CC&E Today | June 18, 2019
Graphic of a turtle with a plastic bag in its mouth in the ocean
Mark Benfield, an oceanography and coastal sciences professor within the College of the Coast & Environment, studies microplastics that are polluting the Mississippi River and flowing out into the Gulf. According to Benfield, while estimates vary, experts believe about 150 million metric tons of plastic is in the ocean worldwide and that number is increasing by 8 million metric tons annually.   Here, he lists some alternatives to single-use plastics that small business owners can adopt to benefit the planet.
Credit: Global CCS Institute; Graphic of the carbon capture and storage process. Click article for detailed description
Three experts from LSU’s College of the Coast & Environment are working together on a creative solution that would reduce harmful carbon emissions in the atmosphere and benefit Louisiana’s economy. A new case study suggests that tax credits and enhanced oil recovery could incentivize existing facilities to reduce their carbon emissions via carbon capture and storage. 
Research conducted at LSU’s College of the Coast & Environment, or CC&E, affords its students the opportunities to perform valuable research in Louisiana and across the globe. The International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, has selected Wokil Bam, a doctoral student in the Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, to participate in a yearlong internship program in Monaco.
Wokil Bam poses with scientific equipment in tall grass.
A group of women stands around a graduate in her cap and gown
Two men in LSU polos point to delta table demo while a third man looks on
two women and two men posing with awards
Students in LSU’s College of the Coast & Environment have abundant opportunities to perform outreach and community service. Here are a few of the ways they give back to the community and educate the next generation about environmental stewardship.
College of the Coast & Environment
Energy, Coast, & Environment Building
93 South Quad Drive, Suite 1002
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
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