Shabbat This Week
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Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Friday evening, 6:30pm

Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday/Shabbat, April 10, 9:30am | 28 Nisan

Service 8:00pm
Program 8:30pm
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 654 880 356

📸 Sanctuary photo credit: Patrice Ruel
Lehrhaus Learning
This Week at CBST
🟢 Program Breaks
Hebrew classes at all levels with Lehrhaus Faculty Ron Weiss and Miya Rotstein are on a 2-week break and will resume the week of April 26.

Please arrive 10 minutes early. All programs will be locked at their start time.
Friday, April 9 (27 Nisan)
Connecting in Community
As we transition into Shabbat, join us for text study and discussion in small groups.
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 256 347 787
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Shabbat/Saturday, April 10 (28 Nisan)
Alef-Bet Shabbat (Ages 0–6)

Shabbat Morning Liberal Minyan
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 892 6861 4329

Limmud b'Shabbat (Grades K–7)
In this interactive program, kids connect with their Jewish identity. Twice-a-month sessions include t'fillah (prayer), Hebrew instruction, and exploration of Jewish texts and core values, brought to life through art, drama, music, Jewish culture, and LGBTQ+ values. New students welcome; contact Jennifer Kleinbaum

Teen Track: Jewish Resistance (Grades 8–12)
In partnership with the Religious Action Center in Washington, DC and Repair the World NYC, CBST teens will spend the year making "good trouble" and meeting great trouble-makers while studying, advocating, and taking action together. New students welcome; registration required.

B'nai Mitzvah Cohort 2021/2022 Meeting—Kids and Parents
Participants will be emailed a link. Contact Miya Rotstein, if you have not received a meeting link.
Aleinu Game Night
Join us on the second Saturday of the month for Jackbox Games and a few rounds of Zoom Scattergories—no experience necessary. All you need is your computer and a second screen like a phone or tablet. Hosted by Aleinu, open to all. Please RSVP here so that we know how many are attending and can set up the Zoom meeting accordingly. All are welcome.
Sunday, April 11 (29 Nisan)
Monday, April 12 (30 Nisan)
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Talmud Study with Rabbi Moskowitz

Mishpachah Monday! Online Dinner
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 513 521 023
Tuesday, April 13 (1 Iyyar)
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony
CBST is again proud to co-sponsor the annual Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony, co-hosted by Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle—Bereaved Families Forum. Last year, over 200,000 people joined from around the world on Israel’s Memorial Day to remember all of the losses, challenging narratives of victimhood and separation by mourning together with Palestinians and Israelis.

Talmud Study with Rabbi Moskowitz
Intro to Yiddish Culture & Literature in Translation with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Experience a taste of Yiddish culture through poetry and short stories, taught by CBST's Senior Rabbi (and devoted Yiddishist), Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum. With texts offered in translation, this introduction to Yiddish culture through the lens of literature is open to all: those who are brand new to Yiddish as well as those seeking a deeper understanding of this chapter of Jewish history and literature.
Living Successfully with HIV & AIDS
Contact for the Zoom link
Wednesday, April 14 (2 Iyyar)
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Intro to Biblical Hebrew with Miya Rotstein
Biblical Hebrew – as we chant from the Sefer Torah and read in the book of Psalms – serves as the foundation for later prayer book and modern Hebrew. Biblical Hebrew has its own distinct grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Enrich your Hebrew skills from these primary texts with CBST Educator Miya Rotstein in this immersive course!

DCAS Civil Service 101 Information Session
NYC government offers more than 2000+ titles in 80+ agencies. Connect with DCAS and see where your professional journey can take you!

Talmud Study with Rabbi Moskowitz

Lashon Kodesh II: The Language of Prayer for Shabbat Morning with Rabbi Rapport
Join CBST's Associate Rabbi Yael Rapport for an in-depth study of the prayers of the Shabbat morning service. How did Shabbat worship take its shape? What can we learn about the poetry and politics of Jewish history through the Hebrew language used in our prayers? Develop a more intimate and familiar relationship with the Shabbat Morning service in particular, and by extension, all Hebrew prayer! Open to all Hebrew levels.

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic
Thursday, April 15 (3 Iyyar)
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144

RESISTANCE: Calls & Cards meets Democracy Action Team via Zoom
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 874 4181 8544

Talmud Study with Rabbi Moskowitz

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic

Torah Cantillation with Jack Greenberg
Learn the basics of leyning Torah, or refresh your knowledge of the trope system, under the guidance of CBST Educator Jack Greenberg. This course will cover all the trope melodies used in standard cantillation for readings from the Torah on Shabbat and Festivals. This class will prepare you to begin to chant Torah at CBST. We are always ready to welcome new leyners!
Your membership is the foundation of CBST’s financial health. Your additional contributions make all our work possible. CLICK HERE to learn more.

CBST provides spiritual space, deep learning, social justice, and a vibrant, connected LGBTQ Jewish community. Your donation empowers our work. Your generosity keeps us Joyful, Spiritual, Proud. Thank you!
Featured Events
Spring has arrived, and a brand new crop of
Lehrhaus Adult Education classes at CBST 
will begin post-Pesach!
Starting the week of April 12th, engage in an 8-week course of study with CBST's rabbis and educators! Take the next step in your Hebrew learning, study the Shabbat Siddur, acquire the sacred skill of chanting Hebrew scriptures, or discover Yiddish literature and language – all online at CBST.
CBST goes to the J Street Online Conference
Sunday, April 18-Monday, April 19
This year’s J Street Conference delegation will be online, with many chances for our CBST group to connect. Register with the code CBST2021 for a 20% discount, and let Rabbi James know that you’ve registered to get invited to our CBST gatherings and WhatsApp. Learn from Israeli and Palestinian voices working towards a better future, along with American and international leaders, and schmooze with the CBST cohort, Rabbi Kleinbaum, and Rabbi James.

Our J Street Conference Working Group members spoke about why it was meaningful for them to be part of the last CBST delegation to the J Street Conference in 2019. Click here to listen to Judy Hollander, Tanya Domi, and Carol Feinman share their experiences with one of our J Street partners!
Ramadan begins next week
We wish our Muslim friends a meaningful month of prayer, fasting, and community. Ramadan kareem (a generous Ramadan) and Ramadan Mubarak (a blessed Ramadan) to all of our friends at the Islamic Center at NYU!

📸 CBST wishing Ramadan Mubarak to our friends at the ICNYU in May 2019