We are blown away by the generosity and support from our CCCS community, especially during this time!

A generous CCCS family has offered to match every gift, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 to see us meet our COVID-19 Relief Fund goal (see the second thermometer graph below). This means the impact of your partnership will be doubled—if you give by June 3, 2020.

Would you prayerfully consider making a gift to our COVID-19 Relief Fund?

You can now pledge to give your service hours.
We are incredibly thankful for every participant whether sponsor, ticket holder, parent volunteer, basket maker, donor, or teacher who hosted an experience/ made a basket. Also, shout out to our former CCCS families and alumni who participated. Go Cougars!

Our Marketing and Development Office (located near the front of the school) will be open from 10am-3pm on Monday, May 11 to Friday, May 15 so you can pick up your physical items . Please wear a mask and show us your receipt before picking up your items. For those who won certificates or gift cards and have paid, we will mail your items starting next week.

We received a few emails from people saying that they already paid for their items online but are being asked to pay again. Please disregard the notification if you have paid already. If you are not sure, please double check your credit card history and reach out to Maritere Guerrero at (925)934-4964 extension 240 or development@cccss.org .

We will be posting the few items that did not have a winner online so you can purchase. Please stay tuned.
Every year, as part of our Crab Feed and Auction, we host a Paddle Call to fund a particular school project. This year, we decided to do a COVID-19 Relief Fund to help strengthen our financial stance as a small Christian, private school.

With YOUR help, we met almost half our goal in less than 30 days of launching our online auction website. THANK YOU!

If you did not get a chance to participate in our online auction, you can still give. Right now, every gift will be matched, dollar for dollar until June 3, 2020. Helps us end the school year strong and consider making a tax-exempt donation if you are able to. We are accepting credit card payments , checks, and pledges. Please issue checks to CCCS and mail to our school domain: 2721 Larkey St, Walnut Creek CA 94597
Hymn by The Psal­ter

Thou visitest the earth with showers, 
Thy boundless store supplies its need;
For fields enriched and well prepared
Thou dost provide the sower's seed.

The furrows where the seed is sown
Are softened by Thy gentle rain;
Thy gracious care and providence
Supply and bless the springing grain.

The year with goodness Thou dost crown,
Thy ways o'erflow with blessedness;
The hills and valleys, clothed with green,
Are joyful in their fruitfulness.

The pastures teem with flocks and herds,
The golden grain waves o'er the fields;
All nature, singing joyfully,
Her tribute of thanksgiving yields.