JULY 30, 2021
EVANGELIST BLESSING is an opportunity for CCM as a community of Christ followers to receive an affirmation of God's love, calling and ongoing ministry. Three Evangelists (Blessing Team) have been appointed to present this blessing to the body during the 2022 Celebration. Preparation and support from the body of CCM is very important part of the blessing experience.

As a supporter of CCM we are announcing FOUR separate opportunities for your participation as part of this experience.

1) PERSONAL PRAYER: Providing your personal prayers and dedication for this effort during the coming year.

2) STUDY AND KEEP UPDATED: Stay informed about our progress by reading and studying the topics under discussion.

3) ATTEND OPEN MONTHLY MEETINGS: Attend, when possible, monthly (on Zoom and open) Blessing Team meetings for inspiration, prayer and presentations about God's call to CCM.

4) REGULAR TEAM PARTICIPANT: Serve as one of 10-15 regular volunteers who are willing to support us in ongoing prayer, fasting when possible, and attending the Blessing Team meetings. If you feel so led, please contact Evangelist Lorenzo Hill. A link is provided below for you to contact Lorenzo.

Your help and support in any of these opportunities will be not only a blessing to CCM, but to you and others as you participate.

Thank you and may God bless you on your journey,

Ed Slauter
Winnie Tepper
Arlene Winslow
Bev Moor
Steve Calloway
Lorenzo Hill
Robert Slasor
Bill Howard
Gary Elrod

FIRST 'BLESSING TEAM' MEETING - To Be Announced (MID AUGUST) . Look for the announcement.

(for audio only:iPhone, Telephone) 1-669-900-6833. ID 2839321395

Team Contact: Evangelist Lorenzo Hill
Call or text: Ph (918) 231-4848 Email: [email protected]