SB 301 (Skinner) California's version of the federal INFORM Consumers Act addressing organized retail crime and online sales of stolen products.
SB 846 (Dodd) Extends operations of Diablo Canyon Powerplant.
AB 1695 (Santiago) Incentivizes more use of adaptive reuse of residential and non-residential properties.
AB 1951 (Grayson) Sales Tax Exemption for Manufacturing Equipment Purchases.
AB 2164 (Lee) Extends the Certified Access Specialist (CASp) license fee which benefits property owners, small businesses, and customers increasing accessibility and protecting from frivolous lawsuits.
AB 2316 (Ward) Solar incentives for residential and commercial which prioritizes access to assistance for renters and those who cannot install on-site solar and storage while compensating customers for the value of producing clean electricity when the grid is most strained.
AB 2432 (Muratsuchi) L.A. County Electric Vehicle Operations and Signage. SIGNED.
AB 2836 (Garcia) Incentivizes cost-effective criteria pollutant emission reductions in trucks and provides creditable emission reductions towards air quality attainment goals that otherwise would be obtained via onerous regulation.
SB 1020 (Laird) Accelerates renewable and zero-carbon mandates and requires 100% of all retail sales of electricity to California end-use customers by 2045.
SB 1137 (Gonzalez) Mandates a setback of 3,200 feet between any new oil wells and certain “sensitive receptors.”
AB 257 (Holden) Puts significant fiscal and legal requirements on small business owners/franchisees of counter-service restaurants by creating a labor council to set wage and other workplace requirements.
AB 1279 (Muratsuchi) Increases the cost of energy by mandating our state to reach carbon neutrality by 2045.
AB 2106 (Rivas) Subjects a wide range of commercial, industrial, and retail properties to costly compliance measures and potential lawsuits.
AB 2438 (Friedman) Ensures long-term congestion and increased engine idling on already congested freeways and surface roads by requiring funding to incorporate road diets and lane reductions to reduce GHG impacts.
SB 6 (Caballero) Attempts to provide incentives for dense market rate mixed-use development projects in areas zoned commercial in exchange for adopting certain union pay and training requirements.
AB 1632 (Weber) Initially required onerous access to private employee restrooms in all public buildings to people with certain medical conditions. Amendments addressed our concerns.
AB 1738 (Boerner Horvath) Initially mandated fully functioning EV charging stations in all existing commercial parking lots. Amendments brought requirements in line with recent building code adoption addressed concerns.
AB 2011 (Wicks) Attempts to provide incentives for dense market rate and affordable mixed-use development projects in areas zoned commercial in exchange for adopting certain union pay and training requirements.
AB 2206 (Lee) Initially required all non-residential leases to break out individual parking stall costs. Amendments removed the mandate on property owners/managers and provided alternate ways of compliance for employers.
AB 2260 (Rodriguez) Requires trauma kits be installed anywhere an AED is currently required. Amendments addressed our concerns with training requirements and liability.