Rabbi Kleinbaum in Israel
Dear CBST Extended Community,

Rambam famously said, "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Moshiach, and even though they might tarry, I will wait and act every day for that day." For me the coming of the Moshiach will include the miracles of peace and justice for the broken world in which we live.
Randi and I are in Israel right now to show solidarity. We come to bring love and support from the US progressive world to those living, working and fighting to end the occupation and for peace and justice for both Israelis and Palestinians inside the green line and in the Palestinian Territories—Muslims, Jews, and Christians. As a progressive Zionist, I believe in the dreams of two peoples of a future that protects all children from bombs and rockets and fear. Watch my Facebook page, and the CBST social media pages, for update posts from Israel. I may even make a cameo at Shabbat services!

Blessings to all,
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Senior Rabbi
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
Shabbat This Week
Need tech help during a service? Text 646-450-3556
✡️ 18 Sivan ✡️
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Friday, 6:30pm | View on CBST Website »

A L'Chayim Celebrating CRRF Rabbi Deborah Megdal
8:30–9:30pm | Zoom link »

Shabbat Morning—Torah Study
9:30–11:00am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 859 2266 6324

Limmud b'Shabbat/Teen Track Info Session and Havdalah
6:00pm Limmud Info Session | 6:45pm Havdalah | 7:00pm Teen Track Info Session
Interested in more information about CBST Families with Children programming? Email children@cbst.org.

8:00pm pre-Service program | 8:45pm Havdalah Service | Zoom link »
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Featured Events
This year the June 6th Concert will be our 26th benefit concert in honor of music at CBST. So many people have told me that music at CBST is what kept them going through this most unprecedented time.

If you appreciate the music CBST brings to your life, we need your support, and I look forward to celebrating with you in community. Here's your chance to make sure it never stops enriching our lives.

REGISTER and support music at CBST: cbst.org/concert
Sabrina Farber
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
Calling Kids and their Families: Pride Video Quilt
Submissions accepted until June 1 | Learn More »
In anticipation of Pride, CBST’s kids and their families are creating a virtual video quilt. We will stitch together CBST’s Pride Story through song, art, interviews and archival photographs. Be part of the fabric of our quilt by sending an easy-to-make, short video! 
This Week at CBST
Please arrive 10 minutes early. All programs will be locked at their start time.
Friday, May 28 (17 Sivan)
Connecting in Community with CRRF Rabbi Deborah Megdal
3:00–4:00pm | Zoom link »
As we transition into Shabbat, join us for text study and discussion in small groups.
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 256 347 787
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
6:30–8:00pm | View on CBST Website »
A L'Chayim Celebrating CRRF Rabbi Deborah Megdal
8:30–9:30pm | Zoom link »
During Shabbat services, Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Fellow (CRRF) Deborah Megdal will deliver her first drashah as Rabbi Megdal. Be with us after services for "A L'chayim Celebrating CRRF Rabbi Deborah Megdal" ZONEG (Zoom oneg).
✍️ Personal notes of congratulations can be written to Deborah at her CBST email address: dmegdal@cbst.org
💌 Contributions in honor of her impact and achievement can be made to the Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Internship Program here. (select from the drop-down menu)

Mazal Tov, Rabbi Deborah Megdal, from the entire CBST community!
Shabbat/Saturday, May 29 (18 Sivan)
Shabbat Morning—Torah Study
9:30–11:00am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 859 2266 6324
This Shabbat morning, we will engage in a special Torah study: a close reading of this week's Torah text. There will be an opportunity to pray for healers and those in need of healing at the start of our session, and we will recite the Mourners' Kaddish at its close. All are welcome, no background in Hebrew or Bible required! Texts will be provided in their original Hebrew and in English translation.
Limmud b'Shabbat Info Session for Fall 2021 (5782) (grades K–7)
6:00pm Info Session | Havdalah to follow at 6:45–7:00pm
CBST’s primary Jewish education program for children connecting students to each other, their class cohort, and their Jewish identity. Engaging twice-monthly sessions IN-PERSON ‎include t’fillah (prayer) study, Hebrew instruction, exploration of Jewish texts and core values, brought to life through art, drama, music, Jewish culture, and LGBTQS values. 
*Interested in more information about Limmud b’Shabbat or Families with Children programming? Email children@cbst.org

Teen Track and Teen Track and Civil Rights Journey to The South (grades 8–12)
6:45pm Havdalah | 7:00pm Info Session
In regular Shabbat sessions with CBST clergy, students will learn about the struggles of African Americans to gain equality in the 1950s & 60s as well as discover how Jews were involved in the Civil Rights struggle. The trip, in Feb. 2022, includes Atlanta, Montgomery, and Selma. Visits include the Equal Justice Initiative Legacy Museum and Memorial to the victims of lynching, the Rosa Parks Museum, the Martin Luther King Center/Auburn Ave. district, Ebenezer Baptist Church, walking across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and learning about the current fight against voter suppression.
*Interested in more information about Teen Track and our Journey to The South? Email children@cbst.org

8:00pm—pre-Service program | 8:45pm—Havdalah Service | Zoom link »
Dial-in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Sunday, May 30 (19 Sivan)
Брайтон Бич Прайд 2021 | Brighton Beach Pride 2021
12:00 PM, In-person at the Brighton Beach Boardwalk | Learn more »

CBST is proud to support our friends at RUSA-LGBT as they hold their 5th annual Brighton Beach Pride! Celebrate the Resiliency of the Russian-Speaking LGBTIQA+ Community During the Times of COVID and Great Political Uncertainty.
Please note: this program is in-person and while CBST is not an organizer of the program, we encourage best practices for social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Monday, May 31 (20 Sivan)
The office is closed for the observance of Memorial Day and will re-open on Tuesday, June 1, at 9:00am.

In Case of Emergency: Regarding a death or other emergency pastoral needs, call 917-513-0413 and a member of our clergy will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Tuesday, June 1 (21 Sivan)
Hebrew Alef with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study in Chevrutah with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

CANCELLED - Intro to Yiddish Culture & Literature in Translation with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
Class is cancelled Tuesday, June 1st as Rabbi Kleinbaum will be in Israel. To make up for this, we have added an extra class on June 15.
CANCELLED - Living Successfully with HIV & AIDS
Group is cancelled on Tuesday, June 1, and will resume the following week on June 8.
Hebrew Alef Intermediate with Ron Weiss
Wednesday, June 2 (22 Sivan)
Hebrew Bet with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

Intro to Biblical Hebrew with Miya Rotstein
Hebrew Alef Beginner with Ron Weiss

Lashon Kodesh II: The Language of Prayer for Shabbat Morning with Rabbi Rapport
6:00–7:00pm | Learn more »
Registration is still open!

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic
Thursday, June 3 (23 Sivan)
Hebrew Alef with Miya Rotstein

Psalm Study with Rabbi Kleinbaum
9:45–10:45am | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 513 468 144

RESISTANCE: Calls & Cards meets Democracy Action Team via Zoom
12:30–1:15pm | Zoom link »
Dial in by phone: 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 874 4181 8544

Jerusalem Pride with the Jerusalem Open House
We are proud to invite you to join our friends at the Jerusalem Open House for Jerusalem Pride! After the in-person march in Jerusalem, CBST will co-host the JOH special Pride event broadcast on Facebook live.

Solo Aging
4:15–5:45pm (opt. until 6:30 with the author) | Register now »
This group for CBST members is not only for "singles" or "child-free" adults! This month: "Getting Good at Getting Older", Chapter 2, with co-author Rabbi Laura Geller. See CBST's Solo Aging page for FREE book offer for CBST members. Informal discussion until 6:30pm. 

Upcoming meeting dates:
July 6, 5:00–6:30pm
August 3, 5:00–6:30pm
Registration includes each date; you do not need to register separately for each date.

Contact Judy Ribnick at SoloAging@cbst.org or (917) 310-4656 if you have questions.

Torah Cantillation with Jack Greenberg
Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic

Hebrew Alef Intermediate with Ron Weiss
Emet: Trans & Non-binary Team Meeting
CBST maintains space (currently online!) for transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and gender-expansive people to build community and engage politically at CBST. Emet welcomes people who are questioning. Emet meets on the first Thursday of each month to learn together with Ze'evi Berman (they/them or ze/zem/zer), CBST’s Guest Cantorial Student, and Ariel Zitny (he/they), Trans Jews Are Here Convening Director. Sign up for Emet Team updates here or email transjews@cbst.org for more info. Zoom info will be sent by 5:00pm on Thursday to the Emet mailing list. 
Upcoming Featured Events
Ranked Choice Voting Zoneg
Friday, June 4 after services, 8:30pm
Join us for a special Zoneg on Friday June 4th (directly after services) on Ranked Choice Voting! Learn how your vote can have a greater impact on who gets elected for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, Borough President and City Council. Be ready for the citywide election June 22—request your absentee ballot now—early voting starts June 12.
The Language of Oppression: A Teaching on Language, Women, and the Environment from CBST Teen Leaders
Saturday, June 5, 12:00–1:00pm | Register now »
In Karen J. Warren's "Feminist Environmental Philosophy," she writes, “The exploitation of nature and animals is justified by feminizing them; the exploitation of women is justified by naturalizing them.” As part of their involvement in Moving Traditions' Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellowship, CBST teens Shoshana Hirschmann and Sasha Azizi Rosenfeld will be hosting a presentation about these ideas and their relation to Judaism. Join them in holding discussion about the intersections of language, the gender binary, and the environment, as well as a text study on the creation story. ASL interpretation and auto-generated closed captioning will be available.
Your membership is the foundation of CBST’s financial health. Your additional contributions make all our work possible. CLICK HERE to learn more.

CBST provides spiritual space, deep learning, social justice, and a vibrant, connected LGBTQ Jewish community. Your donation empowers our work. Your generosity keeps us Joyful, Spiritual, Proud. Thank you!