September 2018
D ear friends,

Thank you to everyone who joined CCEH in wishing Lisa Tepper Bates all things wonderful in her new endeavors. We are also so appreciative of the great support we have received from our colleagues during this transitional period. As an agency dedicated to change, we are embracing the opportunities ahead to work closely with you in ending all forms of homelessness. 

With much gratitude,
Mary Ann Haley
Deputy Director & Interim CEO
CCEH Feedback Survey Results
In July, with generous support from Melville Charitable Trust, CCEH partnered with Cross Sector Consulting to send a confidential survey to over 2000 of our stakeholders. The survey asked for feedback on our core services of training & technical assistance, advocacy, data & research, community level support, and emergency assistance.

Most respondents rated our core services positively by agreeing or strongly agreeing across all questions in that category as indicated by the percentages below: 

  • Training & Technical Assistance (92%)
  • Advocacy (92%)
  • Community Level Support (88%)
  • Emergency Assistance aka "the be homeful project" (88%)
  • Data & Research (86%)

We also received very useful feedback on ways to improve; including enhancing our lines of communication with our local stakeholders, improving data accuracy efforts, and increasing the range of training topics.

Other Responses Include:
  • CCEH communications are helpful to my organization. (92%)
  • CCEH understands the challenges CT faces in ending homelessness. (88%)
  • CCEH effectively communicates my region's concerns to policymakers (82%)
  • CCEH is helping to increase knowledge about ending homelessness in CT (92%)
  • CCEH is helping to end homelessness in CT. (92%)

We encourage you to view the one-page summary of the survey results, the training summary, and the presentation that was given to our board.
Update on Chronic Homelessness Efforts
Through the strong coordinated efforts underway across the state, we are on track to advance our shared goal of ending all chronic homelessness (the long-term homelessness of those with severe disabilities) by the end of 2018. Together, through the Reaching Home Campaign, we have permanently housed more than 2,371 Connecticut residents who have been identified as chronically homeless since 2015.

In our final push, we’re working closely with the Coordinated Access Networks (CANs) to ensure that we’re deploying existing resources efficiently, using real-time data to improve performance, and connecting communities for group problem-solving a nd knowledge sharing.

With your help, we’re taking some additional steps to support the progress on our benchmarks for ending chronic homelessness in the state... Read the full update .
New Report on Homelessness Among
Formerly Incarcerated People
The Prison Policy Initiative recently published a report entitle d, " Nowhere to Go: Homelessness among formerly incarcerated people " that shows the link between incarceration and homelessness. The report provides the “first estimate of homelessness among the 5 million formerly incarcerated people living in the United States, finding that formerly incarcerated people are almost 10 times more likely to be homeless than the general public.”  

Connecticut Addresses this Link
Connecticut has already begun addressing the link between incarceration and homelessness. The Reaching Home Campaign has a "Taskforce on Criminal Justice and Housin g" which started tackling this issue and is co-chaired by CCEH's Mimi Haley and Terry Nowakowski from the Partnership for Strong Communities. New this year, is the state " Legislative Housing Re-Entry Working Group" formed through the Commission on Equity and Opportunity. These work groups have and will continue making strides towards preventing and ending homelessness for formerly incarcerated people.
Utility Assistance Resources
Challenges with utilities can result in someone becoming homeless, and once homeless, can be a significant barrier to getting them back into permanent housing. CCEH recently created a Utility Assistance resource page for providers to help navigate their clients through these challenges.

Employment Resources
The CCEH website now has an employment resource page with information on barriers to employment, youth employment resources, information on Workforce Development Boards in Connecticut, and the presentation used during our August 20th Youth Housing and Employment cross-training.

Greater Hartford and Central CAN Regions
We would like to thank Capital Workforce Partners and our Greater Hartford YETI leaders, Niya Solomon and Rochelle Currie, for working with us to develop a streamlined process for employment referrals and developing the cross-training. As part of this new process, referrals to th e Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ( WIOA) Youth Liaisons will be made directly from the youth/young adult CAN appointments occurring in the Greater Hartford and Central Coordinated Access Network (CAN) regions. On the housing side, staff will work to identify an appropriate housing solution for the youth/young adult while their employment needs will be assessed by employment navigators so they can be referred to the most appropriate employment resource. This process is illustrated in the graphic below.
Gov. Malloy Announces $61.5 Million to Support Affordable Housing Development in Diverse Communities
Governor Malloy recently announced that the State of Connecticut will award more than $61.5 million in grants and loans to help create, rehabilitate, or expand 24 housing developments in 20 towns and cities across the state. The investments will create or rehabilitate 978 homes.

“The availability of affordable housing for low and moderate-income residents is a driver of economic growth and will make Connecticut a more vibrant place to work and live,” Governor Malloy said. “When we invest in housing, we invest in people, communities and our economic future.” Read the full announcement.
Could Connecticut Be the 1st State to
End Youth Homelessness?
Melville Charitable Trust is holding an event on Octobe r 24th to give Connecticut funders insight into state and local work to end youth homelessness. Anyone who is interested in this issue is welcome to attend. Learn more and register to attend.
Expanded CCEH Webinar Capacity
Previously, CCEH webinars had a limited capacity of only 100 participants. Due to recent webinar interest well beyond our capacity, all future webinars now have the capacity for 500 participants. We hope to have you join us in the future!
Upcoming Trainings & Meetings
Recently Recorded Webinars
Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
(860) 721-7876 |  [email protected]  |

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