Vaccinated children! I can not imagine a gift I could be more grateful for at our school than this image of a healthier future and a path forward past the pandemic and its limitations to learning! Many thanks to Kathleen Ratcliff and Dr. Ashley Moss for sharing their expertise with our community at our recent Town Hall on "Kids & the Covid Vaccine". Please watch the recording if you were unable to join us live.
I wish each of you a joyous Thanksgiving celebrating with loved ones. There is indeed much to be grateful for in our lives, most especially the beautiful young children in our midst. Safe travels and happy cooking. Thanks for testing prior to our Monday, November 29 return to school, whether you stay home or go to see family and friends.
With a grateful heart,
Travel Notification
As you begin making travel preparations outside DC, Maryland, or Virginia for the upcoming holidays, please make sure to complete this quick Travel Notification Form which can also be found on our website. We track all travel plans so that teachers can know when to expect each child’s safe return to class.
Submit your Thanksgiving plans no later than Wednesday, November 17.
Submit your Winter Break plans no later than Monday, December 13.
Mandatory Community Wide Testing
Prior to November 29 Return to School
If you are traveling out of the DMV region:
Please submit your information (see above instructions) and remember to administer your test no earlier than a full 72 hours after you return home. Results should be emailed to Noni Lindahl at
Thanks for our CCPC Community Engagement parent leaders:
Laura Bierbower, Tracey Gardiner, Shannon McMahon
We are planning a community service event to support this organization around Valentine's Day! Look for details in mid-January.
Classes Enjoy Holiday Fun at CCPC
Sanctuary Visit and
Sing Along
with Organist Julie Evans
December 14 & 15
Blue Sky Puppet Theater
Big Room Show
December 10
Mark Your Calendar
Winter Break
School Closed
December 20 - 31
MLK Jr. Day
School Closed
January 17
Supervision Is Essential
There have been several recent instances of babies left in cars "for just a few minutes" at dismissal, or older children told to wait alone outside for a parent. This is dangerous and should never be done. If you need help with a pickup or drop off, please call the offie 202-363-2209 and we can stand by your car, or wait with a child as needed. It only takes a moment for something bad to happen. Likewise, drive carefully in carpool and near our building. There have been a recent sightings of "on the run" children getting very close to moving vehicles. Thanks for your extra care to keep all our children safe.
Reading Corner
Just as spoken and written language exists to convey meaning, so do children’s drawings.
To learn more about the developmental stages of children's drawings, explore this excerpt from Bob Steel’s Draw Me a Story: An Illustrated Exploration of Drawing-as-Language.