Check out our new format for the New Year!

Click through events you find interesting and it will take you to our website

where you'll find more details and links to sign up.

Friday, January 17


6:00 pm Young Family services

6:30 pm Community Shabbat dinner

7:30 pm Shabbat evening services

Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat

Candle Lighting: 4:27 pm

Saturday, January 18

9:00 am Torah study

10:00 am Shabbat morning services

Bat Mitzvah of Valerie Schwarz

Most Worship Services are offered both in-person and online.

Click here for Weekly Worship Service Times, Zoom Links and Resources

Avodah for Adults - January 12

Mahjong - January 16

Nourish our Neighbors Mitzvah Project

Donate by January 17

Community Event at Congregation Etz Chaim

Sunday, January 19

Garry Gardner Memorial Empty Bowls: Homemade Soup Lunch Benefit 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM. Lunch is soup and bread, plus there will be a bake sale to benefit the Special Olympics. Empty Bowls proceeds benefit local social service agencies providing food and shelter. Cost: $18 per adult and $12 per child (small children are free) ($54 maximum) Now with donation matching! An anonymous donor has offered to match Empty Bowls donations from new donors up to $2500! For more information and to register with Congregation Etz Chaim click here.

Coffee, Conversation and Comfort

1st and 3rd Thursdays at 10:15 in the library

Pickleball - Janary 19

NCJW Virtual Event January's Spotlight Salon


NCJW Virtual Event January's Spotlight Salon:


Monday, January 27th at 7 PM 

Virtual via Zoom

Third Annual Solo-Aging by Choice or Circumstance program, 

Co-sponsored by Skyline Village Chicago.

Discussion of connections, longevity, health concerns, balance, and core strength, building a community of care partners, using technology to maintain connections, and more. 

Click here for more info and to register.

Ruach Renewal - January 31 - February 2

Boker Laila Book Club - February/March

Nature Walk and Tu B'shevat - February

Couples and Conversation with Rabbi David

Starting February 13

Thursday Text Study with Rabbi David

Thursday Study Group with Rabbi David is at 11:30 AM. Whether you can come regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing discussions and the joy of learning. Join us at the synagogue in the social hall