CBRR&R March Newsletter 2022
Brass needs surgery... can you help?
We are asking for your help raising money for Brass’s surgery, please consider giving if you can to help this sweet boy.

Brass was seen by the veterinary specialist, who has determined that Brass has double bilateral CCL ruptures and will need TPLO surgery in both rear legs. Our surgical estimate is $7,602. Please read more about Brass...
Calling all volunteers
we'd love your idea's and help!
Do you have a few hours a week to spare and a special talent you'd like to share with a team of volunteers? Take a look at some of our committees:
Give Fundraising Committee:
GIVE works on direct fundraising for specific dogs in need, urgent call for financial support, grants and
corporate donations. Do you have grant skills? give@cbrrescue.org

Developement Fundraising Committee:
We're looking for a few new members to add to the team, to bring new ideas, work collaberatively, share tasks, investigate new ideas, help plan and start and promote fundraisers. developmentteam@cbrrescue.org
Communication Committee:
Support and/or assistance with regular cadence of communications around dogs, process and events, including drafting and sending updates to CBRR&R community using social media and newsletters. info@cbrrescue.org

Membership Committee:
This team's work will include updating data, helping with renewals, and other fun administrative tasks. Organizational skills will be helpful here.
Do you enjoy purposeful work that helps dogs and being part of a team that feels the same? We'd love to have you joing us. info@cbrrescue.org
Dogs ready and waiting for a new family
Northwest #17401
Northwest #17521
Southeast #17595
Southwest #17679
Southeast #17594
Southwest #17449
MidAtlantic #17663
MidAtlantic #17598
Midwest #17535
Joining us on Slack
Are you interested in being involved with the efforts behind the scenes? We can add you to one or more of our new Slack Teams. Just email request at info@cbrrescue.org and include what areas you are interested in volunteering.