Before we know it we'll be dusting off our cobwebs and mud and getting ready for another fabulous driving season.
Sunday, May 4, CCDS will be hosting our Spring Clinic. We have an exciting lineup of experts for our annual seminar. This is an open format with plenty of time for questions. There is something for everyone no matter what level.
Panel of Clinicians Veterinarian Allie Catalino, Taren Lester, Jessica Axelsson and Mary Waller.
Please see the attached flyer with all the details for our upcoming Spring Clinic. Please complete the signup form: Sign Up and RSVP to Maureen by April 30.
Our monthly meetings will be starting up again in March. We will be moving to another day of the week away from Wednesday nights to accommodate many of our members' busy schedules. Stay tuned for date and speaker details.