Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot
✡️ 20 Tishrei ✡️
October 14–15
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot—Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Shabbat Morning Services
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 892 6861 4329
Havdalah Service
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
📷 Photo credit: Harold Levine
Sukkot 5783
On the heels of the fast of Yom Kippur comes the festival of Sukkot. During this pilgrimage festival, we leave the permanence of our homes for the fragile shelter of the temporary sukkah. We celebrate the varieties of fall harvest with the lulav and etrog. View Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Adam Graubart’s source sheet for his D’var Torah from Sukkot I Yom Tov services.
At the end of Sukkot, we pray for rain to nourish the winter crops on Shmini Atzeret. Finally, on Simchat Torah, we rejoice in the Torah, completing the annual cycle of Torah readings and beginning it again. Service schedule »
Whether you joined us for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services in person, online or only in spirit, we hope that the message of CBST’s radical welcoming and The Open Door reached you and your family and that you experienced a meaningful holiday.
If you enjoyed our services, if you are thankful for CBST’s presence, and care for its future, please consider a gift to ensure it remains a welcoming and open community. If you made a contribution to enable CBST to keep its doors (both actual and virtual) open, thank you!
Friday, October 14 (19 Tishrei)
✡️ Sukkot Day 5 ✡️
House of Peace Monthly Visit to ICNYU
Fridays, November 11 and December 9, 12:45–2:30 p.m.
Join us at the Global Center for Spiritual Life at NYU (238 Thompson St.) for our monthly House of Peace welcome visit to the Islamic Center at NYU! We now visit our Muslim friends every second Friday of the month. No RSVP necessary; come and go as you wish.
Ark Clinic Volunteer Appreciation Sukkah Gathering
5:00–6:15 p.m.
CBST’s Sukkah, 130 West 30th Street
If you have ever volunteered with CBST’s Ark Immigration Clinic, come let us appreciate and celebrate you in the sukkah! (We appreciate you so much that we changed the date to avoid the rain…) We’ll have light refreshments, and a chance to share things we’re proud of and add our own decorations to CBST’s sukkah, and we’ll get to see each other face to face and hear each other’s voices as we sing the clinic song. RSVP to Rabbi James at
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot—Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Service Leader: Rabbi Yael Werber
Drashah: Rabbi Marisa James
Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen
Piano: Music Director Joyce Rosenzweig
Shabbat/Saturday, October 15 (20 Tishrei)
✡️ Sukkot Day 6 ✡️
Shabbat Morning Service
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 892 6861 4329
Service Leaders and Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantor Sam Rosen and Larry Kay
D’var Torah: David Feinberg
Havdalah Services
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 654 880 356
Sunday, October 16 (21 Tishrei)
✡️ Sukkot Day 6 ✡️
Monday, October 17 (22 Tishrei)
✡️ Shemini Atzeret ✡️
CBST offices are closed for the observance of Shemini Atzeret and will re-open on Wednesday, October 19 at 9:00 a.m.
In Case of Emergency: Regarding a death or other emergency pastoral needs outside of regularly scheduled office hours, call 917-513-0413 and a member of our clergy will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Shmini Atzeret—Morning Services/Yizkor
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 873 1533 9592
📷 Photo credit: Harold Levine
Simchat Torah—Ma'ariv/Hakafot
"Sisu v’simchu b’Simchat Torah, utnu kavod laTorah"
Rejoice and be GAY on Simchat Torah, thus we will give honor to the Torah!
Join CBST to make seven hakafot, seven circles of singing and dancing with our Torahs. We celebrate the completion of the year-cycle of reading Torah, reading the last blessings of Deuteronomy and the first awakenings of Genesis. Wear your dancing shoes!
📷 Photo credit: Marni Aarlev
ON BREAK—Mishpachah Monday!
ON BREAK—Intro to Mishnah
Tuesday, October 18 (23 Tishrei)
✡️ Simchat Torah ✡️
CBST offices are closed for the observance of Simchat Torah and will re-open on Wednesday, October 12 at 9:00 a.m.
In Case of Emergency: Regarding a death or other emergency pastoral needs outside of regularly scheduled office hours, call 917-513-0413 and a member of our clergy will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Living Successfully with HIV & AIDS
5:00–7:00 p.m.
Session led by Scott A. Kramer, LCSW-R. Email for more info.
ON BREAK—Intro to Mishnah
Wednesday, October 19 (24 Tishrei)
Intro to Mishnah with Rabbi Moskowitz
The Ark Immigration Clinic at CBST
6:00–8:00 p.m.
New volunteers are always welcome, and we provide all necessary training! Learn more and contact us here to volunteer or to refer an immigrant friend for support.
Thursday, October 20 (25 Tishrei)
Intro to Mishnah with Rabbi Moskowitz
Democracy! Team Action Group
Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923 | Meeting ID: 874 4181 8544
Check out #CBSTdemocracy to view some of our recent issues and take action, no matter where you are.
The Ark Immigration Clinic at CBST
6:00–8:00 p.m.
New volunteers are always welcome, and we provide all necessary training! Learn more and contact us here to volunteer or to refer an immigrant friend for support.
Lehrhaus Judaica Adult Education 5783
We are excited to announce our class schedules for the 5783 Fall Term of Adult Education at CBST! Registration is now open for the following classes:
Fridays, 12:30–1:30 p.m., beginning October 21
Taught by CRPEI Avigayil Halpern, via Zoom
This weekly text-based class, taught by Cooperberg-Rittmaster Pastoral and Educational Intern Avigayil Halpern, will examine the Torah portion through a feminist lens. Each class will include sourcesheets and discussion time.
Tuesdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m., beginning October 25
Taught by Rabbi Mike Moskowitz, via Zoom
This exciting new textual series will explore different aspects of allyship within each week’s Torah portion. Studying insights from tradition will help frame and inform our contemporary outlook on allyship as spiritual practice. This course is open to all, including beginners.
Six Tuesdays: November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, December 6, 2:30–4:00 p.m.
Put on your dancing shoes and join Together in Dance for a six-week residency in which participants will dance, sing, and create an ensemble under the guidance of a professional choreographer and songwriter—from the comfort of our own homes. Open to all adults. Curious? Interested but not sure? Contact Judy Ribnick, Director of Aging Together, at or (917) 310-4656.
Registration for our other Fall term classes like Jews in New York in Literature, Stories from the Talmud, Adult B*Mitzvah Class—D'var Torah Writing, Close Text Study of Sefer Bereshit/Book of Genesis, Intro to Hebrew, and Prayerbook Hebrew Continued, will open by next Friday, October 21. Learn more »
Limmud and Teen Track Registration
Registration for Limmud and Teen Track are now open! We have Limmud offerings for kindergarten through B* Mitzvah and Teen Track for 8th through 12th grade. All students are welcome regardless of whether you have attended previously or not. Registration and more information can be found here.
Lunch & Learn: Religious Freedom in Israel
Join CBST’s Middle East & Me team for a Lunch & Learn on religious freedom in Israel, with guest speakers Shira Ben Sasson Furstenberg, Associate Director of NIF in Israel, and Uri Keidar, Executive Director of Yisrael Hofshit (Be Free Israel). Learn about issues like the fight for civil marriage, against gender segregation on public transit, equal religious rights for non-orthodox Jews, and more.
Installation of Cantor Sam Rosen
Friday night November 11, 2022 / Shabbat Vayera 5783
Installation of Rabbi Yael Werber
Friday night December 9, 2022 / Shabbat Vayishlach 5783
More info coming soon!
Your membership is the foundation of our community.
📷: 2022 CBST Retreat (Courtesy of Harold Levine)
Masking No Longer Mandatory; Oneg and Kiddush Return!
As of October 7, masks will be recommended but not mandated at CBST. Shabbat Kiddush and Oneg will once again take place in the lower level of the synagogue. We will review this policy weekly, based on the CDC’s community risk level.
Vaccination (with booster) is still required to enter the synagogue. Anyone with COVID-like symptoms or who is within ten days of a new COVID infection and/or a positive COVID test may not enter the building. Similarly, if you have been exposed and are asymptomatic, wear a mask until ten days from exposure. A test at five to seven days from exposure is recommended.
Be mindful of the increased chance of transmission when unmasked. Please do not put the clergy, service leaders and musicians in the awkward and risky position of facing many people without masks approaching to hug and kiss them after services. The pandemic is in an improved but precarious state. In 5783, let us keep each other and our leaders safe. (Full guidelines here).