Welcome to the Chemung County Library District

January 2025 Newsletter

Check out our Events Calendar to see a full list of library events!

New Website, Coming Soon!

We will be launching our new website in early January, which will include the Library District's new logo! The new website will allow patrons to register for programs and reserve meeting rooms online.

Holiday Hours

January 1 - Closed
January 20
- Steele open 9-5 PM (branches closed)

Technology Training at CCLD Libraries

Five hands holding a smartphone, each. Faces are drawn on them and they get progressively happier; the last phone shows a heart.

Volunteer Tech Help is available on Fridays at 1:15pm at Steele. Call to make an appointment with volunteer Steven, for help with your device! Steven is also able to help with assistive tech for the visually impaired (can recommend apps and services). Call 607-733-9173 (option 4) to reserve a spot.

Learn to use your tablet or smartphone, in a small group setting.

Steele: Tuesday, January 7, 1pm - Tablet Talk

Horseheads: Tuesday, January 21, 2pm - Tablet Talk

CCLD Makerspace

sewing machine with peach fabric in the process of being sewn

Wednesdays, 5:30pm - Hard Reads: A weekly fighting game group

Sewing Classes & Workshops

January 6, 5pm - Hand-stitch Mending

January 13, 5pm - Open Sew

January 16, 5pm - Project: Bowl Cozy

January 23, 5pm - Sashiko Stitching

January 27, 5pm - Open Sew

January 30, 5pm - Project: Book Cozy

Online Activities via Zoom

January 10, 1pm - Big Flats Book Club (In-Person & Zoom)

January 11, 10am - Genealogy Club

January 23, 6pm - CCLD Virtual Evening Book Club

Steele Memorial Library

gloved hand holding three packets of "home garden" seeds

Don't Forget - Seed Harvest!

If you have surplus seeds, please consider sharing them with the Steele Memorial Library for our Seed Lending Library! Bag them up and mark what type they are and their name; we will get them ready for borrowing in the spring.

Spanish Language Books Available at Steele!

Spanish language books, in both fiction and nonfiction, are available in the new books area at the Steele Library (new titles, as well as some classics). Fill out a reservation card, to offer your title suggestions.

As the Rental Collection Heads Toward the Sunset…

We are sunsetting our Rental Books, but don't despair; the same books previously featured on the Rentals shelf will be added to our new book section for borrowing without a fee. Thank you for supporting the Rental books all these years.

Activities for Adults

watercolor palette, brushes, and water

January 6 available until gone - Spice of the Month: Black Peppercorn!

January 2, 6:15pm - Steele Photography Group

January 8, 2:30pm - Calligraphy in 3D with Wynn

January 10, 11am - Watercolor Painting with Straws

January 16, 6:15pm - Steele Photography Group (Tech Lab)

January 18, 2pm - Pokemon GO

January 21, 1:30pm - Watercolor Washes with Wynn

January 21, 6pm - Bad Movie Night: Black Sheep (2006)

January 22 & 29, 6:30pm - Improv with Tim

January 24, 11am - Wine Cork Coasters

Saturdays, starting January 25, 1pm - Learn to Knit with volunteer Christina

Activities for Teens

7th-12th graders can hang out any time the library is open, in the teen space at Steele Library. Read, draw, do crafts, play video games, board games, watch TV, or just chill with friends. Don't have a library card? No problem. We can get you one. You don't need a library card to hang out in the space.

January, 8 & 22 , 6:30pm - TEEN Safe Zones

January 17, 6:30-7:30pm - Friday after Hours Hide & Seek

January 18, 2pm - Pokemon Go group

January 22 & 29, 5:30pm - Teen Creative Writing

January 22 & January 29, 6:30pm - T.A.L.E. Play Writing

January, 23, 5pm - Teen Art Journaling / Scrapbooking

January, 27, 5pm - Teen D.I.Y. Toaster Oven Pizza

January, 28, 5pm - Teen D.I.Y. Mini Altoid Tin bookcase

January 31, 6:30pm - After Hours Teen Nerf Battle

Mondays, 5:30pm - Teen D&D with Tim Collins or Teen DMs

Tuesdays, 4:30 pm - Beginning Teen D&D with teen Daniel

Tuesdays, 6pm (not Jan 7) - Steele Teen T.A.L.E. (Teen Acting Lab of Elmira)

Wednesdays, 5pm - Teen Advisory Group (TAG)

Thursdays, 4:30pm - Teen Anime Club

Saturdays, 2:00 PM - Teen led D.T. Club (Dice Throne club)

Activities for Youth

Construction hat, blueprints, ruler

Steele Children's Department is almost done undergoing construction as part of the ongoing renovation project. We will end up with a Children's Room!

All Month - Weekly Riddles & Puzzles, Look & Find Cabinet, Activity & Coloring Sheets

January 6 - Kid's Take & Make Craft. Begins: 'Paper Chain Penguin' (First come, first served)

January 15, 3:30-4:30pm - LEGO Club (K-6)

January 6, 13, & 27, 10am (No Jan. 20) - Preschool Playtime

January 17, 3pm - DIY Wishing Stars & Jars (ages 5-12) Registration Required: call (607) 733-9173 x5

January 22 & 29, 3:30pm - T(w)een Theater with Tim (Ages 8-12) Registration Required: call (607) 733-9173 x5

January 23, 4pm - T(w)een Refresh Your Room Craft Series: Washi Tape Light Switch Cover (ages 8-12) Registration Required: call (607) 733-9173 x5

Friday Morning & Tuesday Evening Storytimes return in February.

Big Flats Library

All Ages

January 22, 3:45pm - Family Afternoon Movie: The Wizard of Oz (1939-PG).  Popcorn and beverage will be served.

Activities for Adults

felt in a variety of colors and a needle

Call 607-562-3300, to register for programs.

January 10, 1pm - Big Flats Book Club (In-Person & Zoom)

January 16, 2:30pm - Needle Felting: Winter Projects.  Needle felting winter hours start an hour earlier at 2:30!  (funded by the Big Flat's Women's Club)

January 23, 2pm - Movie Afternoon:  A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019, rated PG). Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

January 28, 3:30pm - Craft for Adults: 3D Paper Snowflakes. Please call 607-562-3300; registration limited to 12.

January 30, 2:30pm - Needle Felting: Winter Pojects. (funded by the Big Flat's Women's Club)

Activities for Teens/Tweens

paper snowflakes hanging from a wooden stick

January 10, 3:30pm - Snowflake Window/Wall Hanging Project. Create your own wintery snowflake decoration to hang in your window or on the wall! Please call to register! 607-562-3300.

January 14, 6pm - Tween & Teen Popcorn Movie Night:  Teen Titans Go!  To The Movies (2018-PG).  Popcorn & beverages will be served!

January 17, 3:30pm - DIY Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub. Call to register (607)562-3300.

Activities for Youth

Wednesdays, 10:30am - Storytimes with Miss Emily (no storytime 1/1 & 1/29).

January 10, 3:30pm - Snowflake Window/Wall Hanging Project. Create your own wintery snowflake decoration to hang in your window or on the wall. Please call to register! 607-562-3300.

January 21, 5:30pm - Lunar New Year Program: Join us for a special evening storytime. Learn about Chinese New year, the animal zodiac, and lucky traditions. We will make a snake craft to welcome the year of the snake.

January 22, 3:45pm - Family Afternoon Movie: The Wizard of Oz (1939 PG) Popcorn and beverage will be served.

All month - Kids Craft Table (all ages): Decorate a Wooden Snowflake.  Stop by the Big Flats Library Craft Table anytime to make your snowflake ornament!

All month - Scavenger Hunt:  Polar Bears! Polar Bears are on the loose in the Children's Department. Help us find them for a reward token!

Take & Make Craft - January's Craft is Popsicle Stick Ice Skates. Call 607-562-3300 to reserve your kit or stop in and pick one up; while supplies last.

Thursdays, 3:30pm - Kids & Teen LEGO Club

Join the Kids Book Club at the Big Flats Library!  Kids, read to earn tokens.  Don't forget to pick up your reading log sheet at the Big Flats Library.


Our book club meets the 2nd Friday of the month at Bulkhead Hardware in Southport at 1:30pm. For the month of December we read "The Road from Gap Creek" by Robert Morgan, to discuss on January 10th at 1:30pm. This month we will read "The Dutch House" by Ann Patchett, to discuss on Feb 14th.

Horseheads Free Library

Activities for Adults

six illustrated donuts

January 7, 14, 21, 28, 10:30am - Gentle Movements with Tammy Wilcox

January 8, 15, 22, 29, 10:30am - Yoga with Tammy Wilcox. This is an instructor led Yoga class, a mat and comfortable clothes needed.

January 13, 5:30pm - Delicious Donuts Painting: Step by step instruction painting donuts (registration required)

January 21, 2pm - Tablet Talk

January 24, 2:30pm - Following the Light with Wynn Yarrow. Learn how to sketch with pen and pencil. (registration required)

January 27, 6pm - Writer's Support Group

Activities for Teens

January 8, 6pm - Upcycle books into picture frames. Don't throw away your old book, instead proudly put in on display! Books will be provided but feel free to bring your own special book of your choosing. Registration required: (607) 739-4581 or email Britt Moyer at moyerb@stls.org.

January 15, 5:30-7pm - Horseheads Anime & Manga Club: This new group is for any tween and teen fans of anime and manga. Join us for watch parties and related activities.

Activities for Youth

This month's take 'n make is a Melted Snowman craft.  The kits will be available all month long.  We are offering another build a bear type program this month. The animal is a leopard.  Space is limited and registration is required. This program is being offered twice this month. Pick the date that works best for you when signing up.

January 7, 14, 21, 28, 3:45pm - Coding Club (3rd-5th graders)

Tuesdays, 10:30am - Join us for our new Family Storytime with Ms. Hannah

Wednesdays, 1:30pm - Homeschool Huddle

Thursdays, 10:30am - Toddler Toy Time

January 8, 3:30pm - Play Dough Construction

January 14, 6pm - Bingo

January 15, 3:30pm - Lego Club

January 21, 6pm - Leopard Stuffing Workshop Session 1

January 28, 6pm - Leopard Stuffing Workshop Session 2

Van Etten Library

Activities for Adults

woman sitting next to a stream in a medatative pose with her eyes closed

Mondays, 1:30pm - Mindful Meditation: Let's just SIT and start the week in a mindful way with a guided meditation.

January 3, 12pm - Van Etten Book Club: We will be reading and discussing "Nicked" by M.T. Anderson. Newcomers are always welcome!

Activities for Everyone

Wednesday Origami: Supplies are provided just bring your creativity and imagination!

Activities for Youth

Fridays, 10am - Family Storytime - We are learning the letters of the alphabet with books, crafts and songs! This storytime is intended for toddlers/preschoolers and their caregivers, but everyone is welcome!

January 3, 3pm - Tween/Teen Moviecraft- Come hang out and watch "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" (PG) Make stone art and try some Turkish Delight!

West Elmira Library

closeup of a snowflake against a dark background

Monthly Scavenger Hunt - Snowflakes - Find all the snowflakes hidden around the library to win a prize.

Monday, January 27, 6:30pm - Adult - Cookbook Book Club

Tuesday, January 28, 4pm - Youth - 1231 Club - a kids book club

Tuesdays, 3:30pm - Creative Coloring Club

Wednesdays,10:30am - Homeschool Group (beginning 1/8)

Thursdays, 10:30am - Family Storytime (beginning 1/16)

Third Thursday of every month, 3pm - Tween Maker Hour

New Library of Things items to check out at the library: Pickleball Set, Countertop Pizza Oven, Chocolate Fountain, and Ninja Creami

Library Services at Home

Enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, streaming video, online classes, language learning, and more, from the convenience of your home! Check out the library's Featured Services page for a list of digital services that can be accessed remotely with your Chemung County Library District card.

Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots are available to check out from Steele Memorial Library and West Elmira Library for those in need of internet access. Call (607)733-9173 x4 (Steele) or (607)733-0541 (West) to reserve a hotspot. *You need to be in an area with T-Mobile cell phone reception, in order for the hotspot to work.*

If you need help accessing your account, email our virtual reference desk edesk@stls.org for assistance.

In This Issue

New Website

Holiday Hours

Technology Training

CCLD Makerspace

Online Activities

In-Person & Takeaway Activities at...

Steele Memorial

Big Flats



Van Etten

West Elmira

Library Services at Home

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