Meal service will be available for virtual learners at their home campus. The exception to this is for students that attend Clear Horizons ECHS, Clear View High School, and Clear Path Alternative Program. Students that attend these campuses will need to go to the comprehensive high school in their home attendance zone.
Meal service will be available on days classes are in session and students will be able to pick up a breakfast and a lunch at the same time. Students or parents will need to be able to provide proof of enrollment at the time of meal pick up. Proof can be the student’s school-issued ID or enrollment information through Skyward.
Week of August 24th – 28th
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Available to all students
Week of August 31st – September 4th
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Available to only students in online learning. Any students that have returned to “Brick and Mortar” school will have meals available through the cafeteria.
Week of September 8th – September 11th
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Available to only students in online learning. Any students that have returned to “Brick and Mortar” school will have meals available through the cafeteria.
Please refer to SchoolCafe for the menu at each site and the cost of meals by each eligibility status. To keep contact to a minimum, families are encouraged to deposit funds in their student accounts through SchoolCafe.