Featured Events
Welcome to Our 2021 Board of Directors
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah is thrilled to welcome our new board of directors for 2021. Thank you for your service, and we look forward to a great new year!

Executive Committee

Executive Officers

Events This Week
Please arrive 10 minutes early. All classes and programs will be locked at their start time.

🟢 Schedule Changes

The following classes are not meeting this week:

  • Mussar Meditations
  • Pirkei Avot
  • Talmud Study
  • All Lehrhaus classes 

Regular programming will resume starting Monday, January 4. Please refer to the CBST calendar for complete program listings.
Friday, December 25
CBST offices closed

Connecting in Community
with Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Fellow Deborah Megdal
Join us for text study and discussion in small groups, as we transition into Shabbat.
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 256 347 787
Need tech help during a service? 
Text 646-450-3556
Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Saturday, December 26
Liberal Minyan Shabbat Morning Services

Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 839 0351 6295
Service begins at 7:00pm
Post-service program begins at 7:30pm
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Monday, December 28
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144
Write to Jesse Katz jkatz@cbst.org to join the Psalms Study mailing list.

Mishpachah Monday! Online Dinner 
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 513 521 023
Beyond the Binary with Ze'evi Berman and Ariel Zitny
Did you know the idea that there is more than just male and female has existed in Judaism from at least the time of the Mishnah (200 CE)? Come learn about the six genders in Judaism, and what our tradition can teach us about gender diversity and inclusion.
Tuesday, December 29
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144
Living Successfully with HIV & AIDS—A Supportive Discussion Group
Wednesday, December 30
Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 513 468 144
Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic
Thursday, December 31
Not meeting today: Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum

Not meeting today: Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic

Not meeting today: RESISTANCE: Calls & Cards meets Democracy Action Team
Looking to make a 2020 gift? Still time!
CBST thanks you for your generosity. Did you know we accept gifts of stock, wire transfers, ACH, as well as online contributions?
With new tax rules under the CARES Act, your gift to CBST could mean a deduction. Your membership, High Holy Days gift, additional gift, or year-end contribution are essential to keeping us Joyful, Spiritual, Proud. We hope you consider CBST. 
Thank you for DONATING HERE!
In Case You Missed It
Board Installation Shabbat
CBST honored our outgoing president, Gregg Passin, and welcomed our new president, Sabrina Farber, during our Board Installation Shabbat.

Rabbi Kleinbaum: "Gregg, thank you for your three years of service as board president, and your service on the board since 2014. In these years of organizational maturation for CBST, we celebrate your sensitivity and ability to deal with complex situations with thoughtfulness, consideration, and deliberation. You've guided us through rocky waters and been a strong, supportive part of our leadership team. We are so grateful for the blessing of your presidency. Thank you, Gregg, on behalf of the entire synagogue."

CBST Board President Sabrina Farber, in her inaugural address to the congregation: "I am deeply honored and humbled to take up the position of president of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. When I found CBST, I knew I was home. As a community, we've changed and transformed, yet haven't lost our identity as a bold spiritual community of love and resistance. There are many challenges ahead, and I know that, with your help, we can meet them."

“My House” by Leonard Bernstein 
(from James M. Barrie’s play “Peter Pan”)
Leonard Bernstein’s “My House” is a song that holds special importance for the CBST community, as it was sung many times during the “A Home of Our Own” capital campaign. This tender composition is like an instruction manual for building a strong and resilient House of faith, truth and love.

We presented it again at last week’s Board Installation Shabbat, in honor of our new CBST president and board, as well as everyone in the congregation who helps to make our beloved CBST “House” a beacon of light and hope in the world.