CBPA Board Member Sarahann Shapiro Appointed to CA Commission on Disability Access

Board Member Sarahann Shapiro has been appointed as CBPA's designated representative to the California Commission on Disability Access (CCDA) by Governor Gavin Newsom.

The mission of the CCDA is to promote disability access through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders including the disability and business communities as well as all levels of government.

CCDA was formed as a result of legislation passed in 2008 spearheaded by CBPA, the disability community, the Consumer Attorneys of California, the CalChamber, and other stakeholders.

The goal of the legislation was to strike a fair and reasonable balance between lawsuits meant to enforce the access laws but also facilitate and acknowledge the efforts of businesses who desire to comply and take steps accordingly.

Former CBPA Chair Doug Wiele has represented the business community in the CBPA designated slot for over a decade and has received high praise for his work on the Commission.

Shapiro has been Special Counsel at Pahl & McCay since 1994. She has been a Professor at Menlo College since 2018 and is currently Professor in Residence of Real Estate and Director of the Real Estate Center at Menlo College.

In addition to her role on the CBPA Board of Directors, Shapiro serves as Vice President of BOMA California.