What Is Happening at CCAoNH?
Hello Providers,
Although summer doesn't really end until September, August is usually when we squeeze in those last moments of summertime fun and get ready for the fall. We hope that you were able to find moments of joy these past few months, while having time to re-energize. Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, is putting the final touches on the 2022-2023 Annual Training Calendar and we cannot wait to share what we have been planning!
The Child Care Resource and Referral Outreach Specialists have been busy attending community events around the state. This is a great opportunity for our Outreach Specialists to connect with families and caregivers, and share all of Child Care Aware of NH's services. After taking a brief pause, they will also be back to offering their monthly information session, "Searching for the Right Child Care". During this session, families can learn about the different types of care, get tips and suggestions to help with their search, and learn more about what makes a quality program.
The Training and TA Specialists are providing individualized technical assistance to programs through our Progressive Training & Technical Assistance programs. At this time many programs are selecting the "Q-Ready Staff Qualifications Initiative". Through this initiative, the TA Specialists assist programs with the new voluntary Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS) to improve program quality. They support programs and their staff in navigating the NHCIS Professional Registry, assess individual knowledge and skills using teacher competencies, create annual professional development plans and assist them with applying for their individual credentials and/or endorsements through the NH Early Childhood Professional Development System. The Training and TA Specialists have also been busy exploring new topics and finding resources to share with all of you for their upcoming Collaboratives.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you do for families and children. We hope that you enjoy this month's edition of Monthly Minutes.
Get ready to mark your calendars! Child Care Aware of New Hampshire (CCAoNH), a program of Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS), is excited to share a sneak peek of the 2022 upcoming Specials and Conferences!
New this year: CCAoNH is going quarterly! This first quarter will include professional development opportunities to be held in September, October, November, and December.
Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for more information about upcoming specials, conferences, trainings, and collaboratives for this first quarter. In the meantime, click the picture to the right so you can learn more about what's coming up, and don't forget to save the dates!
Looking for a printable version to share with your staff? No worries, click the button below!
We have a brand new LiveChat schedule! Looking for something on the website? Have a question about the Job Board? Come chat with us Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between the hours of 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
And don't forget to follow us on Facebook to find out about any LiveChat schedule changes or closures.
We look forward to chatting with you!
Child Care Aware of NH, a program of SNHS, would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the following programs on achieving a step in the new Granite Steps for Quality system:
- Appleseeds Day School, Exeter
- Barrington Village School, Barrington
- East Side Learning Center, Concord
- Easter Seals Child Development Center, Manchester
- Easter Seals NH Child Development and Family Resource Center, Manchester
- Kindercare Learning Center, Portsmouth
- Ralph Waldo Emerson School for Preschoolers, Concord
- Stay and Play Early Learning Center, Dover
- Sunnybrook Montessori School, Lancaster
- Southwestern Community Services – Ashuelot Head Start
- Southwestern Community Services – Claremont Head Start
- Southwestern Community Services – Jaffrey Head Start
- Southwestern Community Services – Keene Head Start
- Southwestern Community Services – Newport Head Start
- Southwestern Community Services – Swanzey Head Start
- Boys and Girls Club of Central NH – Pleasant Street Before and After School Program, Laconia
- Boys and Girls Club of Central NH – Belmont Early Learning Center, Belmont
- Boys and Girls Club of Central NH – Belmont Elementary Before and After School Program, Belmont
- Boys and Girls Club of Central NH – River’s Edge Early Learning Center, Laconia
- Boys and Girls Club of Central NH – Woodland Heights Before and After School Program, Laconia
- Children Unlimited, Conway
- Elemenope Principles Child Learning Center, Manchester
- Great Bay Kids’ Company Exeter Out of School Time Program, Exeter
- Learn as We Play, Goffstown
- Marguerite’s Place, Nashua
- Mary-Go-Round Child Care Center, Hooksett
- Walpole Village School, Walpole
- White Birch Community Center, Henniker
- The Winchester Learning Center, Keene
- Above and Beyond Childcare, Merrimack
- The Children’s Learning Center at CMC/DHK, Keene
- Children’s Center of the Upper Valley, Lebanon
- Goffstown Creative Kids Academy, Goffstown
- Keene Day Care Center, Keene
Thank you for your continued dedication to providing quality child care for the children and families of NH!
Starting The Conversation
Screen Time With Young Children
Screen time...those two words can bring out strong emotions and opinions from parents and educators alike. Are there any benefits? Are there negative affects? How much is safe? How much is too much?
In a world where technology is everywhere and always changing, it can be hard to make decisions about what is appropriate and inappropriate for young children. Zero to Three has some guidance on making good decisions about screen time for young children and how you can help the experience be more interactive.
CCAoNH Professional Development Opportunities
Need Training for Granite Steps for Quality?
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Time: 6:15-8:15 PM
Trainer: Katelyn Karugu, MBA, ECMPWT
Intro and Overview of the
Environment Rating Scales (ERS)
This training is an introduction and overview of the Environment Rating Scales. The training will provide basic information on the Environment Rating Scales, how to use the tools and the benefits of using the tools in your classrooms and program.
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2022
Time: 12:30-2:30 PM
Trainer: Bekah Kistler, ECMPWT
Progressive Training and TA Program
Apply to be a Progressive Training and TA Program when it works for your program! You will find the application on the Technical Assistance page or by clicking the button below.
We have several Progressive Training and TA topics programs can choose from this year:
- Business Management Practices
- Infant & Toddler Team Initiative
- NH Early Learning Standards
- Program Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Q-Ready Environment Rating Scales
- Strengthening Families, Strengthening Care
- Q-Ready Staff Qualifications Initiative
CCAoNH has open enrollment for the Progressive Training and TA Program!
The Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program is an opportunity for your program to participate in focused and facilitated teambuilding that promotes professionalism and program quality.
Want to know more?
Contact us at
(603) 578-1386, ext. 2526 and ext. 2532
or on LiveChat.
Monthly Health And Safety Resources
The resources found in this section can help support providers and families in planning for emergencies. You can find additional resources on the NH Connections Emergency Planning Page.
August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month. Did you know that vision disorders in children are fairly common? About 1 in 17 preschoolers and 1 in 4 school-age children require vision treatment. Uncorrected vision problems can impair child development, interfere with learning, and even lead to permanent vision loss; early detection and treatment are critical. Visual functioning is a strong predictor of academic performance in school-age children, and vision disorders of childhood may continue to affect health and well-being throughout the adult years. Take a look at the resources below to learn more about how vision develops in children and signs of vision problems to be on the lookout for.
Other Early Childhood News And Updates
Important Information From the Bureau of Child
Development and Head Start Collaboration
New Hampshire’s voluntary quality recognition system for licensed child care providers, known as Granite Steps for Quality focuses on improving the overall quality of Early Care and Education and Out-of-School Time (OST) programs in the state. Programs participating in GSQ will promote a culture of continuous quality improvement thereby improving outcomes for children and families to thrive and succeed in school and beyond.
Not sure how to get started? We invite you to contact Child Care Aware of New Hampshire and a TA Specialist will help answer questions, provide detail surrounding the rubrics and help you to become Q-Ready!
Early Childhood Credential Revision Announcement
On July 18th, 2022, the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration made an announcement pertaining to revisions being made to the NH Early Childhood Professional Development System. Please click below to read the full announcement.
Granite Steps for Quality Logo
Looking for a Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ) Logo?
See message below from the BCDHSC: GSQ Team:
Attention Awarded GSQ Child Care and OST Providers,
If you are looking for the Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ) Logo for use on your program’s website/ family marketing pages, please email NHGSQ@dhhs.nh.gov. There is a required signed attestation in order to use the Logo. Once the GSQ team receives your email, you will be sent the required attestation and digital GSQ Logo image for your use.
Upcoming Opportunities with The Bureau of
Child Development and Head Start Collaboration
State of New Hampshire Child Care Webinar Session Five: Employers and Child Care Creative Solutions and Partnerships
Trainer: Dianne R. Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
*this session is being combined with Session Four: Child Care – Successfully Meeting the Challenges that was scheduled June 20th
State of New Hampshire Child Care Webinar Session Six: Reaching Out and Reaching Up – Supporting Efforts to Address the Child Care Workforce Challenge Today and Tomorrow
Trainer: Dianne R. Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
State of New Hampshire Child Care Webinar Session Seven: Operating in the Success Zone
Trainer: Dianne R. Chase, Assistant Bureau Chief
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Important Update from the Child Care Licensing Unit
On July 19th, 2022, the Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU) put out an important announcement regarding a reduction in the cost of the eligibility card. To read the full announcement, please click the button below.
Update from the NH Immunization Program
*the following is a message from the NH Immunization Program
Hello Child Care Providers,
We wish to communicate the official changes to the Religious Exemption form used for School and Childcare generated from the NH State Legislature, HB1035, this spring.
Attached is an official letter from the NH Immunization Program regarding the changes to the State of New Hampshire Religious Exemption for Schools and Child Care, and the link to the new form on our NHIP Exemptions web page.
Thank you for your continued efforts to keep students protected against vaccine-preventable disease.
Early Learning NH, the State Early Learning Alliance (SELA) and the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund are delighted to share that they have jointly raised funding designed to HELP YOU to SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME and SUPPORT QUALITY!
ALL STAFF now have FREE access to the cost savings, tools and resources on the SELA Platform. Go to www.selanhmembers.com to register.
Administrators - Acquire4Hire is the first benefit recommended you sign up for! This free job posting tool allows you to create a job post and distribute with one click to Indeed, LinkedIn, and 6 other popular job sites for FREE – STOP PAYING FOR INDEED TODAY!
Use the set of prewritten job descriptions and manage your hiring process using custom workflows and templates.
Teachers - there’s so much for you, too! You could get $1,000+ worth of valuable benefits, savings, and resources!
Start with the Teacher Discount Cards to help you save on purchases with many common retailers. National retail businesses often offer discounts to teachers with valid identification. Download and customize a teacher identification card to provide the proper ID for discounts.
There is a sample list of national retailers offering discounts but you are encouraged to Google “Teacher Discounts” or ask your favorite retailer or business if they offer discounts for teachers. Many places don’t advertise their discounts but will honor them with a valid teacher ID.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program powered by Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this document was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.