CCAoNH Early Childhood
Focused Collaborative Meetings
CCAoNH, a program of Southern New Hampshire Services is offering virtual Early Childhood Focused Collaborative Meetings for Directors, Administrators, Teachers, and other Early Childhood Professionals. These Meetings are group-driven to reflect the participant’s needs and interests and to provide participants with information about the focused topics. In addition, participants will learn about Child Care Aware of NH program updates, essential local and State information, and other professional development opportunities.
Click here or on the flyer for more details about our Early Childhood Focused Collaborative Meetings.
Go to the NHCIS Training Tile to register for an Early Childhood Focused Collaborative Meeting.
Click here for more information on how to register for training in the New Hampshire Connections Information System (NHCIS)
Look below for this month's topics and to see what Focused Collaboratives we are offering in the 2022/2023 training year!
CCAoNH Staff will be at the Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA) Symposium and the dates of some of the collaboratives have changed to reflect this.
Infant & Toddler Collaborative:
Understanding Homelessness
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Parisi, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, Courtney Porter, MSW, MEd School Social Worker, and McKinney-Vento Liaison/DCYF Point of Contact from SAU 6 in Claremont NH, will be joining us to share information and resources on the topic: Understanding Homelessness and Its Impact on Children and Families. This is a powerful presentation with stories of NH families who are experiencing homelessness and what we can do to support them.
Business Management Collaborative:
Drinking Water Safety
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Time: 1:00-2:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitators: Kris Tabor-Hall, ECPDST & Donna Lake, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, we will hear from Lea Anne Atwell, Program Manager with the NH Department of Environmental Services, and Laurie Rardin, Environmental Health Coordinator with the NH Department of Health and Human Services.
Lea Anne will provide information about the "Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water" program, which supports child care programs in completing their state-required lead in drinking water testing. Come learn what is required to be following state law, and also how to receive free water sample testing, and what to do if you have lead in your drinking water. For more information visit or watch this short video: HB 1421 Overview - YouTube.
Laurie will speak about opportunities to pay for water treatment and additional free testing available to be sure your indoor air and the soil outside your facility are free of harmful contaminants. She will also review an environmental health checklist for early care and education providers. For more information, you may contact Laurie directly at 603-271-0357 or
Family Engagement and Communication Collaborative:
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Time: 1:00-2:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitators: Julie Choiniere, ECMPWT & Karen Abbott, ECMPIM
Topic: This month, Liz Scruton of New Hampshire Children's Trust will start our meeting with a brief overview of how we all take a role in Prevention. Learn more about the important work we all do each day to support families, and ways in which you can connect with community-wide supports. We all partner in the prevention of child abuse and neglect, so we hope you will join us.
Additionally, we will be discussing the book: Family Engagement in Early Childhood Settings by Mary Muhs. We will review the content and highlight some of our favorite family engagement strategies. Come prepared to share your thoughts and how you engage families in your program.
Preschool Collaborative:
Watch Me Grow, Ages and Stages and Learn the Signs-Act Early
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Kris Tabor-Hall, ECPDST & Donna Lake, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, Carly Ireland and Jennifer Pineo will be joining us to talk about Watch Me Grow, NH’s developmental screening, referral, and information system for families with a child ages birth to six years. Carly and Jennifer will also be sharing information and resources on ASQs and free kits!
NAEYC Facilitation Collaborative:
Nature-Based Mindfulness for Children
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Liz Scruton, MA, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, we will be exploring Nature-Based Mindfulness for Children with Stephanie Therrien, our Social Emotional Content Coordinator at CCAoNH.
According to Monica Wiedel-Lubinski: "Combining meditative techniques with concepts of outdoor nature play helps form mindful attitudes. By making habits like these a routine, children become more aware of physical sensations, notice how their bodies respond to emotions, and develop greater compassion towards others."
Social Emotional Topics Collaborative:
Vroom: You Already Have What It Takes!
Date: Monday, May 15, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Stephanie Therrien, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, Nichole Cotton, Outreach Specialist with CCAoNH, and Julie Choiniere, Training & TA Specialist with CCAoNH, will share information about Vroom! What is Vroom?
Vroom is an early learning initiative that empowers parents, grandparents, families, and childcare providers to turn everyday moments into brain-building moments with children from birth to five. Vroom is based on the latest science and designed to fit into everyday routines. Vroom provides families and providers with daily activities that support this learning and supports their children’s development.
Montessori Perspective Collaborative:
Difficult Conversations with Parents
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitators: Christine Brown, ECMPWT & Donna Lake, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, participants will be exploring ways to manage those difficult conversations with parents of children with hard-to-handle behaviors.
Bring your own experiences, ideas and questions, and be ready to explore this topic with your colleagues. Please note that the privacy of children and parents in your programs must be respected.
Family Child Care Collaborative:
Drinking Water Safety
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Connie Davis, ECMPWT
Topic: This month, we will hear from Lea Anne Atwell, Program Manager with the NH Department of Environmental Services, and Laurie Rardin, Environmental Health Coordinator with the NH Department of Health and Human Services.
Lea Anne will provide information about the "Get the Lead Out of Drinking Water" program, which supports child care programs in completing their state-required lead in drinking water testing. Come learn what is required to be following state law, and also how to receive free water sample testing, and what to do if you have lead in your drinking water. For more information visit or watch this short video: HB 1421 Overview - YouTube.
Laurie will speak about opportunities to pay for water treatment and additional free testing available to be sure your indoor air and the soil outside your facility are free of harmful contaminants. She will also review an environmental health checklist for early care and education providers. For more information, contact Laurie directly at 603-271-0357 or
Registration Information:
Registration is free and available through the NHCIS Training Tile.
- Registration closes the day before the collaborative.
- To register use the “Week View” or Month View” and then choose which session(s) you would like to join. Please note that registration cannot be completed in the “List View”.
- On the day of the meeting, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting as well as the evaluation link.
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required.
Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern New Hampshire Services
Child Care Aware of NH is a statewide Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this email was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, Division for Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and the US Department of Health and Human Services.