Learn with CBS!
TNT RETURNS Tuesday night Talmud continues this Tuesday, May 24th!
INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER Class for conversion candidates but open to all members will be continuing on Wednesday nights from 8-9p.m. on the CBS Zoom channel! Taught by Briah Cahana and Rabba Amalia.
ZOHAR Zohar will meet each Wednesday at 12:00 pm. on the CBS Zoom channel! Class continues this Wednesday, May 25th.
Bernice Haber Educational Fund & Initiative We've all been enjoying and benefiting from the wisdom, energy, and creativity of Rabba Amalia and Briah Cahana. Their presence has been made possible by a major gift to CBS by Jen and Gershon stark establishing the Bernice Haber Education Initiative in memory of Gershon's mother, of blessed memory. If you wish to contribute to the Bernice Haber Educational Fund, please contact the Rabbi or the office. Thank you to Jen and Gershon!
CBS Retreat 2022! We'll be having our second CBS Shabbaton retreat the weekend of October 28-30. The retreat will take place at Camp Ramah Palmer. Save the date now and get excited! Details tba.