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November 13 th , 2018
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Please remember all Eagle submissions must be received
by the preceding Monday at 8:00 a.m.
In this Edition
  • Town Hall Invitation: Tonight
  • Upcoming Events
  • Town Hall & Board Meeting Tonight
  • Photo Retake Day: Thursday
  • Pastries with Parents: Friday
  • PTO Meeting Friday
  • Current Events at CCA
  • Staff Update
  • Digital Citizenship Information
  • Parking & Traffic Safety: Map
  • Veterans Day Assembly
  • Eagle Honors Assemblies
  • Winter Weather Reminder
  • Thanksgiving Baskets: Volunteers Needed
  • More News from the CCA PTO
  • Physical Education at CCA
  • Noetic Learning Mathematics Contest: Great job Mathletes
  • News from Student Council
  • Tips from Maverick
  • Original Artworks: Final Reminder
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Destination Imagination: CCA Teams Forming
  • Cafeteria News
  • Current Employment Opportunities
  • Upcoming Events in CCSD
  • Helpful Links
Come One, Come All!
Tonight is CCA's Town Hall
Join CCA Administration and Board to hear what's happening at CCA.  

This meeting is a great way to get information and you can get  2 hours of volunteer time  for attending. 

Champions will provide child care for CCA children (unfortunately they aren't licensed to care for younger kids). 

  • Meet CCA's new Director, Ann Schultz 
  • Get the Strategic Plan update
  • And much, much more.

After the Town Hall, please stay to join us for the CCA Board meeting that will immediately follow and  receive another hour of volunteer time

We hope you can join us Tonight!
Upcoming Events
  • November 13
Boys Basketball Practice
Town Hall Meeting
Board Meeting
  • November 14
Girls Basketball Practice
  • November 15
Governance Meeting
Picture Retake Day
Girls Basketball Practice
  • November 16
Staff Thanksgiving Baskets
Pastries with Parents
PTO Meeting
  • November 19
Boys Basketball Practice

  • November 20
Boys Basketball Practice
  • November 21-23
Thanksgiving Break
  • November 26
Boys Basketball Practice
  • November 27
Boys Basketball Practice
  • November 28
CCA Tour
Girls Basketball Practice
  • November 29
Girls Basketball Practice
Town Hall Meeting and Board Meeting:
Tonight, November 13th
  • Town Hall Meeting
  • Tuesday, November 13th
  • 6:00 p.m.
  • Board Meeting
  • Tuesday, November 13th
  • 7:00 p.m.
Photo Retake Day: Thursday, November 15th
If your student is coming for retakes, please have them bring back their original package of photos in its entirety and give it to the MJ Thomas Photographer. MJ Thomas Photographers will retake your student's photo and reprint the same package as originally ordered.

If you would like to purchase pictures for the first time, please pick up an order envelope at the school office or call MJ Thomas Photography at 1-800-219-0199.

*Please note that Student photos will come home tonight for your review.    
Pastries with Parents: Friday, November 16th
Please RSVP Today!
Attention CCA Families! On Friday, November 16, at 7:30 AM, come enjoy donuts, muffins, juice and coffee with your student while you catch up with other CCA families. Your annual activity fee covers the cost.   

Students must attend with an adult.  

Please RSVP no later than today, November 13, 2018  to confirm how many students and adults are attending. We don't want to run out of donuts or muffins! If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the event, please contact Elizabeth Gold at
PTO Meeting: Friday, November 16th
Please join us this Friday, November 16th at 8:05 a.m. in the CCA cafeteria for our October PTO meeting. Coffee will be served, and younger siblings are always welcome.

Current Events Cherry Creek Academy
An Update from CCA Admin: 7/8 Writing Teacher
Dear Parents,

We wanted to share an exciting update with you on our 7th/8th grade writing teacher search. We have selected Brad Brown, star candidate, to be CCA's 7th/8th grade writing teacher.

Mr. Brown is a certified language arts instructor with a current Colorado Teaching Certificate and over 15 years of teaching experience. He has worked as a clinician, middle and high school language arts instructor, and English department coordinator. His enduring interest is providing students of all backgrounds the necessary tools and pathways to literacy using research driven methods and thoughtful reflective practice. 

Mr. Brown visited CCA on Friday, November 9th. While here, he observed the classroom and met with the 7/8 team. Mr. Brown looks forward to teaching at CCA. His first day will be Monday, November 19th. We are excited to have Mr. Brown join our CCA community.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Mahan, our Middle School Assistant Principal , or Dr. Schultz our Executive Director
Digital Citizenship
At Cherry Creek Academy, we believe it is important that our students have an understanding of how to utilize technology in a safe and meaningful way. This includes helping them to get the most out of the Internet while protecting them from the online worldʼs risks and downsides. We prepare our students with the information and guidance that they need to make their own safe and ethical decisions as they navigate their digital lives from an early age through young adulthood.

This year efforts for Kindergarten through fourth grade will include Be Internet Awesome , a multifaceted program designed to teach students the skills they need to be safe and smart online. Our fifth through eighth graders will utilize lesson plans from the Common Sense Media curriculum, that highlights and emphasizes appropriate digital communication and addresses cyber-bullying, as well as providing other important and valuable information for responsible and safe digital citizenship.

Our curriculum provides students with the ability to:

• Think critically and evaluate online sources
• Protect themselves from online threats, including bullies and scams
• Get smart about sharing: what, when, and with whom
• Be kind and respectful toward other people and their privacy
• Ask for help from a parent or another adult with tricky situations

In addition, Cherry Creek Academy School Resource Officer, Rob Bratsch, will visit fifth through eighth grade classrooms in December to present information about internet safety from the " Digital Futures Initiative ."

Smart, safe technology usage can help students learn better, and help our schools function better. We believe that incorporating digital citizenship education is an important step toward our goal of ensuring that all our students at Cherry Creek Academy are learning, exploring, and staying safe online.
Parking & Traffic: Friendly Reminders
Drop-off Time and Location
School begins at 8:05 a.m. Supervision for student drop-off is provided from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. All students must be dropped off on the north side of Caley. There is one line of cars on Caley. We ask that you stay in this line and continuously pull up. There is a yellow sign one car length past the opening of the front lot. NO STUDENTS may be dropped off until they have pulled up past that sign. This is for the flow of traffic and the safety of all our students. Please stay in line, do not pull around cars to get ahead. 

Afternoon Pick-up Times and Locations
Strictly adhere to the indicated times. If you arrive prior to your student’s assigned pick-up time, you may be asked to leave and come back at your scheduled time. CCA staff will accompany students at all times. Those who do not have older CCA siblings or belong to a carpool with older members will immediately go outside to be picked up at their assigned time. 
For more information regarding traffic and safety at CCA,
please click here .
Veterans Day Assembly: A Fantastic Event
Thank you to everyone who helped make CCA Veteran's Day Assembly so wonderful! An extra big thank you to the Cub Scouts who presented the flag and led the assembly, the Eagles Band who performed, and the CCA Choir who sang !
Eagle Honors Assemblies:
Celebrating Stellar Behavior
Yesterday, November 12th, CCA had its first Eagle Honors Assemblies of the 2018 - 2019 school year. Students were celebrated for demonstrating the character traits of compassion, diligence, humility, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and responsibility!
Winter Weather Reminder
It is important that CCA students' dress appropriately for the weather each day. Please note that if it feels above 21° F and there is no active precipitation, students will have outdoor recess. Please ensure that students bring jackets, boots, gloves and other cold weather attire when it is chilly out.

For information on weather related delays and closures, please click here.
Teacher and Staff Thanksgiving Baskets:
The PTO needs YOU!
This Friday, November 16th, after the PTO meeting we will be putting baskets together.
 All volunteers are welcomed!
Dear CCA Parents,

Giving our wonderful teachers and staff a basket full of goodies around Thanksgiving has been a longtime tradition here at CCA. We need your help to fill their baskets and show them
how much we appreciate all the time they give our children.

The CCA PTO will be putting together the baskets and we’re asking every CCA family to donate the item(s) listed below by grade level.

Donations will be collected curbside on Thursday, November 15th as you drop off your children at school. A parent volunteer or student council member will be in the front of the school to assist the children.

If you are attending Pastries with Parents on Friday November 16th, you can bring your donation inside at that time.

If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Sourial, co-vice president hospitality, at .

Please have your CCA student(s) bring the following on Thursday, Nov. 15th:
  • Kindergarten (Full Day and Half Day): 1 fresh pineapple
  • 1st Grade: 4 pears (not ripe yet, please!)
  • 2nd Grade: I scented candle (6oz or 8oz please)
  • 3rd grade: 1 box of tea (any flavor)
  • 4th grade: 2 mangoes (not ripe yet, please!)
  • 5th grade: 1 16 oz bag of pumpkin bread or pumpkin muffin mix
  • 6th grade: 1 box of butter microwave popcorn
  • 7th grade: 1 bag of chocolate candy (ie: Hershey’s, Dove, etc.)
  • 8th grade: 4 red apples

Thank you for helping us continue this tradition of thanks at CCA!
More News from the PTO
The CCA PTO would also like to request that you utilize Amazon's awesome Smile feature for your purchases from Amazon this holiday season. By using Smile , you can increase donations to CCA PTO.

Please visit  to set up your existing Amazon account as a Smile account.  Select Cherry Creek Academy PTO as your charity and 0.5% of eligible purchases will be given back to the PTO.
Thank you CCA parents and students for participating in the Great American Fundraiser .

Our winner for free dress day is Ms. Koening's homeroom for selling $1,261. They will celebrate their free dress day on Tuesday, November 20th. 

We also had two other classes that sold over $1,000 and would like to recognize them.

2nd place - Ms. Wolf - $1,155
3rd place - Ms. Couyoumjian - $1,106
Featuring Physical Education at CCA
At CCA P.E. classes are the highlight of many students' week. Physical education helps develop motor skills, enhances reflexes, improves hand-eye coordination, and teaches students the importance of physical health. Kiaya Rutz, CCA's 1 - 8 P.E. teacher and Meg MacFarland, CCAs K-1 Specials teacher, work hard every day to foster a love for exercise in CCA students.

Last week in P.E. classes grades K-4 students have been busy practicing Kidnastics. Students in grades 1-4 even created and performed their own Kidnastic routines! They had a really fun time as they jumped, rolled, balanced and more!

Grades 5-6 students finished up their volleyball unit and found out what it was like to play with limited sight and impaired mobility para-Olympic style!

Grades 7-8: students are playing intermediate 4v4 and 6v6 volleyball, as well as mini para-athletic style with limited sight as well.
Noetic Learning Mathematics Contest:
Great Job Mathletes!
On Wednesday, Novemeber 9th, CCA Mathletes participated in the Noetic Learning Math Contest. We are very proud our our Mathletes and look forward to finding out the results in the coming weeks! Special thanks to the CCA Mathlete coaches, Priya Nair who also serves as CCA's math aide, and Andrew Loomis who also serves as CCA's 5/6 math teacher.
News from Student Council
Student Council Meetings are held every Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 a.m. in the CCA Cafeteria.
Cassie Wagner, CCA Reading Aide, and Samantha Fleischmann, CCA Lunchroom Supervisor, who are now also heading Student Council would like to send out a huge thank you and virtual high five to all student council members for putting on a great dance earlier this month! StuCo worked so hard to do a great job and definitely succeeded! Thank you to all who attended! They raised almost $400.00 that they will be putting toward jump starting boy's volleyball!

Candy Grams were also a huge success and over 485 were bought! They will be distributed this week! Thank you to all those who purchased one or several! Your support for student council is greatly appreciated! If you didn't get a chance to purchase one, Valograms will be available for Valentines day!

Snack Shack will reopen on Fridays after Thanksgiving Break! Please remember that each item is $1.00 and a limit of 5 snacks may be purchased per day.
The More You Know: Tips from Maverick
Original Artworks: Late Orders
Dear Parents,
Original Artworks late orders are open right now. If you missed your orders, you can go online and place your orders now. The deadline for late orders is Friday, November 16 th .
Please click   here  for the Original Artworks Order Instructions
Here are the instructions with screen shots:
Please click   here  for the Original Artworks Order Instructions with Screen Shots
Important Reminders
  • You must turn in your packets by Monday, November 19th.
  • You must return your artwork in the same packet with the artwork number written on the back
  • If you have a printer, print out the receipt you got from Original artworks and attach to the back of the artwork
  • If you don’t have a printer, noting the artwork number on the back of your artwork should be fine.
  • Make sure your student’s  name, teacher’s name and grade is also noted on the back of the artwork.
  • Please note that if you didn’t order, then you DON’T have to turn in your artwork!
If you have any questions, please contact  Subha Thoppay , CCA parent and Original Works coordinator, at .
NOTE: While Original Artworks will try to deliver the products before the holidays, there is no guarantee for the products to arrive before the holidays for late orders.
  • The Yearbook Committee is looking for volunteers to take pictures for the yearbook, if you are interested, please sign up here.
  • Monday Munchies: Looking for a way to volunteer, but you're short on time? Bring treats for our wonderful teachers on Mondays.
  • A Pack of K cups (coffee pods for our Keurig machines): 2 volunteer hours
  • A Homemade Treat: 2 volunteer hours
  • A Store-Bought Treat: 1 volunteer hour
Destination Imagination: Sign Up Now

Students  DO NOT  have access to a microwave;
however, we do have hot water for the students who bring their own “Cup Noodles.”

Login   to see the complete line up of menu items available each day.

Order lunch at   .

You can order up to 60 days in advance and right up until 1:00 p.m. the day before delivery.

 Late cancellations can be made until 8:oo a.m. the day of delivery.

Please contact us with any questions or for ordering help at
1-800- 872-0226
Current Employment Opportunities
  • Educational Aide
  • Substitute Teachers

If you are interested in any of the positions listed above, please click here for more information and email your resume and cover letter to .
Upcoming Events in Cherry Creek School District & the Community