What's in this month's edition of "Monthly Minutes"?
- Child Care Aware of NH on Facebook
- Revive & Thrive
- Early Childhood Tuition Assistance
- Choose Love Webinars
Hello Providers,
February has arrived and love is in the air! There's no better time to focus on self-love and self-care. People who take care of others often put their own needs last. When was the last time you did something for you, just for the joy of it? Caring for yourself is important for your health and wellness, as well as your ability to succeed at work. Child care is an incredibly rewarding profession, but it can also be demanding and challenging. Taking care of yourself allows you to be your best at work. The children you care for deserve you at your best, and YOU deserve to feel your best!
Take a look at this quick 10-minute video on the three (3) simple ways to practice self-care.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you do for families and children. We hope that you enjoy this month's edition of Monthly Minutes!
Have you signed up for the 2022-2023 Credential Challenge yet?!?!?
You don't want to miss out! Child Care Aware of NH is covering the cost of the application, as well as the cost for the Infant/Toddler Endorsement.
You'll also receive technical assistance from CCAoNH. So no need to stress if you're feeling a little overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, we've got you covered!
Oh, and have we mentioned there are prizes? Yep! All those participating in the credential challenge are entered into a raffle for some pretty nifty prizes!
You can commit as a team with your program, or you can join as an individual.
So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and join the Credential Challenge!
Child Care Aware of NH is on Facebook!
Did you know that Child Care Aware of NH has two (2) Facebook pages AND four (4) private groups?
We have a Provider's Page where early childhood professionals can stay up-to-date on all the latest news and resources from CCAoNH and our collaborative partners. We also have a Families' Page that's chock full of resources on child development, parenting tips, and much more!
To find our private groups, visit the Provider's Page. If you are viewing the page on a desktop click "More" and then select "Groups". For our friends on mobile devices, you'll click, "About" and scroll down a little bit to find groups.
Please note that it is a requirement that interested members answer ALL of the membership questions. This ensures that individuals are in the groups that are appropriate for them and best fit their needs.
CCAoNH Professional Development Opportunities
Let's Talk About What's "Bugging" You in the Early Childhood Classroom
Don't "bug" out! We get it, bugs are not everyone's cup of tea. They're creepy, they're crawly and sometimes their presence means not-so-pleasant things.
Join us for this year's Winter 2023 A.C.T. Series where we're talking bugs. Spend the first part of the day learning about all things lice: checking, detecting, treating, and preventing them.
Then we'll switch over to ticks. Learn about identifying ticks that transmit pathogens, how to manage outdoor spaces, how to check for ticks, and what to do if you find an attached tick.
We can't promise that you won't get a shiver down your spine at all during the training, but you will walk away with the tips and tools to keep your children and staff safe.
There are plenty of training opportunities happening in February! Need a little pick-me-up? We've got Revive & Thrive! Want something beyond just the basics of Environment Rating Scales (ERS)? Take a look at Community of Practice: Beyond the Intro and Overview of ERS! Looking to connect and share resources with peers? There are plenty of collaboratives to choose from!
You can register for collaboratives, ERS trainings, and more through NHCIS.
Early Childhood Focused Collaboratives
Early Childhood Collaborative Highlight of the Month:
Social Emotional Topics
Join Child Care Aware of NH, the first (1st) Monday of the month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 PM for Social Emotional Topics.
This month, Dee Dee Thurber, CCAoNH Program Manager, will be stopping by for a chat about Choose Love! If you're interested in this no-cost Character Social Emotional Development program for all ages, then join us on February 6th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM!
To register, click the button below.
Looking for some other groups to connect and collaborate with? Check out February's offerings!
Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program (PT&TAP)
Child Care Aware of NH offers seven (7) Progressive Training and TA Program Topics to support program quality improvement. The PT&TAP offers child care programs the opportunity to participate in focused and facilitated training and technical assistance.
Are you familiar with the NH Early Learning Standards? They are a statewide resource for everyone who loves, cares for, and educates young children. The Standards provide essential information to support and enhance children’s development and learning.
If you've ever wondered about implementing the standards, check out the Progressive Training & Technical Assistance Program (PT&TAP): NH Early Learning Standards!
This PT&TAP can support you in implementing and incorporating the NH Early Learning Standards into your program through daily activities, planning and communication with families.
Want to know more?
Contact us at
(603) 578-1386, ext. 2526 and ext. 2532
or on LiveChat.
Monthly Health And Safety Resources
Do you find yourself feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Burnt out?
Join us the third (3rd) Wednesday of the month at Revive & Thrive. You'll explore topics such as:
- Joy and Awe
- Self-Consideration
- Overcoming Negativity & Appreciating Life
- The Emotional Aspect of Teaching
- Navigating Through Conflict
- And so many more!
Take some time for YOU, and stop by Revive & Thrive!
Other Early Childhood News And Updates
Early Childhood Tuition Assistance Grant
Applications are now open for the Early Childhood Tuition Assistance Grant!
This grant is available to teachers working a minimum of 20 hours per week in a NH licensed center, and directors working a minimum of 30 hours per week in a NH licensed center.
For more information, click the flyer to the left. To apply, click the button below.
The Granite State 90-Day Winter Challenge is here!
The challenge is to be physically active for 30 minutes or more every day in the months of February, March, and April. Walk, snowshoe, ski, build a snowman, join an online fitness class – move however you like for 30 minutes! Participants may register with a buddy or a team.
Have you checked out the SELA Platform yet? ALL STAFF working at a NH Child Care Program now have FREE access to the cost savings, tools and resources on the SELA Platform. Go to www.selanhmembers.com to register.
This platform is designed to HELP YOU to SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME and SUPPORT QUALITY!
- Use the Job Posting (Acquire4Hire) to advertise job openings on Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor and 10 other places for FREE!
- Offer employees $1,000+ worth of valuable benefits, savings, and resources!
- Access to a steep discount for24/7/365 Telehealth services – no copays or wait times!
- Teacher discount cards (we can help you put your logo on them) for savings at many stores!
- Free, quick access to top-notch resources– templates, policies, flyers, posters, ready-made toolkits like an orientation package, etc. Curricula, activities, and over 2,000 valuable resources for child care administrators and teachers.
Learn more by logging into or registering on the SELA Platform at www.selanhmembers.com or by using the QR code below. Once you’re in just type “doctors” into the search box for Docs by Phone.
This spotlight webinar is for Out-of-School-Time, AfterSchool, and Expanded Learning Directors. School-Age Afterschool programs are the ideal place for students to learn the four ingredients of the Choose Love™ Social-Emotional Learning Program.
Join for tips, tricks and hacks for the implementation of the CHOOSE LOVE™ SEL Program in your afterschool / Out-of-School-Time / Expanded Learning Program (School Age).
SEL Fitness in collaboration with Choose Love teaches students the tools to access the potential within themselves by moving the static, shifting the mindset, resetting the nervous system and evolving the culture within the student.
Join this webinar for an opportunity to Understand the benefits of small bouts of movement therapy which improves focus, attention, on-task behavior, emotional regulation, interpersonal social skills and impulse control, while initiating and facilitating neuroplasticity and new pathways in the brain of all ages.
Experience hands-on the release of stress and anxiety, flushing of the foggy brain, a surge in energy, a shift and uplift of your mindset, and the powerful reset of your autonomic nervous system.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire is a Child Care Resource and Referral Program powered by Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this document was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.