Shabbat This Week
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✡️ 11 Sivan ✡️
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Friday, 6:30pm | View on CBST Website »

Reactions to Current Events in Israel – Zoneg (Zoom Oneg!)
Friday, May 21, after services 8:30pm to 9:30pm | Zoom link »

Alef-Bet Shabbat (Ages 0–6)
Drop-ins and new families encouraged!
9:00am–9:45am | Zoom link »

Shabbat Morning Service
9:30am–12:00pm | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 892 6861 4329

Limmud b'Shabbat (Grades K–7)
10:00am–11:30pm | Learn more »

Teen Track: Jewish Resistance (Grades 8–12)
1:00–2:00pm | Learn more »

8:00pm pre-Service program | 8:45pm Havdalah Service | Zoom link »
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Featured Events
A Message from Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

Since I came to CBST in 1992, it has been my goal to ensure that music would infuse every service, ceremony, and celebration with its power to transport us to the holy, the sublime, and the profound, even when words might fail. And for the 26th year, our annual benefit concert will once again offer an extraordinary experience.
Just as our ancestors and people of other cultures, our CBST community has come through dark times, challenging times, and joyous times, too. I have turned to Psalm 30 many times in my life: “In the evening we may lie down weeping, but in the morning there will be joy.” This year’s concert title is taken from that psalm, an expression of gratitude to the Eternal for taking us “from mourning into dancing” so that our souls may sing to the Holy One forever.
On June 6th, we’ll share such journeys through the transformational power of music with the most talented, dedicated musicians—Joyce Rosenzweig and Adria Benjamin, their colleagues, and the CBST Chorus—just look at the list!
Please RSVP generously and attend the 3:30pm pre-Concert Surprise, the 4:00pm Concert, and the Meet-the-Performers Zoom. I look forward to sharing it all with you as we celebrate and support Music at CBST.
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Senior Rabbi
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
Aleinu presents The Passengers: Documentary Screening & Conversation with Director Ryan S. Porush
Sunday, May 23 from 12–2:00pm | Register »

Aleinu is proud to screen a powerful documentary that follows two Ethiopian Jews who travel to the United States to align with American Jewish leaders in an effort to make Aliyah and fight for the rights of all Ethiopian Jews. Watch the trailer here.

Following the screening, Director and Producer Ryan S. Porush will join Rabbi Marisa James to discuss the film’s themes and what we can do to advocate for the Ethiopian Jewish community.

With thanks to Aleinu Chair Andrew Caplan and CBST Member Corey Dane for organizing this program.
A Call for Peace
We have been watching with increasing grief and anger as once again, our Israeli and Palestinian friends are running for cover from bombs and mourning losses that should never have happened. Even as we write this, we know that more losses are adding up. We mourn with every family that has lost a loved one, or that will lose a loved one.

This Week at CBST
Please arrive 10 minutes early. All programs will be locked at their start time.
Friday, May 21 (10 Sivan)
Connecting in Community with Rabbi Marisa James
3:00–4:00pm | Zoom link »
As we transition into Shabbat, join us for text study and discussion in small groups.
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 256 347 787
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
6:30–8:00pm | View on CBST Website »

Reactions to Current Events in Israel – Zoneg (Zoom Oneg!)
Friday, May 21, after services 8:30pm to 9:30pm | Zoom link »
Join us at a Zoneg (zoom oneg!) after services Friday night to have a chance to share our feelings and reactions to what is happening now in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. CBST members who were born in Israel, Hanna Gafni and Yael Bat Chava will share some of their feelings and perspectives. All are welcome; we will model having a difficult discussions with respect.
Shabbat/Saturday, May 22 (11 Sivan)
Calling Kids and their Families: Pride Video Quilt
Submissions accepted May 22–June 1 | Learn More »
In anticipation of Pride, CBST’s kids and their families are creating a virtual video quilt. We will stitch together CBST’s Pride Story through song, art, interviews and archival photographs. Be part of the fabric of our quilt by sending an easy-to-make, short video! 
Alef-Bet Shabbat (Ages 0–6)
9:00–9:45am | Zoom link »
Drop-ins and new families encouraged!
This free-of-charge interactive service for 0–6 year-olds feature music with our early childhood song leaders from our partner Tkiya Music: The Jewish Music Community Initiative. Dance, cuddle, listen to stories, and observe Shabbat in an engaging and meaningful way. Children can choose to just watch, or join right in—whatever feels right. Meets regularly on the 2nd and 4th Shabbat mornings through June.

Limmud b'Shabbat (Grades K–7)
10:00am–11:30pm | Learn more »
Three more sessions of this year’s interactive program, where kids connect with their Jewish identity, t'fillah (prayer), Hebrew instruction, and exploration of Jewish texts and core values. SAVE THE DATE: Town Hall Information Session for enrolled Limmud families about next year’s program. Led by Rabbi Rapport and Principal Jennifer Kleinbaum on Sat. May 29th, 6:00pm followed by a short Havdalah service at 6:45pm—Zoom link will be emailed directly.

Teen Track: Jewish Resistance (Grades 8–12)
1:00–2:00pm | Learn more »
Three more sessions this year for CBST teens who have spent the year making "good trouble" and meeting great trouble-makers while studying, advocating, and taking action together. SAVE THE DATE: Town Hall Information Session for enrolled parents and teens about next year’s program and Civil Rights Trip to the South. Led by Rabbi Rapport and Principal Jennifer Kleinbaum on Sat. May 29 at 7:00pm—preceded by a short family Havdalah service at 6:45pm—Zoom link will be emailed directly.
Shabbat Morning Service
9:30am–12:00pm | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 892 6861 4329

8:00pm—pre-Service program | 8:45pm—Havdalah Service | Zoom link »
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Sunday, May 23 (12 Sivan)
Aleinu presents The Passengers: Documentary Screening & Conversation with Director Ryan S. Porush
12:00–2:00pm | Register »
Ranked Choice Voting: How it Works for NYC’s Historic 2021 Election
12:30–1:15pm | Register »
CBST is proud to co-sponsor this program.
Ordination of CRRF Deborah Megdal
3:00–4:30pm | Watch via Livestream »
Be with us as we celebrate Deborah via JTS Ordination livestream.
On Friday, May 28, be with us for CRRF Deborah Megdal's first drashah as Rabbi Megdal, and "A L'chayim Celebrating CRRF Deborah Megdal" ZONEG.
✍️ Personal notes of congratulations can be written to Deborah here.
💌 Contributions in honor of her impact and achievement can be made to the Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Internship Program (select from the drop-down menu).
Mazal Tov, Deborah, from the entire CBST community!
Monday, May 24 (13 Sivan)
Hebrew Bet with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Hebrew Alef Beginner with Ron Weiss
Mishpachah Monday! Online Dinner, Schmooze and Learn with CBST Member Sharon Golub
5:00–6:00pm | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 521 023

Social Justice Town Hall for CBST Members via Zoom
The Members' Town Hall is available via Zoom for CBST members only. Members will receive a separate email invitation to register on the preceding Friday. Zoom information will be sent the day-of to those who RSVP. Any questions about membership? Email or you may renew/join CBST online.
Tuesday, May 25 (14 Sivan)
Hebrew Alef with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Intro to Yiddish Culture & Literature in Translation with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
5:00–6:15pm | Learn more »

Living Successfully with HIV & AIDS
5:00–7:00pm | Contact for the Zoom link
Hebrew Alef Intermediate with Ron Weiss

Jewish Coalition on Criminal Justice Reform DA Forum
7:00–8:30pm | Register »
Join the New York Jewish Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform for a conversation with the eight candidates vying for one of the most prominent law enforcement positions in the country. We’ll discuss issues of importance to our coalition including: systemic racism, ending mass incarceration, community safety, and hate violence.
A Conversation with Tamika D. Mallory and Special Guests, with Rabbi Kleinbaum
6:00–7:00pm | Learn more & Register »
Join Tamika D. Mallory in the fight for equality and the launch of her new book, State of Emergency. Tamika will be joined by special guests—Linda Sarsour, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Mitchell Plitnick, Dr. Jamal Bryant, and Pastor Michael McBride, as they activate the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim coalition for change.
Wednesday, May 26 (15 Sivan)
Hebrew Bet with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Intro to Biblical Hebrew with Miya Rotstein

Ranked Choice Voting: How it Works for NYC’s Historic 2021 Election
12:30–1:15pm | Register »
CBST is proud to co-sponsor this program.
Hebrew Alef Beginner with Ron Weiss

Lashon Kodesh II: The Language of Prayer for Shabbat Morning with Rabbi Rapport
6:00–7:00pm | Learn more »
Registration is still open!

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic
Thursday, May 27 (16 Sivan)
Hebrew Alef with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

RESISTANCE: Calls & Cards meets Democracy Action Team via Zoom
12:30–1:15pm | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 874 4181 8544

Torah Cantillation with Jack Greenberg
Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic

Hebrew Alef Intermediate with Ron Weiss

Ranked Choice Voting: How it Works for NYC’s Historic 2021 Election
7:30–8:15pm | Register »
CBST is proud to co-sponsor this program.
Upcoming Featured Events
Lunch & Learn: Using Stories to Build Connections—and Community
Wednesday, May 26, 12:00–1:00pm | Register »
Maggid Jim Brulé teaches storytellers, clergy, chaplains, and others to tell stories that invite personal and community transformation. Using a blend of traditional stories and easy storytelling exercises, participants will have the opportunity to encounter why stories mean so much to us in ways we don’t always consciously appreciate.
Брайтон Бич Прайд 2021 | Brighton Beach Pride 2021
Sunday, May 30 at 12:00 PM, In-person at the Brighton Beach Boardwalk
5th Brighton Beach Pride Celebrates the Resiliency of the Russian-Speaking LGBTIQA+ Community During the Times of COVID and Great Political Uncertainty

Our main goal: to seek inclusion in the greater Russian-Speaking diaspora. Come join us at Brighton Beach Pride, and find out how you can participate and contribute to our work in making the Russian-Speaking LGBTIQA+ community more robust. Let's make it together! Learn more »

Please note: this program is in-person and while CBST is not an organizer of the program, we encourage best practices for social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Ranked Choice Voting Zoneg
Friday, June 4 after services, 8:30pm
Join us for a special Zoneg on Friday June 4th (directly after services) on Ranked Choice Voting! Learn how your vote can have a greater impact on who gets elected for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, Borough President and City Council. Be ready for the citywide election June 22—request your absentee ballot now—early voting starts June 12.
Your membership is the foundation of CBST’s financial health. Your additional contributions make all our work possible. CLICK HERE to learn more.

CBST provides spiritual space, deep learning, social justice, and a vibrant, connected LGBTQ Jewish community. Your donation empowers our work. Your generosity keeps us Joyful, Spiritual, Proud. Thank you!