknowledgements to the data submitter, including any holds on a shipment. “While the data may be sent at any time before departure, ACAS filers are encouraged to send data as early as possible to avoid disruptions to cargo movement should action be required,” CBP said.
On Aug. 21, 2024, CBP initiated an update to the ACAS-IG. CBP has since held regular calls and provided routine communications with the trade to facilitate the implementation. The NCBFAA Air Freight Subcommittee will continue to keep association members informed of the latest actions involving ACAS-IG Version 2.3.2 implementation.
In early September, CBP also implemented nationwide rejection of vague descriptions in ACAS. The agency implemented a 30-day warning period, which will end Oct. 6. Rejections will start Oct. 7.
For more details about ACAS-IG implementation, contact your assigned CBP Client Representative. If one has not yet been assigned to you, send an e-mail to