As we look back at 2021 during this Advent season, we hope you and your families are enjoying a time of reflection, relaxation, and spiritual renewal. While we know that many saw struggles and challenges during 2021, we also saw some very positive steps forward. The Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego continued to provide a valuable impact to our grantees in several areas of interest including Catholic parishes, Catholic schools, social service agencies, and our Catholic vocations.

Thanks to your continued support, we hope that 2022 will be a year where we will share new and renewed initiatives that make a positive impact in our community. We are excited to share the good news in the coming months.

May God continue to bless you all now and always.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2022!
Talk to us about creating your Catholic legacy. Please give us a call. 

Manny Rubio
Foundation News

Don Kojis, NBA All-Star and Co-Founder of Whispering Winds Catholic Camp has been reunited with our heavenly Father. With the blessing of the Kojis family, the Whispering Winds team has established a Legacy Fund in Don's memory at the Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego.

We are honored to commemorate Don, who, through his service to God and our Community, made an everlasting impression on our hearts.

"Dad could have parlayed his NBA career into coaching or a front office position but he felt a calling to build this special place where people could get away. He made this extraordinary pivot from the NBA to devoting his heart and soul into the camp. Whispering Winds was his life’s masterpiece." - Matt Kojis

Thank you for loving the Kojis family through your prayers.

Click here for additional information about Don Kojis's life and legacy.
“Blessed is he who believes in the promises of God, and I think that's why Don could keep his promises because he knew God's promise for him and now he's celebrating that promise in heaven…we will forever be changed because of your yes, and we promise you, Don, that we will keep forever pushing forward, to keep whispering winds as a light and a beacon for all of those who need to know the Lord's love we're going to miss you and we love you”. – Paula Bott, Director of Marketing & Programs, Whispering Winds
For more information on the Don Kojis Legacy Fund,
Please contact us at:
858-397-9701 or 
The Whispering Winds Catholic Camp has and continues to support so many families and children throughout their faith journey. Please consider a contribution to the Don Kojis Legacy Fund today.
Donor Spotlight

Thank you to the Carter Family Fund and the Dwyer Family Fund!
The contributions from these funds "support Rise Up Industries’ 18-month Reentry Program for formerly incarcerated individuals who grew up in street gangs".

-Nicole Wriedt
Development Manager
Grantee Testimonial

At the age of 11, Angel’s life goal was to join his father and uncle in prison. He ended up spending 41 years of his life incarcerated. While in prison, Angel was inspired by Kairos prison ministry and decided to turn his life around. Angel joined Rise Up Industries after being released and became a well-paid supervisor at a local manufacturing company. He is raising two grandchildren after his son followed in his footsteps and became incarcerated.

Looking back on his life, his father’s life, and his son’s life, and then toward his grandchildren, Angel stated,

“The cycle ends here."

These ideas are some of the simplest and most effective ways you can reduce your tax bill.

Contact us to learn more ways you can save this year by helping the causes closest to your heart.
Tax saving tips to get ahead in 2022!


If You Have:

  • Low-performing stocks that have outlived their usefulness to you.

  • Real estate you are tired of holding onto.

  • A business ownership where you wish to reduce your share.

  • High-performing stocks you wish to sell but that would result in steep capital gains.

Consider These Tips:

  • Update your portfolio by selling stocks that have lost value. Balance losses with gains from other stocks.

  • Give that real estate (or part of it) to a qualified charity. You lose the burden of maintaining and paying taxes while gaining income tax advantages.

  • Donate a share of your closely held stock to charity. You receive an income tax deduction and reduce your ownership.

  • Transfer (never sell) your stock to us to fund a charitable remainder trust. Receive income as well as tax benefits.

  • Use almost any asset you have to establish a charitable remainder trust. You receive tax advantages (plus possible estate tax benefits) while supporting our cause.

Many things you might consider a burden can be used to your advantage. Call or email us to learn about ways you can increase your income, save taxes and benefit the people and causes important to you.
May We Help?

If you would like further information on any charitable planning strategies, please contact us. We can help you create a plan that meets your needs and goals.
Call or email Manny Rubio (CEO) 
(858) 397-9701
Heading into 2022!

We want to sincerely THANK YOU for your continued support and contributions to the Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego. We look forward to serving you and your San Diego and Imperial Valley communities in 2022!

God Bless,

From the CCFSD Team