_____The dog days of summer seem to have come for a visit while it’s still the merry month of May! School is out for the year and the children are almost as giddy as the teachers! Vacation Bible School at Cedar Crest is coming up and the stage is set for an awesome summer! We hope you enjoy this issue of our newsletter. Thank you to Sara Shackelford and Jessica Kent for being our special contributors this month. May you be encouraged, inspired and uplifted by what God has laid on their hearts to share with us. With Mother’s Day in our rearview mirror, Children’s Director, Lydia Garlington, had fun polling some of the children about what their mothers are really good at. And Patti Rigal wraps up the May newsletter with her View from the Pew.

_______God is mighty good y’all! See you Sunday at church!

~Your Women’s Ministry Leadership Team

Gayle Bryan, Kelli Clark, Mary Clark,

Ester Hicks, Kathy Jordan, Jessica Minter,

Patti Rigal, Melissa Shackelford, Sarah Terral and Nichole Thornell

_____Finally graduating is one of those things I’m glad to get out of the way. I’ve always been one of the kids who dreaded going to school, and never saw the purpose in it. Struggling with anxiety and being pretty awkward made it a tough time. It was only in this past year that I learned to enjoy where I was at, through maturing and learning my worth. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and it took me a bit to notice maybe I was the problem. And it was time for me to fix it. Thank God it was revealed to me and I’ve changed for the better. God has used a lot of things I’ve done this year to redirect me to Him, and has used a lot of people too. It’s always been a comfort to me knowing He hasn’t let me go, even if I’ve let Him go.

_____After school is over, the first thing I think about is where to get a job and what I’d like to do. I’m feeling lead to go into hair because I’d love to use the creativity I’ve been blessed with. It would be a great way to get to know people, listen to them, and be a light in their life. I’ve got a little while before that all unfolds though because I have a back surgery in June. This used to be a nerve-wracking topic for younger me. And now it’s just something I know will make me better, even if it’ll be a process.

_____Thinking on things like this shows me how many prayers have been answered from a long time ago. Knowing God has helped me become accepting of the unknown, and has helped me adjust my mindset is amazing. I pray that everyone can feel the same in confusing times. I’m so excited for this next step in life!

...making people feel better.

She’s a nurse “coptitioner” - Myra Bradley

...eating - Vivian Staples

...giving people shots, taking their blood pressure,

and talking on the phone - Lincoln Wilson

...doing her school - Addilyn Hand

...checking people’s hearts - Lily Lewis

...watching Sister dance - Hollis Clark

...playing at church - Mariah Walker

...cleaning up toys - Bridger Craig

_____I just got out of the shower and there was a spider the size of something you’d see in Australia perched right on top of my fluffy towel I had warming up. So, I’m standing in my bathroom dripping water everywhere in a stand off with what I can only assume is a tarantula. All my other towels are on the other side of Earth in my dryer. I’m trying to figure out what in the world to do first: obliterate the spider on my beautifully fluffy towel, run away screaming and wake my entire house up, or just put my clothes on my soaking wet self and get a new towel and start over with new pajamas. Well…. I chose the first option. It was the wrong option. One million little tiny baby spiders scattered EVERYWHERE. Mind you my entire master bathroom is *maybe* 75 square feet and I’m trying to tango with enough baby spiders to sink a ship. So, I involuntarily commenced to the second and third options simultaneously. Now I’m running through my house in my birthday suit, soaking wet still and trying to throw some clothes on. Just for the record, it’s nearly impossible to put clothes on if you don’t dry off. It’s even more difficult when you’re trying to do it while running through a pitch-black house. Callie was the only one that woke up, thankfully and I think that’s just because she sleeps right by the bathroom door. Anyway… I’ve got to admit, it was not my finest moment.


_____Happy Mother’s Day to me. If you need me, I’ll be practicing my flame throwing.


_____PS: Daddy, for Mother’s Day this year I would like you to get some magic poison and get rid of all the spiders on the Earth. Or just the ones at my house. Whichever you have time for. 

_____While waiting my turn for my name to be called at one of my recent appointments, a lady walked by wearing my mama’s signature fragrance and I got a good whiff of a precious memory. It was all I could do to not follow her down the hall sniffing after her, but then that would just be too weird and security would more than likely be called to haul me away! But oh what a moment in time that was. Truth be told, I didn’t even know they still made “Woman” by Jovan since it has been 29 years come this year’s Father’s Day that mama last squirted some at all the appropriate pulse points any belle worth her grits knows is proper and lady-like. Even as she languished in Intensive Care at Glenwood, she liked having a little of her perfume dabbled behind her ears after her sponge bath. After she passed away, I kept her half-used bottle of Woman on my mirrored perfume tray that sits on my boudoir’s dresser so that every now and then I can spritz a little into the air, think of Mama and wistfully smile.


_____Though allergic to most fragrances, there are a few that I can tolerate fairly well. Like the Chanel No. 5 Daddy gave me for Valentine’s Day when I was about nine. Now what child gets a gift of Chanel No. 5 at such a young age? Mama had been in New York on Merrill Lynch business that year and with my brother and sister having plans of their own, I was Daddy’s date for the evening. Twas a wonderful Valentine’s Day dinner at the fancy Embers restaurant wearing my favorite Sunday dress eating fried shrimp and all the grownup fixins. Daddy gave me the sweetest card he had picked out and signed himself “Love Daddy”. Mama usually picked out the parental Valentine’s card and signed it for the both of them. I still have that little card tucked away in my hat box of memories I keep on the top shelf of my closet. Daddy then presented me with a gift wrapped present and imagine my surprise when tearing open the wrapping paper I find a bottle of Chanel No. 5. Though the fragrance was much too strong for a child so young as I, that bottle sat on my vanity for years long after I had become a full-grown woman.


_____My siblings and I accidentally discovered that each of our signature fragrances was Obsession. None of the three of us had ever realized that, but when we were lined up together at Daddy’s wake/visitation, we realized we smelled alike! It’s kind of a heady fragrance not to mention a little expensive – even when purchased from Amazon. And so it has come to be that I reserve Obsession to be worn at special family occasions with my brother and sister like birthday parties, Christmas and Thanksgiving gatherings, family reunions and the like. 


_____Some fragrances I’m simply allergic to. A trip into the perfumery at the outlet mall in Foley, Alabama has my nose dripping, my eyes watering and a fit of “sneezures” commencing that soon send me running out the door. And it doesn’t matter how cheap or expensive the cologne or perfume, when I’m allergic, I’m allergic! I remember standing next to a tenor in the Edgewood choir who wore enough Stetson that had my throat closing up from the Doxology to the Just As I Am. Whoof!


_____And there was a lady lawyer friend who wore an expensive perfume she could only find at Dillard’s. It was aptly called “Galore” for it was as though she bathed in it. The girls at the courthouse giggled when she would come a'callin to tend to legal matters for long after she left the aroma of her perfume lingered.


_____In John 12:3, we read of Mary taking an expensive perfume and pouring it on Jesus’ feet and wiping them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful act of love towards Jesus. Mary took her best, most expensive, perfume and poured it out over Jesus to anoint Him. She saw something so beautiful in Jesus and wanted to express her love for Him.

_____Well, that’s my view from the pew. May wherever we go, like my lady lawyer friend, we leave a galore of His signature fragrance in other people's lives that they might get a strong whiff of His love and light, goodness and grace!


Your Women’s Ministry Leadership Team:

Gayle Bryan, Kelli Clark, Mary Clark,

Ester Hicks, Kathy Jordan, Jessica Minter,

Patti Rigal, Melissa Shackelford, Sarah Terral and Nichole Thornell

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