Volunteer Newsletter at a Glance:
  • New Facebook Page
  • CCF Online Store is Here!
  • Volunteer of the Month
  • You did it!
  • Volunteers in Action
  • Team CCF Update
  • Volunteers Needed
New Facebook Page
The Foundation has created a new Facebook page to spread awareness for Cholangiocarcinoma. It is called "CCF Awareness" and can be found here:

The Foundation invites you to follow, like and share the content to spread the reach to others on social media.
CCF Online Store Is Here!
Check out the new Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Gear!

We have winter beanies, sherpa blankets, water bottles, bumper stickers, awareness pins and more!
All models pictured above are cholangiocarcinoma patients.
Volunteer of the Month
Each month we will recognize those whose contributions inspire us and who demonstrate excellence in their service to others. This award was created to thank those outstanding individuals and to bring to light the immense efforts, time and resources that are generously given to the Foundation.
Cindy Mrotek
Cindy Mrotek has been involved with the Foundation for just a few short years but already has a long list of contributions to prove her passion and commitment to the Foundation’s mission. 

Cindy lost her mother to cholangiocarcinoma on Christmas Day of 2016. As a mother of young children, Cindy remembers how extremely hard that day alone was in and of itself. It was during the week of her mother’s initial diagnosis that she met Katie Glenn (CARE Team and Team CCF), whose father had received the same diagnosis in the same week. Over time a friendship developed between the two caregivers. When Melinda Bachini, CCF Advocacy Coordinator, reached out with an invitation for Katie to join the CARE Team, Katie immediately knew Cindy would be an incredible addition.

Cindy jumped into the newly founded CARE Team role with a genuine and ambitious attitude. She was an integral part of planning the CARE Team’s first events in Chicago which included a fundraiser, mini-symposium, entertaining the entire marathon team, planning and organizing all aspects of the event and more! Additionally she has a creative knack for spreading awareness - as she helped initiate the green light bulb campaign to light up communities, hospitals and homes to spread CCF awareness. The Prudential Buildings and the Wrigley Building in Chicago will be lit green this month thanks to her contributions.

She attended her first annual conference with the Foundation this January and while there arranged, planned and completed a spontaneous podcast interview, as well as started the Foundation’s new CCF Awareness page on Facebook. She is an incredible volunteer with an immensely positive attitude, a heartfelt desire to make a difference, and an equally strong work ethic which makes all her ideas a reality. The Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the generosity of her time, skills, talents and passions which she has so freely shared. It is a privilege to honor her as the Volunteer of the Month.
You did it!
During Annual Conference 2019 we were pleased to introduce the Volunteer Recognition Award pins to our volunteers. In 2018 we had over 67 active volunteers, with many giving 25+ hours of volunteer service throughout the year. Many thanks to all of our volunteers!
Volunteers, and patients alike, wear their green during Annual Conference 2019.
Volunteers in Action
Heidi dropping off her "Hope beads" for the patient lounge.
Toni and Robyn drop off treats to the patient lounge for the annual conference.
Conference volunteers Cindy, Jerilyn, Celia and Alie help out at the new CCF Store.
Abigail and Caitlin enjoying the patient lounge together.
Team CCF Update
TeamCCF is ready for 2019. Our team for the Chicago Marathon is full, however, if you have your own bib and want to fundraise for the Foundation, you still can. Just send us an email.
TeamCCF's upcoming events are the Cleveland Marathon, The Colfax Marathon in Denver, the Chicago Half Marathon, the Indianapolis Marathon and the New York Marathon!
As always, if you have your own event you would like to compete in, we can help you with a personalized fundraising page and provide support with informational pamphlets and TeamCCF gear.
Volunteers Needed
Social Media Influencers
Social Media Influencers work to recognize and support people hosting social media fundraisers, spread awareness of the Foundation’s mission, and research and develop social media campaigns. For more information about becoming a Social Media Influencer please visit the link below:

Patient Mentors
Our CholangioConnect Mentoring Program is growing and to keep up with all the requests for mentorship we need more Patient Mentors for newly diagnosed patients. In order to qualify as a Patient Mentor you MUST have been personally diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. 

For more information about the CholangioConnect Mentoring Program please visit the link below.

Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation | (888) 936-6731 | [email protected] | cholangiocarcinoma.org